Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 20 Male God

It turned out that this Japanese soldier was not a living person, but a statue made of brass, which just happened to be stuck on the python's head.

The giant python's head was flat and flat, its mouth was extremely big, its two small eyes emitted red light, and a long letter vomited back and forth, which made people's skin crawl.

"Brother, run!" Li Mazi shouted at me.

At this moment, he got a shovel from nowhere and smashed it on the python's head.

The giant python whipped up its tail and whipped Li Mazi away again, creating a turbulent wave.

I was afraid that Li Mazi would be eaten by the giant python, so I quickly climbed up to the roof and threw the tiles at the giant python.

The giant python was irritated by me, gave up on Li Mazi, and began to rush towards me...

I looked at the giant python with horror in my heart. People say that when I hit a snake, I would hit it within seven inches, but the seven inches of this big snake were completely protected by the statue of a Japanese soldier. There was no place for me to hit it.

Seeing the giant python getting closer and closer to me, I was so anxious.

In the end, there was nothing I could do, so I just jumped off the roof.

However, this giant python was not stupid and directly surrounded the room, its eyes full of mischief!

Just when I felt there was no way to go, suddenly a cold voice sounded in my ear: "Come here."

This sudden sound startled me. I immediately followed the sound and looked, and finally I was horrified to see a tall, thin black figure leaning in the yard, holding a long sword with a blue scabbard in his arms.

This guy has very fair skin and is wearing a loose Kumamon T-shirt.

He has a standard oval face, but his eyes are a bit dull, much like the national husband Song Joong-ki in the recently popular "Descendants of the Sun".

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a strong murderous intent in those dull eyes!

What surprised me was that the long sword he held in his arms turned out to be the Eight-sided Han Sword produced in the Han Dynasty. And one look at the exquisite scabbard, I knew it was the real thing.

The market says less than one million.

It’s hard to believe that in today’s society, there are still people using antiques as weapons.

"Who are you?" I asked stammering.

"Someone who can protect you." His voice was as cold as thousand-year-old ice: "There is no time, come here quickly."

I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly felt that he was very kind, like an old friend who I have known for a long time, and would never harm me.

So I subconsciously hid next to him.

Coincidentally, as soon as I walked over, the door of the house was knocked open, and the head of the giant python poked in from the outside.

At this time, I only heard the sound of a long sword being unsheathed. The man in the T-shirt had disappeared beside me. When he appeared again, the python's head had been cut open with a long sword. Kouzi.

The speed is so fast that it is jaw-dropping. It is really hard for me to imagine that in just one second, a person can complete such difficult actions as sprinting, drawing a sword, and chopping.

The intense pain made the giant python neigh and then retract its head.

The man in the T-shirt also walked out. He did not attack again, but pointed his hand at the giant python and sang a spell in a nice voice.

The mantra is compassionate and compassionate, a bit like a monk chanting sutras, but it's not like it either. Anyway, I've never heard it before.

A miracle happened. The giant python was still shaking its tail angrily at first, but soon it became quiet under the spell of the man in the T-shirt. In the end, he buried his head in the water obediently, not daring to move, as docile as a pet.

After a moment, the python's body sank into the water, and it seemed that it should be dead.

The man in the T-shirt sighed faintly. He bowed to the giant python, then dug out the two eyes of the giant python and put them in his pocket, then walked away with his sword on his back.

He never said a word to me from beginning to end.

When he disappeared into the water, I finally came to my senses and wanted to ask his name, but it was too late.

At this time, all the villagers came over and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the giant python was dead.

The village chief took people to open the gate of the dam and prepare to drain the water from the village.

Seeing everyone leaving, I took Li Mazi and Brother Ba to study this giant python "dressed in Japanese military uniform".

I have never understood why the Hell Army that was stationed here gave this giant python a strange headgear. After all these years, no one knows how this python survived.

My brother and I removed the thing on the python's head and were horrified to find that because the body had been wrapped in copper skin all year round, the python's head was covered with dense tumors.

Looking at the densely packed sarcomas, some of which were even translucent, made me, who has trypophobia, couldn't help but vomit...

After dredging the water in the village, we found a big hole in the execution ground of the King of Hell. This large hole was obviously dug manually and was filled with human bones.

I think this should be the place where the King of Hell’s army disposed of the corpse, chopped it into pieces, and then fed it to the giant python.

This big hole has been connected to the small river outside, so there will be floods in the village.

After finishing the matter at the execution ground of the King of Hell, I simply told the village chief the truth about the matter. The old village chief fell silent after hearing this, and finally told me that his parents were killed by the Japanese, and he happened to be playing outside the village at the time and escaped death.

It is true that a large number of Japanese soldiers committed suicide here by caesarean section.

At the same time, he said that he would definitely report the situation here to the government and let the government handle it.

And I left with the Snake Yu Dao.

I don’t know who leaked the news, but a Japanese man came to the store the next day, claiming to be from the Japanese Embassy, ​​and said he wanted to buy the snake knife at a high price. And the price he gave was several times higher than the market price!

However, in order to buy the Snake Yu Dao, I must agree to one condition, that is, let me forget about the execution ground of the King of Hell forever.

I sneered and refused. Businessmen can love money, but they cannot lack integrity.

How can the dignity of the Chinese people be erased by a little money?

The story of the King of Hell’s execution ground was finally published in the newspapers, and even foreign reporters came to cover it. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Japanese Embassy finally decided to compensate the village a sum of money, and the director of the embassy even bought the Sheyu knife in his own name.

And told me that I will definitely learn from this lesson.

A Sheyu knife was sold for three million, and my brother, Li Mazi, and I each got one million.

I was thinking about this for a long time afterwards. In fact, there must be many places similar to the King of Hell’s Execution Ground across the country. As long as the Chinese people unite, one day the shame of the war of aggression against China will be washed away!

As for Little Japan, if it continues to play the trick of tampering with textbooks, it will definitely suffer consequences in the near future.

I always keep one sentence in mind: the cycle of nature brings retribution!

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