Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1978 Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation

Xiao Bailong and I were back to back, he trapped the white shadow with ice and snow, and I locked the black shadow with the ghost lock.

The black and white figures were attacked by us at the same time and could not break free, but the guy was not afraid at all.

"Not bad, not bad." Bai Ying shook half of his head and said with a sinister smile: "No wonder those trashes left outside the door can't stop you, they really have some skills." The black shadow also laughed and said: "Liu Lang, if I didn't remember If I’m wrong, since we debuted, there seems to be only one person who can control both of us at the same time, right?”

"Yes, that old guy's name is Gray Pigeon, but he has been missing for a long time and may never appear again!"

"Oh, yes, yes, it is said that he disappeared into the Valley of the Devil together with the father of Satan. It seems that he may have died together! Haha, from now on, we will have no natural enemies."

Senior Gray Pigeon?

Senior Gray Pigeon has ever captured these two guys?

These two guys were completely controlled and couldn't move at all, but they didn't show the slightest hint of fear. They started talking and laughing in front of me and Xiao Bailong.

"Where does all this nonsense come from? Master, I will send you to the west right now." Xiao Bailong shouted angrily, raised his hand and threw out a wind blade.

With a click, Bai Ying's head was cut off instantly.

As soon as the head hit the ground, it spread out like scattered quicksand, but there was no trace of blood on either the head or the neck.

"Oh, it hurts!" Bai Ying screamed from his neck, and then he stretched out half of his head amid a rustling sound.

It’s exactly the same as what happened just now!

This time, I was a little confused!

It seems that what we are facing at this time are Izumoshita Goro and Izumoshita Rokuro.

Moreover, they have one body and two souls, one soul hidden in the white sand, and the other soul hidden in the black mud.

Each soul has its own mind and spiritual power, and can switch at any time.

They seem to have no body, but their bodies can gather and disperse at will, just like the immortal monsters in myths and legends.

This is simply a horrific monster!

Could this be...a bipolar method?

There is a record in the "Yin Fu Jing" that when the yin and yang methods are practiced to the extreme, the yin and yang can be converted, come and go freely, and cannot be eliminated unless both methods are killed at the same time.

It seems that these two guys must be practicing the dual-pole method of yin and yang!

However, although this bipolar method can break the yin and yang, it is still done by one person and one soul from beginning to end. It is a bit nondescript to use the power of two people to cultivate yin and yang.

It seems that this must have been deliberately reserved when Senior Jue taught the method, and after hundreds of years of changes, these two guys were not proficient in what they learned, and only half of it was mastered. He actually merged their souls into one, turning them into an out-and-out yin-yang freak.

In other words, they are both no longer human and will never be able to transform into humans again.

What we are facing at this time are just two ghosts possessing the sand!

It's just that this ghost is a bit difficult to deal with. It must be killed using Taoist pure yang techniques and side sect pure yin techniques at the same time to be effective.

Little White Dragon has lived in the Tianshan Mountains for a long time, and his aura is very cold. My Yin Soul Lock was also borrowed from the "Yin Fu Jing".

Both of these spells have an excess of yin power and a deficiency of pure yang.

So I can only trap him temporarily, but I can't kill him!

I don’t know how Senior Gray Pigeon caught them both in the first place, and why he let them go?

When Xiao Bailong saw it, he was a little shocked and at a loss. Not to mention encountering such an opponent, he had never even heard of it before.

But how impatient is Xiao Bailong's temper? If you can't kill him with one knife, just use a few more.

He immediately raised his hand and fired the wind blade again!

"Hey, don't, don't..." When the white shadow saw it, he hurriedly advised: "I'm not here to fight with you, but to discuss cooperation with you."

"Cooperation?" Xiao Bailong said angrily: "What's the point of talking about something like you that is neither human nor ghost? Just die."


As soon as he finished speaking, another wind blade flew out.

The half of Bai Ying's head that had just come out of his neck was cut off again.

"Hahahaha." The black shadow trapped in the ghost lock by me sneered at the sight: "I mean Liulang, I think you should not come out. The little guy in front of you is too impulsive. Wait until you finish speaking. He might even have to chop him off ten or eight times, the feeling of having his head chopped off is not pleasant."

After speaking, the black figure glanced at me and said, "You are so anxious to charge all the way, do you want to save someone? I know where that person is."

Is he talking about the first year of junior high school?

I was suddenly startled, and Xiao Bailong also stopped waving his arm.

The black shadow paused and said: "As long as you help me fulfill a small condition, I will help you rescue this person. Then we can go our separate ways and not invade each other, how about it? Do you think this cooperation is still possible? Talk about it?”

"What nonsense!" Xiao Bailong said angrily: "Young master, I will kill one less one. If you are all destroyed, it will not be too late to save others." He said that he was going to take action again.

"Wait a minute." I stopped Xiao Bailong and asked Xiang Heying: "Tell me first, how are our people doing, and what are your conditions?"

"Your people have fallen victim to old man Ito's soul-controlling technique." Bai Ying showed half of his head with some fear, and huddled in the white sand-condensed neck cavity and said angrily: "However, the old guy seems to have kept his other It's useful, there's no danger for the moment, I just keep him with me, and..."

As he spoke, he squinted at Miss Caiyun who was standing far away: "Since you rescued this girl earlier, Old Man Ito has stepped up his vigilance. Now your people are imprisoned by him, both in soul and body." He is under tight control! Only the two of us have the means to rescue him. But..."

"But old man Ito has always been with the old protector." Black Shadow answered: "With your ability, even if you can kill Ito, you are definitely not the opponent of the old protector. After all, if you want to save people, the only way The way to do that is to work with us.”

When Bai Ying saw that the little white dragon was no longer attacking, he also tried to get the half of the human face out of the neck again, and added: "And haven't you been trapped in a life-and-death contract? We also have ways to help you break it, and also I can ensure that you leave the ancient tomb safely. Of course, after leaving the ancient tomb, our cooperation will end. Whether you can leave Japan alive depends on your luck."

Xiao Bailong turned his head and glanced at me, his eyes full of suspicion. If it was true what these two guys said, there was really something to talk about.

Rescue Chu Yi and leave the ancient tomb safely, this is our original purpose.

But what is their purpose in doing this?

"Then what are your conditions?" I asked with a calm expression.

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