Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2016 Battle Royale

I drive fast, and the Hummer drives faster!

He quickly caught up with me, and was immediately pushed against the butt of the car. The two rear wheels immediately left the ground, and there was a danger of being overturned at any time!

From the reversing mirror, I saw that the guy was wearing a silver-gray mask and staring at me with a pair of gloomy blue eyes.

blue eyes?

This is a foreigner!

First of all, I can be sure that this person is definitely not from Longquan Villa!

Although Longquan Villa has great ambitions and has done many evil things, no matter the human sect or the ghost sect, they still attach great importance to the inheritance of their ancestors and never accept foreigners. Even though Mr. Dong has expanded overseas for so many years, he has never Never developed a single foreign subordinate.

Moreover, Longquan Villa will never allow evil foreign forces to invade the Central Plains.

The last time the Amaterasu Association made a slight move, it was blocked head-on by Taishang Elder Qiu Fengzhan, and it was for this reason that they slaughtered several protectors!

It's not Longquan Villa. Whose power is this? He was so cruel that he had to kill me.

"Mazi, you drive!" I said, leaving my hands free.

Li Mazi was trembling with fear, but it was useless to be afraid at this time! He quickly took the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator.

I climbed over the back seat, and when I lowered the glass suddenly, I threw out the invisible needle.

Bang bang! Hitting the Hummer's tires.

But the performance of this Hummer is extremely superior. There is a steel mesh cast inside the special tire. Even if the gel layer is broken, it can still travel normally for twenty or thirty kilometers, but it cannot maintain the top speed all the time.

But this is enough!

As soon as the Hummer's speed dropped, we immediately lost control and slowly opened some distance.

But at this time, I saw in the rearview mirror that the guy pulled out another gun!

The gun was very long and the muzzle was very thick. Although I didn’t know much about firearms, I immediately understood that this was no ordinary gun, but an anti-material sniper rifle.

This is not someone who is running to shoot someone, but someone who is trying to blow up a car!

"Mazi, step on the accelerator and don't move." I yelled, pressing him under me. While staring nervously at the rearview mirror, I quickly put the gear into gear, turned the steering wheel, shifted the gear again, turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction, and stepped on the pedal. Clutch, I know very well that the life and death of Li Mazi and I depend on this breath.

Of course, I can also choose to abandon the car and run away now, but Li Mazi absolutely can't do it. I can't just watch him die in front of me.

I will never let anyone sacrifice for me again, whether it is the eight famous actors or Li Mazi!

boom! A flash of fire erupted from the muzzle.

I turned the steering wheel sharply and turned to the side.


There was a deafening roar next to the car, and the super-strength tempered glass shattered instantly! The huge air waves lifted the entire car sideways five or six times, and Li Mazi and I also flipped up and down several times like a juggling act.

"Mazi, you go first!" I said as I opened the car door and jumped out.

I rolled around a few times and stood up. The Hummer stopped ten meters in front of me.

The guy was holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding a pistol in the other hand and looking at me steadily, with two playful rays of light in his blue eyes.


Li Mazi forcibly braked and stopped fifty or sixty meters away with a screeching sound as it scraped against the road.

"Little brother." Li Mazi stuck his head out of the car window.

"You go first and don't worry about me. I'll meet you after I deal with this guy." I stared at the masked man and said without looking back.

"Brother, I..." Li Mazi still hesitated and refused to leave. I yelled, "What are you doing? Get out of here and don't get in the way."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in front!" Upon hearing this, Li Mazi quickly drove away.

The Hummer roared, and two dazzling lights shone from a distance, locking me in it.

It seems that this guy's target is really not Li Mazi. It doesn't matter to him whether Li Mazi escapes or not.

He looked at me carefully and seemed to be a little curious about me. Suddenly, a white light flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and another bullet was fired!

I quickly threw out a talisman of lightness and tried my best to rush straight towards the Hummer.


There was an explosion and rubble flew away.

A large crater more than two meters wide was blown out of the asphalt road!

The rising air waves lifted my feet off the ground. I just took advantage of this strength, and with the blessing of the light body charm, I jumped up and landed on the front cover with a bang.

"Broken!" Before I could stand firmly on my feet, I jumped out again and threw the invisible needle at the same time.

There was a click, and a big hole broke out of the tempered glass window!

The entire car body shook violently, and cracks appeared on all sides of the glass that looked like lightning. The reversing mirror shattered and fell to the ground with two crackles. The seats and steering wheel in the car were all twisted and out of shape, and everything was pitch black.

But the masked man is missing!

At this moment, the warning sign buzzed, and then a cold wind rushed from behind.

I quickly somersaulted out, and when I looked back, there was a guy in a black suit standing in front of me.

He was not too tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, and he held two daggers with blue light in his hands.

It was only then that I suddenly felt a cold feeling on my back, and when I touched my hand back, it was stained with blood!

And the blood stain turned out to be black.

not good! His knife is poisonous!

The foreigner stared at me closely, nodded slightly, and then charged over again with his two swords.

Silent and extremely fast, it is simply a vigorous and ferocious cheetah!

"Well done!" I just risked being shot to death by you and rushed forward desperately, just waiting for this moment.

Seeing this guy leaping towards me, the tip of the knife was about to pierce my throat. I remained motionless and even stopped breathing!

This guy saw a trace of surprise in his eyes when he saw how calm I was. But before he could react, a black mist exploded above his head, and then his eyes froze and lost their brilliance.

The foreigner paused and fell forward according to the inertia.

I kicked him hard, and the guy fell on his back with a thud, lying straight on the ground.

He is dead!

Just now, when I was avoiding his sneak attack from behind, I left a nine-escape plan on the spot!

Originally, my Nine Escape Jutsu could only use the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, but after seeing Emperor Jimmu's Gokuji Jutsu, I got some inspiration and evolved another way of using it.

That is to draw the ground as a prison!

Of course, my cultivation is far from that level, so I can only temporarily use my soul as a medium.

Just now I imprisoned my soul in a spell and set it up as a cage.

If he stays where he is, nothing will happen, but as long as he steps out of the range of the talisman array, his soul will disperse immediately!

Fortunately, I thought of this method temporarily, otherwise this guy would be really difficult to deal with!

In terms of skill alone, this foreigner is much stronger than me. Once he gets close, I can't last more than a few rounds, and I'm even poisoned.

I walked up to him, lifted up the mask and saw a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, about forty years old.

In addition to the two daggers, he also carried two small medicine bottles, one black and one blue.

Obviously, this is the poison, or maybe there is an antidote in it.

But I don't have time to verify it carefully now.

Although this road is extremely remote and there are few vehicles, even if no vehicles pass through it for the time being, making such a big noise will sooner or later attract the police. I couldn't explain it at that time - I didn't even know who this foreigner was, so I just said that he wanted to kill me out of nowhere, which obviously didn't make sense. Moreover, he also carried a gun and committed two lives. It is really difficult for me to explain this involvement.

Although the wound on his back was not deep, the poison was gradually spreading, and his hands and feet were slightly numb. I didn't dare to stay any longer. In order to cover up my fingerprints, I threw a fire talisman down.

As the fire rose, the foreigner's body quickly burned. Just as I was about to turn around and move forward, I suddenly noticed a blue light emerging from the swaying light of the fire!

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