Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1937 Gold-Eating Ants

Now, we both can no longer take it seriously!

Han Laoliu and I looked at each other and looked back nervously.

Could it be that those agencies were activated?


A dense and harsh sound came from far behind, and it was getting closer and closer.

After a short time, a small black dot appeared under Bai Yingying's flashlight.

It was floating up and down, erratic, like smoke and dust, flying straight towards the two of us.

Getting closer, I finally saw clearly, it was an ant!

Densely packed, such a big group!

What's even more terrifying is that I have seen these ants.

It's the gold-eating ant that Parker hides in his pocket, the kind that can bite through iron cable steel plates!

Before I could tell Han Laoliu, his expression had already changed: "No, it's gold-eating ants! They should be hiding in those small holes and sleeping. Now I don't know if any mechanism is touched and they run away." Out."

"Old Liu, run quickly, I'll block him for a while." As I said that, I pulled out a magic talisman and threw it towards him.

boom! The talisman exploded and a fire broke out.

The ants did not dare to cross the fire and paused temporarily.

"Why should I block it? This is not an ordinary gold-eating ant. If it bites me, it will not be as simple as losing a piece of flesh. Run away." Han Laoliu grabbed me and shouted.

Is there anything scary about this thing besides its sharp teeth?

At this time, I didn't have time to ask in detail. When I saw Han Laoliu's appearance, I knew that he must have suffered this long ago, and he was even more afraid of hurting Miss Caiyun.

The two of us took advantage of the gap between the flames and spread our legs and ran all the way.

The buzzing started again, and more sounds came in.

There were the rustling sounds of climbing, and the thumping sounds of jumping. It was unknown what else besides the ants had joined the chasing army.

After not running far, there were two forks in the road ahead.

The two roads were exactly the same, and there were no traces of the little white dragon walking on them.

At that moment, we didn’t have time to distinguish them carefully, so we just picked one at random and ran in quickly.

Not far after entering the fork in the road, there was an almost vertical step downwards. Han Laoliu and I quickly climbed down with the help of vines.

Dark, hairy moss grew on both sides of the stone wall, and the black vines stretching out from the cracks in the stone became thicker and denser.

When I climbed to the bottom of the steps, I discovered that the entire ground and the top of the stone wall were covered with vines, not even a single crack was exposed. Even the original color of the stone surface was invisible!

It's soft and very smooth when you step on it.

These vines are much thicker and look like intestines! And they were all rotten and blackened, smelly intestines.

The ground is paved and the ceiling of the cave is suspended. It feels like we have walked into the intestine processing room of a long-abandoned slaughterhouse. The air is filled with an indescribable odor. Everything under our feet is slippery. Looking at it made me feel even more disgusted.

But we can't care about that much at this time, we just run all the way!

After probably running for more than thirty minutes, the sounds of those following him gradually became quieter and finally disappeared.

The two of us slowed down our pace. After turning a corner, a stone tablet more than two feet high appeared in front of us. There was no word on it, only a large handprint.

The handprint was half a foot deep and red as blood.

The pitch-black vines were bounded by this, and there were no more vines behind the stone monument.

There are large flat stone slabs on both sides of the passage behind the stone monument, and even the stones on the ground are polished extremely smooth. It seems that we have not really entered the depths of the ancient tomb until now!

Han Laoliu and I leaned against the stone wall, panting from exhaustion, and at the same time raised our ears to listen carefully to the sounds coming from all around.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

In addition to the rapid breathing of both of us, deeper in the dark passage, crisp ticking sounds could be heard from time to time.

It was like water droplets falling on the ground.

The sound was very soft, but it spread far and wide. Every sound was heard very clearly, as if it was close to my ears.

After resting for a while, continue along the passage.

The path ahead became narrower and more irregular.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, some murals with simple compositions and rough lines appeared one after another on the stone wall.

They were a group of little people about half a finger long, their limbs simply formed a line, and their heads were just slightly larger black dots, which looked like they were made of matches.

They hunted in the mountains, farmed on the fields, and a group of children played happily. The entire mural presented a peaceful scene.

For the next mural, a large jet-black stone was specially selected. All the lines of the scenery were incised, leaving bright lines on the black stone.

With pointed cone-shaped roofs and bright bonfires, people are celebrating the harvest with singing and dancing.

Then, a group of monsters appeared in the night.

Some of these monsters look like big birds, some look like crocodiles, and some look like a combination of tigers and elephants.

The monsters rushed into the village, destroyed the houses and killed the villagers.

The next mural is made of blood-red stone, with countless small black dots and dense lines, which simply and clearly outlines the tragic scene at that time!

The people who had escaped with their lives panicked and ran into the depths of the forest and got into a dark cave.

The monsters broke down trees and chased after them through the jungle.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the boundless darkness.

That light is both dazzling and shining. The painter at that time deliberately made this beam of light very deep, as if he had paid incomparable respect!

After the light, nine flying dragons came running from a distance!

Nine flying dragons pulled a brilliant vehicle, in which sat a tall and mighty figure.

The monsters were all stunned when they saw this light, then turned around and ran away, far away from the earth.

People all knelt down towards the beam of light and worshiped sincerely.

The final scene was restored to its original state, with the monsters gone and people living a peaceful and peaceful life again.

This may be a true portrayal of the Japanese ancestors' worship of Amaterasu.

It was Amaterasu who drove away darkness and monsters and brought peace to people.

After walking past the mural, the ticking sound became more and more clear, as if it was right in front of me.

After turning another corner, a white shadow suddenly flashed out under the flashlight!

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