Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 299 A Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night

"Okay." Senior Rat said: "Now I want to use the bones of those criminals. You go and find me twenty bones! Remember, the more vicious the murderer, the better. Now hurry up and prepare, tonight You must be ready before eight o'clock."

The director was shocked and looked at Senior Shu in fear: "Senior Shu, what are you doing with their bones? I am a public servant and it is not convenient for me to do these things."

I suddenly became furious: "Well, don't do it. We won't care about it. Just wait for the five ghosts to harm the police station. They dare to enter and leave the police station openly during the day. Their hostility and resentment have already been It's beyond the scope of a serious ghost, killing people is just like playing..."

Obviously my threat worked. The director apologized to me repeatedly and told me not to be angry. He would make preparations now.

I nodded and told him to go quickly.

Senior Shu asked Zhang Xiaoai to take us to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, where he spent a lot of money to buy some grinding plates for grinding traditional Chinese medicine, and also asked for some human blood.

Zhang Xiaoai was very puzzled and asked Senior Shu why he wanted these strange things. Senior Shu said that you will know when the time comes.

Of course I know what Senior Rat wants these things to do. There is no doubt that he wants to crush the bones into powder. But I didn't tell Zhang Xiaoai, so as not to frighten her.

After getting ready, we went back to the police station to rest. I called the director, who said he was preparing it now and could get it done in about an hour.

Only then did we learn that the director had contacted a local local snake to do it.

About an hour later, a group of people brought over twenty corpses packed in sacks, threw them into the morgue and left in a hurry. It seemed that even they felt unlucky.

The director was very thoughtful in his work. Not only did he transport the bones, he even put a small label on the bones. The label contained the deceased's basic information, name, age, crime, etc.

The director told us that the bones will be returned after we are done with them, so let us try not to get confused.

Senior Shu agreed repeatedly.

Senior Rat told the director that there is going to be a big battle here tonight, and I am afraid it will be very sensitive and dangerous, so try not to let people stay in the police station, and don't arrange people to work night shifts.

The director agreed.

After removing the director, I took a cursory glance at the label on the sack. These people were really guilty of heinous crimes, including murder, rape, arson and corruption. One guy even committed treason.

I asked Senior Shu whether these evil people are considered to have committed the most heinous crimes? Senior Rat smiled and said, of course, forget it.

I couldn't help but worry that the possibility of reincarnation of the souls of these evil people was not high. If we dumped their bones like this, we might provoke their souls, which would be detrimental to us.

Senior Shu smiled and said that it didn't matter, he would definitely scare them so much that they wouldn't even be able to recognize his own bones.

Li Mazi said of course he couldn't recognize them. Aren't you going to grind these bones into powder? Only a ghost can recognize it.

Zhang Xiaoai looked at us with strange eyes, probably not believing that we would really grind the bones into powder, right?

Senior Shu didn't have time to talk here, so he immediately started to take action, found a big basin, smashed the bones with a hammer, and then started to crush them with a roller, grinding the bones into powder.

I have long been used to this, but Zhang Xiaoai couldn't adapt to it. Her face turned red and green, and she went out after less than five minutes.

The three of us took turns crushing the corpses, and then put the corpse powder back into the sacks. In less than an hour, all twenty bones were crushed into powder and put into the sacks.

After that, we just waited patiently. Senior Shu meant that we would not take action until everyone in the police station got off work.

However, Zhang Xiaoai felt that it was too dark for the people in the police station to deal with the bones after get off work, so he simply notified the chief and asked him to get off work early.

After the police officers were gone, I locked the door of the police station from the inside, and Senior Rat took us around the police station. Finally, with the morgue as the center, he marked twenty places around it, and then warned We dug pits at the marked places and placed the bones into the pits, placing a few drops of blood on each bone.

I was curious and didn’t understand what Senior Shu’s purpose was. But I didn't ask any more questions at the moment and just took the time to work.

It would be extremely prudent to place these bones after dark.

After doing this, it was already dark. We gathered again in the morgue and asked Senior Rat about his next plan.

Senior Mouse looked at Li Mazi, then at Zhang Xiaoai, and advised the two of them not to stay at the police station tonight, otherwise Senior Mouse would not be sure he could protect them.

Li Mazi was naturally not happy, saying that he had never seen any big storms and waves, so how could he be afraid of a bunch of ghosts?

Zhang Xiaoai didn't comment, but it was obvious that she didn't want to leave. After all, our risk was entirely to protect Zhang Xiaoai. It would be a bit unkind if she, the person involved, left.

Senior Shu said that it’s okay not to leave. He will stay in the morgue tonight and cannot leave the morgue for even half a step. He will probably be able to live in peace in the morgue tonight.

Li Mazi looked surprised and asked Senior Shu why he was safe in the morgue? Didn’t Senior Mouse ever hear that the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is?

Li Mazi clicked his tongue and said nothing.

Then Senior Shu looked at me and asked me to follow him.

I knew that Senior Shu must have something private to say to me, so I immediately followed him.

Senior Shu took me to the office and then looked at me with a serious expression: "Are you afraid? It's still too late to regret now. Take your beloved wife away and fly away. As long as you are not discovered by the people of Longquan Villa, you will I will live like a normal person.”

I laughed dumbly and said: "Senior Rat, what's the point of talking about this now? Do you think I have a way out?"

Senior Rat sighed: "That's because you don't know the seriousness of tonight's matter. If something goes wrong tonight, you won't even have a chance to be reincarnated, let alone survive."

I took a deep breath. What Senior Rat said really exceeded my expectations. Originally, I had a lot of confidence in Senior Rat, but after hearing what Senior Rat said, I realized that Senior Rat didn't seem to have confidence in himself, and he didn't know what kind of situation we encountered this time.

Senior Shu was silent for a moment, and then asked me if I knew about the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts?

Of course I know that a hundred ghosts walk at night. This saying comes from Japan during the shogunate period. It was a huge parade of monsters. Wherever it passed, corpses were everywhere and the people were in dire straits. But I don’t know what it has to do with this incident?

So I asked Senior Shu.

Senior Mouse said: "The black feathers they sent today are actually feathers called cat crows. Cat crows are half-yin and half-yang creatures. It is said that they are the messengers scattered in the underworld and the yang world, specializing in waking up some sleeping people. The demon king in the book. Longquan Villa sandwiched the feathers of the cat and crow in the wordless book, clearly to awaken the undead imprisoned in the wordless book! I have counted that there are a hundred pages in the wordless book. , which means exactly one hundred undead are attached to it.”

"Those hundred undead souls may have been awakened. Tonight is the time for them to move freely, and it will form a spectacular scene of a hundred ghosts walking at night. If there is a slight mistake, the situation may get out of control."

"The formation I set up is the Thunderbolt Sky Fire Formation. I don't know if it can restrain those hundreds of undead. Hey, if the situation gets out of control, then I who set up the formation will suffer a strong backlash!"

I have rarely seen Mr. Rat so depressed. He was so frustrated with tonight's tough battle, and I knew it was going to be a disaster.

We have already lost psychologically before the battle, which is very detrimental to us, so I immediately comforted Senior Shu, saying that if we work together, we can't be completely defeated. If it doesn't work, we can ask the Zhang family in Jiangbei for help.

Senior Shu smiled sadly and said it was useless. The Zhang family in Jiangbei is probably in trouble now, right? Longquan Villa has a deep foundation. It used such a powerful evil thing to deal with Zhang Xiaoai, who had no power to bind a chicken. The evil thing used to deal with the Zhang family in Jiangbei will be even more powerful. The Zhang family in Jiangbei can retain a few elites, even if it is very powerful. Not bad.

I was shocked. What Senior Shu meant was that the Zhang family in Jiangbei was already at a disadvantage as soon as the battle started. And looking at the momentum, it would be a matter of time before they were wiped out by Longquan Villa...

I took a deep breath and didn't dare to imagine. I quickly asked Senior Shu, is there no other way we can do it?

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