Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2057 Wood Curse

"Since when did it become like this?" I asked as I walked forward.

As early as a few days ago, when Wu Laohuai took his grandson to attend Han Laoliu's wedding, he was still fine - although his body was very weak and it was a little inconvenient to walk. But he has always been like this, how can he look like this now?

"I just called you not long ago." Xiao Wu said: "He has been coughing badly these days. I asked a doctor to come over and take a look, but he refused to let me go. He didn't tell me the specific reason. He just wrote a big letter. Check out the list and let me buy all these things."

"I vomited a mouthful of blood this morning, and there were strips of green threads there. Then grandpa sat silently for a long time, and asked me and the mute uncle to move a bed into the secret room, and we lay there until dinner time. I came out and called you."

"Then his body began to swell. I was frightened and urged him to go to the hospital. He told me very seriously that I couldn't go to the hospital and couldn't let others know. I just waited for the call from shopkeeper Zhang Da. Then let me help him in."

"Seeing that his body is getting more and more swollen, it seems like it will happen at any time... I, I can't do anything because I am anxious! Shopkeeper Zhang, please, save my grandpa!" Xiao Wu knelt on the ground with a pop. , tears flowed out.

"You get up first!" I helped him up and said, "Don't say that your grandpa is an old man in the world of ghosts and has helped me so many times. Even an ordinary stranger who has never met him has been cursed like this. I will never stand idly by if you are being framed. Don’t worry, since your grandfather had already predicted it and asked me to come alone, he must know that I have a way to save him. "

Xiao Wu wiped away his tears and said, "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, it all depends on you!"

"Well, don't worry yet. Go get the list of things your grandpa asked you to buy, and I'll take a look at it." I said.

"Here it is." Xiao Wu said, taking out his cell phone and showing me his notepad.

"Fifty-five hundred seven-inch nails."

"Fifty-five hundred three-inch steel nails."

"Fifty-five hundred aluminum rivets."

"Fifty-five hundred small brass rings."

"Fifty-five hundred pairs of silver earrings."

"Fifty-five hundred shot put."

There are nine types listed densely, all of which are this kind of thing.

"Where is the thing?" I asked.

"There were too many things to fit in the small car, and the big car couldn't be driven in. When these things were delivered, grandpa was already unconscious, so I temporarily put them in the garage across the street before unloading the car. Shopkeeper Zhang Da, What kind of curse caused my grandfather to suffer?"

"It's not clear what it is exactly, but it must be a wood curse!"

"Why?" Xiao Wu asked very strangely.

"Didn't you notice? The things your grandpa asked you to buy are either copper, iron or lead and aluminum, and yet he has to lie in the gold room. The one thing in common is that all the items are made of metal. Among the five elements, metal overcomes wood. I want to use the power of these metals to resist the wood poison and prolong life until I come to rescue you. Go out quickly and move all those things in first."

"Okay!" Xiao Wu nodded and ran out quickly.

I walked around the iron bed and found that the whole body of Mr. Wu was swollen. Only the area around his left eye remained unchanged. The bulging forehead and protruding face squeezed the eye into a narrow slit. , but the area around the left eye is intact. At first glance, it looks like a long-mouthed funnel.

Now I can't figure out what kind of curse he was harmed by, and I don't dare to use the spell rashly.

After a while, Xiao Wu and Mute Uncle brought in a lot of metal objects one after another. As soon as these things were placed in, Wu Laobao's still slowly expanding body immediately stopped its momentum.

But that's all, and he didn't lose half of his weight because of it.

It seems that using gold to defeat wood is right!

But why is this number exactly five thousand and five?

Also, since he had already guessed that it might be caused by a curse, and also knew very accurately that it was a wood curse, he even asked his grandson to make these things in advance. But why didn't he just say it directly and leave such a mystery?

Although Mr. Wu's ability to exorcise ghosts is not very good, his vision is very unique. In his early years, he was a famous tomb robber, so his knowledge and understanding of ghost objects were many times greater than those of his peers. Whenever someone couldn't figure out what dynasty or thing this was, he was the first person who thought of asking for advice, so he had always had a good reputation among his colleagues.

Moreover, Mr. Wu is very timid, or in other words, he is very cautious. If he feels that something is a bit harmful, or he is afraid that he cannot conquer it, he will either refuse to accept it, or he will take action quickly. For example, the Gentian Armor was first sold to him, but he was frightened by Zhao Yun's evil spirit and did not dare to ask for it. He also resold the soul-gathering relics embedded in the twelve disciples of the God of Death. Go.

If someone really needs this thing, he will always leave when he sees a profit, and never ask for a high price.

In this way, he won't offend anyone.

This is true for colleagues, and it is the same for ordinary people.

It is said that many years ago, a thief came to their house to steal something, but he blocked him. Instead of punishing the man, he had a drink with the thief and gave him a sum of money for small business. Later, for a while, many thieves or poor men came to steal things when he was at home.

The funniest thing is that one night, two thieves and a rough man carrying a butcher knife arrived one after another. Wu Laohuan had a drink with them, and then took them to play mahjong all night. The three thieves All that was lost was a pair of underpants. When he left at dawn, Mr. Wu gave him a suit, a watch and a bag, and he walked out in a smooth manner.

But the strange thing is that fewer and fewer people come to their home to do evil. All the evil people he rescued changed their careers and became good people.

The local police loved and hated him. They loved that the local security situation was getting better and better since then, but they hated that there were no opportunities for him to make meritorious deeds.

The nickname Wu Lao Bao doesn't mean it on the surface, to say how bad he is, but to say that as long as you stay at Wu Lao Bao's house for one night, you will never be a bad person until you die!

Therefore, this old man is a very good person in the eyes of his peers and ordinary people!

He is polite to everyone, never loses his temper, and has no idea who he might offend. And he actually acted so cruelly.

I thought about it and said, "Did you see anyone before and after your grandfather's accident?"

"No." Xiao Wu said with unusual certainty: "Grandpa has not been in good health in recent years and often gets confused, so he has stopped seeing customers for a long time and does not do business. I have never received customers in this business. Take it home, and there will be no one else in the house except the dumb uncle and the dumb aunt."

Seeing that I was a little confused, he explained: "The mute uncle and the mute aunt were originally a deaf-mute couple. Their son who was just one month old was stolen. The two went out to search for food, and later they fainted on the roadside due to hunger. , and was accepted by grandpa. It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and if it hadn’t been for grandpa, they would have died of cold and hunger.”

"Grandpa found a clue through the relationship. It turned out that the person who stole the child was afraid of being caught and was not very familiar with the route. It was dark, so when he escaped from the ice, he fell into the ice hole where the fish was fried, and the child was taken with him. Drowned, less than three miles away from Uncle Mute and his family. Later, Uncle Mute and Aunt Mute stayed with grandpa. It has been more than forty years ago, and I was brought up by them. "

This is strange, since no outsiders have been here, Old Bad Wu has not been involved in the world for many years, and he is such a good old man, how could he offend such a cruel guy?

Moreover, it was obvious that this person did not want to kill him directly, but slowly tortured him until his whole body burst and died!

What is this person's purpose?

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