Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 297 Lao Huang was killed

We knocked on Lao Huang's door with a heavy heart, but no one opened the door. Zhang Xiaoai was so anxious that she kicked the door open and rushed in.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong burning smell rushed towards me. This smell made people feel scalp numb.

I glanced at Senior Shu, who looked at Zhang Xiaoai and shook his head. I know that Senior Shu wants me to stop Zhang Xiaoai. The situation inside must be very bad. Senior Shu is not going to let Zhang Xiaoai rush in randomly.

So I quickly stopped Zhang Xiaoai, who was in a hurry, and told her not to mess around.

Senior Mouse walked to the door of the bedroom, put his ear against the door, listened carefully to what was going on inside, and then stretched out his hand to knock on the door five times, three long and two short.

It was deathly quiet inside, with no response.

Senior Mouse breathed a sigh of relief and opened the bedroom door.

The moment the bedroom door was opened, a stronger burning smell came.

Zhang Xiaoai quickly covered her mouth and nose, but couldn't help but retched.

On the bed in the bedroom, there was a person lying quietly. That person was none other than Lao Huang! He was naked, and the quilt covered the left half of his body. Everything seemed fine, nothing unusual, and no signs of being burned.

I didn't relax at all. This scene is actually even weirder. Since the body was not burned, where did the weird burning smell come from?

Senior Mouse glanced at the bedroom with the same suspicious eyes. There were no burn marks in the bedroom, not even smoke.

Then I saw Senior Shu grit his teeth, walked up and lifted the quilt.

The scene under the quilt is shocking!

Half of Lao Huang's body, covered by a quilt, was hollow, with only a black charcoal-like skeleton left. The skin and flesh had long since turned into ashes, attached to the bones. At first glance, one might have thought it was a pile of coke piled together. .

The body on the left was intact, but the body on the right was burnt to char. This sharp contrast made me unable to bear the churning in my stomach, so I turned around and vomited.

Li Mazi was even more unbearable than me. He squatted on the ground and screamed.

Looking at Zhang Xiaoai again, she may have been mentally prepared, and was not as unbearable as the two of us. She just stared at the scorched corpse with a green face, without saying a word, and big tears flowed from her eyes. He came out and cried loudly regardless of the image.

Senior Shu said helplessly: "Okay, don't cry anymore. Half of the body was burned, and half of the soul was damaged! Such a ghost has lost its human soul with independent consciousness. It is a crazy ghost and will not be recognized by its relatives. If it is not timely If we deal with it, I’m afraid the consequences will be disastrous.”

Li Mazi and I quickly went up to comfort Zhang Xiaoai and asked her to quickly notify the bureau leaders. The death of a police officer was not a trivial matter.

Zhang Xiaoai was still very vigilant, saying what if the leader asked us why we showed up at Lao Huang's house in the middle of the night? They definitely wouldn't believe it.

We also had a headache about this matter, and in the end I placed all my bets on the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Since the Zhang family in Jiangbei could place a graduate named Zhang Xiaoai in the police station, he must have some influence in the police, so I didn't hesitate to call the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

The person who answered the phone was Da Jinya. I briefly explained the situation here to Da Jinya. Da Jinya was very surprised, but in the end he told us to just do our work without looking forward or backward. He would say hello at the police station. Just let us wait.

Not long after, leaders from two police stations arrived. Zhang Xiaoai calls him the chief. It seems that the Zhang family in Jiangbei still has great intimidation power in the police station.

The director was also very polite to us, asking for our welfare and saying nonsense like we were far away from our welcome. I thought to myself that such a chief must be unclean. After the police officer died, he still wanted to curry favor with us.

But I didn't want to hit the smiling man, so I couldn't say anything. I just urged him to deal with Lao Huang's matter quickly after the pleasantries were over.

The director nodded and entered Lao Huang's bedroom with a brave and fearless look. However, when he saw Lao Huang's appearance, he immediately felt miserable. If we weren't there, he would have probably vomited...

The director suppressed his desire to vomit and adjusted his mood for a long time before his complexion finally improved.

Senior Mouse said: "Old Huang's soul has fallen into a state of madness and is full of resentment. After twenty-four hours, it will react and it will definitely harm people everywhere. Therefore, I suggest that Old Huang's body be cremated as soon as possible, so that He is in disarray and this is the only way to stop him from harming people.”

The chief was silent, and finally said helplessly: "Old sir, I agree with your opinion with both hands. However, Lao Huang is an old comrade of our police station. If he dies inexplicably like this, the superiors must ask for it." Let’s investigate thoroughly, and now we are burning Lao Huang’s body in a hurry. Isn’t that a guilty conscience? I’m fine. At worst, I’m not safe, but you guys are in danger.”

It's okay to fool ghosts with such high-sounding words, but it's a bit retarded to fool us. Only ghosts believe him. He clearly doesn't want to cause trouble, and he doesn't care about me.

However, what the director said was not unreasonable. After all, Lao Huang was an old comrade in the bureau. He had just died and burned the body before investigating. It would indeed attract a lot of criticism.

So after much deliberation, Senior Shu finally compromised and said, "Let's clean up the scene as soon as possible, and then transport the body to the morgue. Tonight I will find a way to save Lao Huang's soul."

I know that Senior Mouse is trying to comfort the director. Transcendence is no longer possible. After all, Lao Huang's soul is incomplete and can only be beaten to pieces.

The director nodded repeatedly and agreed. After seeing us off, he would notify the task force as soon as possible to handle the matter here.

After all this trouble, it is already four o'clock in the morning, and the sky is getting brighter. We were all exhausted, but Senior Shu did not take us back to Zhang Xiaoai's house to rest. Instead, he went to the morgue to watch over us, and by the way, he also took the Wordless Bible to the morgue.

The undead making trouble in the morgue were all killed by the Wordless Heavenly Book. The Wordless Heavenly Book has a natural suppression power on those undead, so there is no need to worry about the situation of the undead.

We were resting in the lounge next to the morgue. Before dawn, the director woke us up and asked us to open the door of the morgue. He said that Lao Huang’s family had taken photos and collected evidence and that everything had been taken care of. According to our instructions, Lao Huang’s family would be dispatched as soon as possible. Huang's body was sent to the morgue.

I took another look at Lao Huang's body. The intact half of Lao Huang's body had stiffened and turned purple-brown. Half of his face was severely distorted. His eyes were open with anger, his pupils were turned up, and he was staring at the top of his head.

I knew in my heart that this was a precursor to the corpse transformation, so I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After finishing Lao Huang's matter, the director will prepare a dinner for us to cleanse ourselves from the dust.

But we have no time to think about the dinner now, so we refused. We have to guard the morgue 24 hours a day to avoid anything going wrong.

The director was probably too embarrassed to let us carry him around in the cramped and dirty rest room, so he specially made an office for us, which happened to overlook the morgue.

After the director left, I curiously asked Senior Shu, why was Lao Huang's body half burned?

Senior Mouse sighed: "The most taboo thing about Yin objects is to cut off the Yin edge with a knife. Old Huang cut the piece of paper in half with a pair of scissors. This is equivalent to cutting the undead attached to the Yin objects. Cut it."

"Only half of the undead will not only not have their evil power weakened, but will become even more unscrupulous due to the sudden increase in resentment! That's why he killed Lao Huang. And because the undead were cut off vertically, they can only be attached to Lao Huang's body Half of his body, that’s why Old Huang has such strange death symptoms..."

I suddenly thought of something, so I quickly asked Senior Rat, it seems that we haven't found the undead spirit that harmed Lao Huang yet. Will it harm others again? Don't let it run around.

Senior Rat explained: "So now we have to go to Lao Huang's residence again to find the human skin paper. I was worried that finding the human skin paper would anger the undead, so I didn't let you find it, but It’s daytime now, the undead have been sleeping in the paper, now go find them!”

Zhang Xiaoai had no choice but to take us to Lao Huang's house again and search over and over again.

In the end, it was Li Mazi who found the human skin paper hidden in Lao Huang's work notes.

Senior Shu carefully wrapped the human skin paper in cloth, came back in a hurry, and then pieced the half piece of paper together into the Wordless Heavenly Book.

Next is a long wait. We have to wait for night to fall and the ghosts to appear before we can deal with them.

Of course, our first task is to recall Lao Huang's soul and beat it to death to prevent it from doing anything harmful to nature.

This day was extremely torturous. I couldn't sleep at all while lying on the bed. I kept turning over and over again the wordsless things in the Bible.

The spate of strange and bizarre deaths probably left an indelible shadow in Zhang Xiaoai's heart. She didn't dare to go back to sleep alone, so she just squeezed in with us in the office.

At noon, just when I was a little sleepy, the director woke me up and insisted on giving us a break.

What bothered Senior Shu and me the most was the social dinner. We didn’t want to go, but we couldn’t stand the director’s pleading and Li Mazi’s impatience, so we finally went.

The people invited to this dinner were all top and second-in-commands from the Public Security Bureau, which showed how seriously the director took this matter. At the same time, I am also very curious, how powerful is the Zhang family in Jiangbei that the director pays so much attention to it?

I asked a few indirect questions, and I probably figured out that the director didn't know about the Zhang family in Jiangbei, maybe he was not qualified to know at all. The order he received came directly from the Provincial Public Security Department.

This surprised me. I never expected that the Zhang family’s influence in Jiangbei extended all the way to the Provincial Public Security Department.

Even though the Jiangbei Zhang family is so powerful, they are still being forced by Longquan Villa. It seems that Longquan Villa is more powerful. If possible, I don't want to provoke either side.

I then thought of the intern who gave Zhang Xiaoai the shoes. That intern must also be from Longquan Villa. Just ask the director how much he knows about the intern?

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. The director's face was filled with a teasing smile: "Actually, the intern was replaced. We didn't find out until he resigned."

"Replacement?" I was surprised and quickly asked the director what was going on.

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