Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1980 Three-Legged Crow

"What?" Heiying and Baiying were stunned at the same time, and said in surprise: "It's not fair, why is it unfair?"

"You just said you wanted to help us save people, right?" I asked.

"That's right! This old thief Ito Shohei is not only insidious and cunning, but his ability to control souls is also at its peak! He has killed countless people over the years, what good end will your people get if they fall into his hands? Although the old guy didn't hurt him now, he must be hiding some big conspiracy. Once..."

"I know this." I interrupted the black shadow's slightly exaggerated description: "But what I want to know is how you two can help? You also said you would help me find the formation, right? You can also remove it easily. Ito Shohei and the Great Protector, right? But after talking for a long time, isn’t your solution just one: smash the black porcelain three-legged crow? But in the end this matter was completed by us. What I want to know now is, What can you two do? Just providing such a piece of information is called cooperation?"

"This..." Bai Ying touched his head: "Rescuing your people, breaking the life and death contract, and killing Ito Shohei and the Great Protector, isn't this perfect enough?"

"It is indeed perfect." I nodded and said, "But at the same time, it is also very dangerous. You might lose your life if you are not careful. And...this seems to be the wish of both of you, right? We will try our best and risk our bodies and souls." To complete all this at the risk of destruction, but what about you two? Are you just waiting to reap the rewards? Then what’s the point of this cooperation? You just gave a message, why should you get such a cheap thing for nothing? "

"An advantage?" The black shadow snorted in dissatisfaction: "If you really think that we two took advantage, then you don't have to do it at all! Anyway, it's not our people who are in Ito's hands. "

"Yes, yes!" Bai Ying continued: "We brothers have been pondering back and forth in the ancient tomb for so many years, and finally found this extremely important clue: the seal that opens the formation eye is on the three-legged crow. And that formation of eyes is the only way to break the life-and-death contract. If you don't break the three-legged crow, there is no way to escape. As for how to do it, you can choose for yourself."

"Not bad, not bad." Black Shadow said again: "Anyway, we have been here for so many years, and we are not afraid to stay here any longer. But you... When the Great Protector and the old thief Ito came out with the artifact, there was no way to survive at all. Got it!"

"It's up to you whether you want to go or not. Anyway, there's nothing you can do against us brothers. There's nothing you can do about it! But when the Great Protector and old thief Ito deal with you, it's like squeezing an ant to death."

"Really?" I smiled slightly and said: "What if they find out that you two brothers not only leaked the secret, but also have been trying to break the formation and murder them? And who said I will take you? There’s no way around it.”

I suddenly sneered and slowly drew out the ghost-killing swords.

As I drew the knife, the ebony core in my arms turned into a circle of black light, and suddenly fell on the blade, like a jet black edge, shining black and revealing murderous intent.

"Huh?" The black and white figures gasped. The white figure was so frightened that he retracted his head into his neck. The black figure also stared at the blade with a pair of small eyes, fighting slightly.

"With my current cultivation level and this pair of knives, I still may not be able to kill you." I swung the blade around the black shadow's neck and said with a sneer: "But, this is also It’s enough to make you regret meeting me!”

As soon as I finished speaking, I slashed the black figure's head with only half left.

"Ah!" The guy screamed, and I cut off a layer of his skull.

A piece of black mud fell to the ground, and black smoke continued to rise.

Oh, another knife!

The forehead with the eyebrows was also split open, and as soon as it hit the ground, I sprinkled another layer of cinnabar on it.

There was an unpleasant smell of putrefaction in the black smoke, as if a large cesspool filled with rotten shrimps had been turned upside down under the scorching sun!

These two people practiced the bipolar method. Although Xiao Bailong and I could control them, we did not have enough pure Yang power to kill them on the spot.

However, the spells of these two guys are, after all, castrated and deformed versions, which are far from the true bipolar way.

The skills of these two people come from the Jiuyou sect, and the ebony core is one of the three treasures of the Jiuyou, and it is also an extremely yin thing - although it does not have the power of Yin and Yang double killing and cannot remove their souls, it can still make them They are in agony!

While the black shadow screamed wildly, I stabbed the white shadow several times without any direction.

Although I still don't fully understand the true power of the ebony core, I can move it at will and control it freely. This ebony core is indeed extraordinary, even the black and white double shadows that are neither alive nor dead, painless and feelless can't stand it.

These two guys no longer had the arrogance and disdain they had just now, and they suddenly started screaming and howling miserably.

At this time, even Xiao Bailong was a little shocked. Although he could also cast spells that specifically damaged the consciousness, it was extremely consuming of spiritual energy. How could he be as relaxed and comfortable as me?

After slashing a hundred times in a row, these two guys finally couldn't stand it anymore and begged for mercy: "Okay, okay! You're so cruel... let's talk about it later."

"If you don't even have any sincerity, what's there to talk about?" I pretended not to care and continued to slash.

While I was talking, the black and white figures had been chopped alive by me into a puddle of white sand and black mud, with green smoke rising and a stench filling the sky.

"Yes, yes, sincerity..." The pile of white sand was churning over and over again, making a miserable sound.

"Tell me about it!" I stopped the knife in my hand and pointed it directly at Baisha.

The scattered white sand gathered into a face flat on the ground. The face twitched a few times, and said with a slightly painful expression: "Although the two of us are limited by the magic, we cannot face Ito and Ito head-on." The great protector can help you hold back the formation."

"Array Eye?" Xiao Bailong and I quickly looked at each other and said, "You mean this Array Eye is a living creature?"

"Not bad!" The pile of white sand suddenly stood up and slowly turned into a human form.

The face formed by the black mud spoke as the words were spoken, and streams of mud emerged from the mouth from time to time: "From what we have seen, that array of eyes must be a living thing, and it is extremely huge, but we don't know what it is." .”

"Since they are living creatures, they cannot cause harm to us, so after you smash the three-legged crow, the two of us can enter the three-way intersection. Hurry up and help you stop the formation before Ito and the Great Protector."

"Help us?" I looked back at him coldly and said, "You are helping yourselves!"

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