Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2008 Game Maniac Little Bailong

Xiao Bailong glanced at Chu Yi coldly and said, "I told you to keep up with the times and keep up with high technology, right? But you just refused to listen and stayed in the Hong Kong Taoist temple to recite sutras every day."

"What high technology?" This confused me.

Xiao Bailong glanced at us sideways and said, "Do you know what a tank is, what a nanny is, and what an output ADC is?"

"Ah?" Suddenly, a few words that he didn't understand popped out of Xiao Bailong's mouth, which made Chu Yi feel very embarrassed.

"Tch, have you ever played "League of Legends" or "Honor of Kings"? Tanks stand in front to block damage, nannies increase blood and heal, and output ADCs hit hard! You don't understand this. I really wonder how you are doing this. It’s a mess in the high-tech era.”

It seems that Xiao Bailong can only understand this! Games seem to him to be high-tech.

"What does that have to do with our hunting of Yamata no Orochi?" When Chu Yi heard that it was a game, one hundred and twenty people immediately didn't believe him!

"Why doesn't it matter?" Xiao Bailong explained: "Look, our current configuration is just a team! Caiyun has flame protection, and its defense ability is very strong. Isn't it a beautiful tank?"

"Lao Liu's Ivy can infuse spiritual power from a distance and replenish our blood and heal our wounds. Besides, he has eaten and drank enough now and has plenty of milk. One of you stabs with a sword. This is the melee ADC, and the other is swinging the knife and The one who throws the talisman is the auxiliary. I stand behind and throw the ice knife and wind blade. This is the long-range mage. What a perfect combination! As long as we work together, we will be able to defeat this big BOSS! Then we can get experience points and equipment, right? Beautiful.”

As soon as he said this, all of us suddenly had black lines on our heads.

I really didn’t expect that Xiao Bailong, a crooked talent, would use all his skills on this!

Not to mention, according to his calculations, this is still the safest solution at present. It seems that when this guy has nothing to do, he often visits Internet cafes.

A few of us studied the specific plan again, and finally decided on it, so that’s it!

Just think of it as playing a dungeon with Xiao Bailong!

Chu Yi and I climbed up the branch of the tree and studied the method of breaking the formation. Then, the two of us worked together to set up a sacrifice altar around the ancient tree.

Let Xiao Bailong run back, drag the bodies of Ito Shohei and the dead monkey back, and place them in the center of the altar.

Then the magic talisman was burned, and blood dripped from the bodies of the eight crows.

boom! There was a sudden explosion, and the entire ground collapsed.

It was only then that we discovered that the bronze trunk exposed on the ground was only a small part, and there were more than 20 meters further down.

But underneath there were two people hugging a thick tree trunk, like a huge bronze pillar.

As the shattered sand and dust fell to the ground, Xiao Bailong, the captain of the dungeon team, completely took over the command!

"The tank is in a defensive posture, move forward carefully, and don't attract monsters!"

"Nanny always pays attention to everyone's condition!"

Below is an extremely spacious hole, filled with a damp and fishy smell.

Miss Caiyun set out a blazing flame and walked cautiously ahead. Chu Yi and I followed closely behind, and Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu were at the end. This was the so-called path exploration according to Xiao Bailong's command. formation.

The entrance of the cave gradually went down, getting deeper and deeper, and as I walked, there was a strange rustling sound above my head.

This voice sounded so familiar, until he reached a breach and saw the corpse lying on the ground moving forward, as well as the black-headed kid hiding in the chest of the corpse, and then he understood it. It turns out that the little ghosts in the corpse mountain not only gave the corpses to the demon vines to eat, but also moved all the way here to feed the Yamata no Orochi!

As I walked, the fishy smell became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Bailong pressed his hands in a serious manner and said: "Attention, we are getting closer to the BOSS. Everyone has entered the first level of alert and is ready to fight at any time!"

After turning a corner, under the illumination of a flashlight, we finally saw the true face of the Yamata no Orochi!

To the naked eye, this guy looks like a group of snakes entwined together. It's not until you find that there is only one tail that you notice that these heads are actually on the same body.

The snake's head is triangular in shape, several meters long, and its eyes are the size of cantaloupes.

It kept spitting out the serpentine, twitching and making loud crackling noises in the air.

In the holes above, corpses were pushed down by black-headed imps from time to time. The eight snake heads either divided the work and cooperated, each tore one end off, or simply raised their necks and swallowed them, and they were very busy!

Maybe they don’t even realize that they are actually feeding into a belly.

"Listen to my command and don't move! Tank, hold on! Nurse, add some blood! Come on." Xiao Bailong shouted loudly.

Miss Caiyun followed Xiao Bailong's instructions, her hair flying in the wind, and she rushed over with fierce flames.

Before it even got close, the big snake was spotted. It roared wildly, and all eight of its heads moved in unison, rushing straight towards Miss Caiyun!

Miss Caiyun emitted rays of light and protected her whole body, relying on the wall of flames to resist her left and right.

Chu Yi was about to jump to help, but was stopped by Xiao Bailong, who shouted sternly: "Are you in a hurry to send ADC? The tank hasn't stopped the aggro yet, you will fight soon."

I wanted to get angry on the first day of the new year, but now, I have to listen to him!

Miss Caiyun was in the center of the group of snakes, covering her left and right. From time to time, she was pushed far away by a big snake, or she was surrounded by two other snakes at the same time, almost entangled in layers. It was extremely thrilling every moment, and we were really sweating for her.

But Xiao Bailong just wouldn't let us move. Han Laoliu was so anxious that his hands were all sweaty!

"Chili sauce! Is this all you have?" Xiao Bailong shouted from far behind: "Where did your ability to wet the bed when you were seven years old go?"

"It was the first time I saw a boy other than me. I was so embarrassed that I didn't dare to look up for a whole day. Now I'm shamelessly chasing the ugly Han Laoliu. Are you still shameless?"

"What's so good about Lao Liu? Do you think it's because he knows how to make green vines, which are thick and long?"

"Little White Dragon, wait!" Miss Caiyun shouted angrily, and her body suddenly became red.

This is like fighting a big snake, and you can't get away, otherwise Miss Caiyun and Han Laoliu would have started a men's and women's doubles fight and beat up Xiao Bailong!

As Miss Caiyun's body became more and more red, she was gradually able to stand firm in the center of the snake group. The eight snake heads hit the wall of flames one after another without taking any advantage. They immediately changed their strategies and moved up, down, left, and right, trying to get behind her and tear her alive.

"Now! Come on." Xiao Bailong screamed fiercely.

The rest of us couldn't wait for a long time. As soon as we heard his shout, we immediately pounced on him.

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