Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2131 The Dove Chasing Souls Thousands of Miles

"Originally, our family's life was very good, but for some reason that year, we suddenly suffered disasters, one after another. First, the boss hit someone, and he lost a million yuan in compensation, and it took a lot of money to treat the disease himself. He spent a lot of money, but in the end he still couldn't save his life. The old man got leukemia, and all the family's savings were spent. Instead, he owed a lot of debt. The second son didn't know where he heard a folk prescription to treat leukemia, but he went to the mountain to collect the medicine. I accidentally dropped it when I was doing it, broke my finger, and I couldn’t even touch the brush."

"If he hadn't found a good boss now and could pay back part of the money every year, we would have been forced to death long ago." Aunt Xu lamented.

"Auntie, are you borrowing money from usury?" I asked in shock.

Xu Er can earn at least hundreds of thousands every year. He has been working at Shufangzhai for several years, and his income is almost one or two million. With so much money, he can only repay part of it. It is obviously not an ordinary debt.

"Hey!" Aunt Xu sighed, but hesitated: "Young man, let's have some tea."

She didn't want to talk to me anymore, and she even wanted to urge me to leave.

But I pretended not to understand, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and suddenly asked: "Auntie, what happened to your leg? Did you fall today?"

Aunt Xu was stunned for a moment, probably thinking: Why do these guys have a match and not a match? When you just entered the house, didn't you see that my legs and feet were a little uncomfortable? Why did you think of asking?

It was strange, but she continued: "Isn't that right? Erzi's bank card has been taken away by them a long time ago, and we can't even see the money when he pays it every month. Moreover, people come to the door every now and then and ask for money." He wanted to take away the money he received from his private work, so I had no choice but to pick up some scraps to provide subsidies."

"I accidentally fell down at night. I couldn't move at that time. If I hadn't met a kind-hearted girl..."

"What does that girl look like? Is she a foreigner?" I asked anxiously.

Aunt Xu gave me a strange look: Is this person a little abnormal? How could he chat like this? Do you care about my legs, or do you care about that girl? Seeing that you were Erzi's colleague and you were carrying a gift, I only let you in. If I had known you were like this, I might as well not have opened the door for you.

Aunt Xu was obviously not happy, but she still suppressed her anger and said: "She is a southern girl. Although she is not tall, she is very delicate."

"Is this the call she made to Xu Ran?"

"Yes, she sent me upstairs. I'm sitting where you are now, with the cup of tea in your hand."

I could hear the anger and impatience in her tone, but I still asked, "Did Xu Ran see her after she came back?"

"Not only did we meet, but we also talked, shook hands, and sent her downstairs. Young man, have you finished asking?" Aunt Xu's tone became increasingly impatient, even disgusting.

It's not her fault. You obviously came to see her son, but you saw that she also injured her foot, but you were indifferent and kept staring at a girl you didn't know and asking endless questions. Anyone else would feel very uncomfortable.

However, I didn't care so much now and continued to ask: "Has she treated your foot injury?"

At this time, Aunt Xu's face was already very ugly, and she replied in a bad tone: "Yes, I couldn't move at that time, but this girl pinched me twice and it got better. Young man, have you finished asking your questions? "

"Mom, don't be angry. I have one last question. Where did you fall?"

"The big willow tree is right at the entrance of the community..."

"Auntie, I'm leaving now. I'll come see you when I have time." After saying that, I stood up under Aunt Xu's shocked eyes, hurried out of the door, and ran straight to the door.

Just now, maybe because Aunt Xu was closer to me, I suddenly smelled a strange medicinal smell, which was the smell of Ma Shen Powder.

This thing is the most important raw material in home-made psychedelic drugs.

Aunt Xu's fainting was an illusion, and her foot falling was an accident within an accident.

Because their purpose is to call Xu Er home!

With Aunt Xu's stubborn character, she would never call Xu Er to ask him to come back early if she just sprained her foot.

If an ordinary person encounters this kind of situation, it would be nice if she can call her or send her home. Even if she does meet a kind person, it makes sense to wait until his son comes back before leaving with peace of mind. But this person can remove the effects of Ma Shen Powder, so there is something wrong!

Although Ma Shen Powder is just a raw material, if used alone, it is a violent poison that can paralyze or even kill nerves. As time goes by, the nerve endings will completely lose consciousness and will never be cured.

If the condition is not relieved in time, Aunt Xu's illness will become serious, and Xu Er will take her to the hospital and will not return to Shufangzhai.

Once you get to the hospital, you'll find someone deliberately poisoning you.

In this way, flaws will be exposed.

Therefore, the girl who seemed to be kind enough to help her go upstairs was the poisoner!

And Aunt Xu made it very clear that the person was a southern girl, not tall.

Although Raven's makeup skills are very strong and her Chinese is very pure, it is not difficult to pretend to be a Chinese girl, but her size cannot be reduced. Raven, like Lina, is about 1.75 meters tall. This is obviously not the southern girl that Aunt Xu calls her.

In other words, it was not Raven but someone else who poisoned Aunt Xu and lured Xu Er back.

But is this person Lina’s subordinate? Is there another secret?

After tracing here, it seems that their purpose of luring Xu Er home is not that simple.

At least it wasn't just to hide from others and take his car back to Antique Street!

I ran to the gate of the community, squatted under the big willow tree and took a look. Sure enough, a large number of ants gathered under the tree, carrying and chewing a few fleshy insects.

These bugs were all killed by Ma Shen Powder, and the nerves of ants are wrapped in exoskeletons, so their perception ability is relatively weak.

I turned around and ran into the supermarket to buy a few bags of snacks, poured out the food, put the big bugs in plastic bags, and took a taxi straight to the Chinese medicine store.

I bought some powerful soothing medicines such as Mabao, Qingzhen Stone, and Purple Quartz.

After pounding them all into powder, he took out a magic talisman, burned it into ashes, mixed them together, and sprinkled them on the insects.

Then he rushed to the night market, picked out two strong pigeons, and fed the bugs into them.

At this point, Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Dove is complete!

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