Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2014 Red Tongue Ghost

Under Li Mazi's arrangement, the salvation ceremony was quickly held.

Although it was the first time for Li Mazi to host such a big scene, fortunately, it was not the first time for him to experience such a thing. Especially now that he is just starting out, he is even more confident!

Generally speaking, ancient battlefields like this are just a gathering of some ownerless Yin spirits. Because they cannot return to their hometowns and have no one to worship them, they form a place of Yin and evil.

As long as the Yin spirit is saved here and the Yin energy can be dissipated, it will naturally be solved.

After listening to Li Mazi's story, I didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Originally, he thought everything went well. After the festival, he hurried back to Wuhan.

But who knows, just yesterday the developer suddenly called him and said that something happened at the construction site!

Nothing happened during the day, everything was normal. But at night, there were waves of creepy ghost cries, strange screams everywhere, and several ghost figures wearing white robes and dragging red tongues floated over the construction site until dawn.

After a few days, everyone at the construction site was so frightened that they dared not continue working.

Many people don’t even want their wages and just pack up their luggage and go home!

Rumors spread that the construction site was haunted in the middle of the night. The boss could no longer recruit anyone, so he had to stop and quickly called Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was a little confused when he heard the news.

With his current ability, he can only do things such as helping people to be saved and getting rid of evil spirits. He simply can't handle such evil spirits appearing and being tortured so fiercely, so he has no choice but to come to me.

"Brother from the Zhang family." Li Mazi said with a bitter face: "You have to go over and take a look no matter what. It's a shame that I stumbled, but my reputation has been exposed a long time ago. You can't afford to embarrass this person... …”

"Pack it up, let's set off immediately!" I said directly.

It is a trivial matter to have a name but not a name, but the appearance of a fierce ghost must not be careless, especially in this ancient battlefield, where tens of thousands of Yin spirits have gathered, and they are all the Yin spirits of warriors! Once the madness breaks out and a hundred ghosts walk in the night, it is no joke.

Not to mention that this matter involves Li Mazi, even if it has nothing to do with either of us, I can't just sit idly by!

When Li Mazi saw how serious I was, he immediately became nervous. He hurriedly called to arrange a vehicle and ran out the door.

I simply packed up and met Li Mazi again.

Because my ghost-killing swords, Li Mazi's Lingyun Sword and many other useful items are prohibited items, and you cannot take these items on high-speed trains or airplanes, Li Mazi prepared a weighted off-road vehicle.

"Let's go!" I slammed the car door.

Li Mazi stepped on the accelerator and ran straight to Shanxi like lightning.

After driving for eight or nine hours, we turned off the Taiyuan Expressway intersection and continued along a northeastern road.

Li Mazi said that the place where the incident occurred was a small county town in the northeast of Shanxi Province. It was surrounded by mountains and was relatively remote.

After walking for more than two hours, it was completely dark. There were almost no vehicles on the road, and it was pitch black without even a street light.

We were leaving in a hurry, we had already smoked out all the cigarettes, and the water and dry food in the car were all gone. We were both hungry, tired, and extremely trapped.

At this time, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared in front of him.

As I got closer, I realized that it was a shabby but shiny plaque placed on the roadside.

There are four big red letters written on it: "Supermarket Hotel".

Supermarkets and restaurants may seem unrelated, but they are extremely common in such remote areas far from the city.

Generally, the scale is not large, and it is a small business for local people to support their families.

"Stop here for a moment, go in and have a rest." I pointed towards the plaque.

From the navigation point of view, it is less than thirty miles away from the construction site where the accident occurred. If something like this happens at the construction site, the restaurant owner must have heard about it. Let's have a bite to eat and rest here, and maybe we'll get some useful information along the way.

Surrounded by half-ripe crop fields, there is a row of low, abandoned brick houses next to a toll booth that has long been banned but has not yet been demolished. Except for this small restaurant, everything was dark and lifeless - I think this place had once been lively.

There is a broken iron plate with mottled paint hanging at the door of the hotel, and the four characters "Xujia Mutton Soup" written on it can be vaguely seen.

However, what was extremely incompatible with this shabby little restaurant and the deserted environment was that there was a car parked in front of the door at this time.

An old military Hummer, the cornerstone of H1.

This was the first off-road vehicle that was known as the most original and manly in the early years!

The car was painted in camouflage and hung with camouflage cloth, giving it an extremely rough and wild aura, but the license plate was not a military one, but a civilian blue one.

We parked the car next to the Hummer and discovered that there was a line of words painted on the side door: "Queshan CS Base".

Oh, no wonder it’s like this. It turns out to be a special vehicle for a real-person outdoor shooting playground. However, why did it end up here at this late hour?

Li Mazi and I looked at the car suspiciously, opened the door and walked in.

This restaurant is very small, with only two broken wooden tables. There are bottles of mineral water, bucket noodles, lighters and other groceries on the broken bar opposite the door. This may be the so-called supermarket.

Behind the bar, there was a white curtain covered in black oil. There were sounds of boiling water coming from the door. It must have been the kitchen.

"Boss, what's there to eat?" Li Mazi shouted in a rough voice.

"Hey, here we come!" The door curtain opened and a person walked out. He is about fifty or sixty years old, a skinny but extremely capable little old man.

The old man was wearing a torn apron of the same style as the dirty door curtain. He was holding a large spoon in his hand and said with a smile on his face: "There are mutton soup and hot buns, and you can also make instant noodles with eggs." .What do you two want to eat?"

This place is just for emergency food, and it doesn't care about hygiene. I sat down directly at the table and said, "Two bowls of mutton soup and six steamed buns."

"Okay!" the old man said, turned around and walked back, and the door jingled again.

At this time, Li Mazi kicked me under the table. I followed his slanted eyes and saw a bunch of car keys on the bar next to me.

There is a black skull the size of a walnut tied to the keychain, staring at us with a mouth of white teeth bared, looking extremely ferocious.

In the wilderness, a seemingly ordinary old farmer owned an expensive off-road military vehicle.

There is a permeating weirdness everywhere!


At this moment, the wooden door was pushed open hard, and a tall figure stepped in.

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