Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2038 Confession (additional update)

After eliminating the Yin spirits, Li Mazi and I set foot on the road down the mountain. Just halfway, we met Captain Huang and a group of policemen hurriedly going up.

What was different from before was that this group of policemen were all wearing body armor, and several policemen, including Captain Huang, were still clutching pistols in their hands.

You don't need to ask to know that he must have been here for a long time after seeing me, thinking that something unexpected had happened, and he was hurriedly trying to come up to save me.

He may also know that bullets have little effect on monsters and monsters, but out of professional instinct, he must not sit idly by while someone is in danger. He was relieved to see that we were both safe.

"Captain Huang, in fact, the Yin spirit is not afraid of the gun in your hand, but it is very taboo about the police badge on your hat. Anyone with a weaker Yin spirit dare not come forward." I explained with a smile.

"Oh? Really?" Captain Huang touched the police badge with one hand, turned around and ordered: "Xiao Zhao, make a report tomorrow, apply to the bureau for more, and let the family members who work night shift take it with them. .”

"Okay!" a young policeman from behind responded.

I smiled at him and said, "Captain Huang, after this night, you will no longer regard us as feudal and superstitious gods."

"How could that happen?" Captain Huang smiled awkwardly and said, "However, after all, we are still wearing this police uniform. We can't go around preaching unscientific things to others. Just know what you know. Hey, that's right! "

As he spoke, he warned the others with a serious face: "What happened tonight must not be spread around. If the leaders find out, we will all have nothing to gain. Don't say anything else, just think about standing. It gives me a headache even thinking about the examination at the overall meeting.”

Everyone agreed repeatedly, and a few people remembered some of Captain Huang's embarrassing things and laughed secretly.

Just as we reached the bottom of the mountain, two more cars drove up from the opposite side.

It turned out that as soon as people from the Cultural Relics Bureau received the notice from the police, they immediately organized a capable force to go to the scene to check.

Captain Huang ordered a few more police officers to take them up there to take a look. Then, while driving, he asked Li Mazi and me, "Two masters, you have been busy all night. Now it's time to go and rest." Bar?"

"There's no rush." ​​I shook my hand and said, "I still want to see Zhao Laoshi."

"Zhao Laoshi?" Captain Huang frowned and said, "This boy gave a very clear explanation. Except that he didn't know that this matter was caused by something secretive, the details are almost exactly the same as what we found."

"No!" I shook my head: "This evil object should be divided into two pieces. Judging from the collapsed position of the burglar's cave, they must have just dug into the inner room, and before taking out all the things, they Suddenly there was a landslide. The Yin spirits did not allow them to take away their things, so they harmed them..."

"Except for the armed policemen responsible for escorting it and the comrades from the Cultural Relics Bureau, the only ones who came into contact with that artifact were those tomb robbers."

"But among all these people, only Lu Jian and Zhao Laoshi survived. Lu Jian did not suffer the revenge of the Yin spirit because he did not touch the yin objects, but why Zhao Laoshi did not die is a mystery. .”

"Huh? That's true." Captain Huang was stunned for a moment and said, "Then let's check him again."

After arriving at the police station, I dived into the interrogation room without even taking a sip of tea.

Zhao Laoshi saw me sitting across from him at a glance. He was stunned for a moment and took it for granted that I must be the police who had found some clues and was rushing to arrest him that night.

In fact, I had no idea what they were doing before I met him that day.

Not to mention the tomb robbing thing, we didn’t even figure out the cause of death of Zhang Wujin and his second uncle. The reason why he was found was just because he and Zhang Wujin drank twice, and they acted with a guilty conscience. The fat lady is not allowed to talk about it, she just thinks this matter is strange.

If he hadn't deliberately let him escape that day, he wouldn't have brought the cultural relics with him, which in turn led to the mastermind Lu Jian.

However, I have no idea about interrogating Zhao Laoshi.

Because he only knew a rough idea of ​​how Zhang Wujin and his second uncle died, and it might be related to the stolen antiquities. As for how he was spared, he had no idea.

So I just sat across from me without saying a word, while Captain Huang made innuendo and asked a lot of questions in a deceptive and frightening way.

This guy is still the same as he confessed before.

He said that Lu Jian found him, and he also found Zhang Wujin and his second uncle. They made a very clear account of the tomb robbing, but refused to admit to the murder.

In his words: "This is not a big or small crime. I admit that I did it. If I didn't do it, I can't blame you for it!"

I threatened: "Lu Jian has already identified you as the one who did it, and the old lady next door to Zhang Wujin's house said that you threatened her not to talk about drinking with Zhang Wujin, and that it was just after his death." The night before, we drank together until very late; the next morning, it was you who came to find him again. All the facts prove that. No matter in terms of the motive of committing the crime or the time of committing the crime, you can't get rid of the suspicion. "

"I really didn't do this!" Zhao Laoshi immediately became anxious: "I watched him fall down and immediately turned into a lump of ice! Even if I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't have the ability to do so."

"Okay, then tell me about Bingtuozi." I repeated: "You saw this with your own eyes."

"Zhao Laoshi, if you want us to believe that you didn't do all this, tell us everything you know. If you hide anything, we will just think you are covering up more. If you really don't want to tell us, we will wait. Get up! If you have a situation like yours and never submit it to the court, it is possible that you will be detained in the criminal police team until I retire." Captain Huang lit a cigarette and threatened him.

Zhao Laoshi was stunned for a moment, and then he started talking again.

After they formed a group of tomb robbers, Zhang Wujin determined the location and was responsible for looking out.

Zhao Laoshi and his second uncle took turns digging holes.

After working for several days, the construction site above finally started after Li Mazi held a ceremony.

So Zhao Laoshi and Zhang Wujin devised a strategy to scare away the workers with the help of kites and tape recorders, and continued digging.

After another three or four days, the tomb was finally opened, and the three of them got in one after another.

The tomb was quite large, but the contents inside disappointed them. Except for a few bronze vessels, most of them were broken pottery jars. Even Zhang Wujin said that the burial objects did not match the specifications of the tomb. .

In fact, how did they know that according to the specifications, this was indeed the tomb of the Warring States princes.

But the era this guy lived in was already decades after the unification of the Qin Dynasty, when Ying Zheng was dead and Qin II came to power.

Moreover, the owner of the tomb, Ji Jiao, was only the last king of a small country. When he died, there was nothing good left to bury him with.

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