Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 348: Going deep into the tiger’s den

The scene was a mess. Fortunately, none of the villagers' lives were in danger. I washed my hands with the faucet in the yard. Yin Xinyue sprayed a little Yunnan Baiyao on the stab wound on my shoulder and tied it with a handkerchief. I moved. It hurts a little to move my shoulder, but it shouldn't be a big deal.

I told Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi that 120 would be coming later and we should hurry in and take down Cheng Dalong!

The lock on the front door had been kicked open by Officer Liang. I walked into the living room of the small western-style building and reached out to press the switch on the wall, but the light did not come on. Maybe the switch was pulled off.

So the three of us used our mobile phones to illuminate it and carefully groped inside.

The small foreign-style building was in a mess, exuding a musty smell. There were many boxes of eaten quick-frozen food thrown on the floor. He opened the refrigerator and there were some frozen meat and vegetables in it. Li Mazi said that Cheng Dalong was really a gatekeeper. A stay-at-home guy.

"I'm afraid it's hard for the villagers to see him because of his appearance, right?" I sneered.

The repercussions of the Chen Zigu are very strong. I used it frequently for my own selfish desires. In the end, I became a human being and a ghost. My face was covered with poisonous sores. I just want to say why bother.

There was no one in the living room, kitchen, or bedroom. We groped our way to the bathroom. The bathtub was filled with green water, exuding a strange smell of Chinese medicine. It might be used to wash away the sores on the body. Li Mazi looked up. Look at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

"Tsk, tsk, these nouveau riche, there are a few filthy rich people who just want to let the world know what kind of rubbish taste they have, and they actually install chandeliers in the bathroom."

Li Mazi was making comments there, when a woman's hand suddenly stretched out from the green water in the bathtub behind him, and the water splashed all over Li Mazi.

Yin Xinyue and I were both stunned.

Yin Xinyue covered her mouth and pointed desperately behind Li Mazi, but Li Mazi didn't realize it: "Hey, what's on me? Brother Zhang, you didn't splash pig manure on me just now, did you? These clothes are like Xue bought it for me, it’s only a few thousand dollars… ah!”

When Li Mazi turned around and saw that hand, he screamed in fright. He picked up a piece of stainless steel pipe for hanging towels and was about to smash it, but I stopped him.

"That looks like a living person," I said.

Soon, a naked woman emerged from the water. She was sitting in the bathtub holding her knees. Her face was covered by her long wet hair and I couldn’t see clearly. I noticed that her hands and feet were covered with pus. The sores, some have festered.

There was not a single piece of intact skin on her whole body.

"Are you here to catch him?" The woman sighed faintly: "You have done something wrong for yourself. You won't regret it until you reach the end of the road. It's too late, it's too late."

"Miss, who are you from Cheng Dalong?" I asked.

The woman didn't answer, she just put her hand on her abdomen. Yin Xinyue gestured and told me that she was pregnant. When I looked carefully, I saw that the woman's abdomen was indeed slightly bulging, as if she was seven months pregnant.

"Silly man, you got yourself into this just to get a chance." The woman stroked her belly and said, "This is already the fourth person who has died in vain..."

After saying that, she stood up from the bathtub. Yin Xinyue picked up the clothes on the shelf next to her and put them on her. There were differences between men and women. Li Mazi and I quickly turned our backs. Li Mazi quietly pointed to his head and signaled to me. The woman is mentally a little out of sorts.

The woman walked outside like a ghost, and I heard creaking noises coming from the stairs. Suddenly she burst into tears, which sounded particularly penetrating in this quiet little foreign-style building.

"Come up and have a look!"

I asked everyone to go upstairs quickly. There were blood stains on the floor next to the stairs, extending into a room. We rushed in and saw that the woman was still lying in a pool of blood, with a pair of scissors stuck in her abdomen. Next to her lay a man covered in abscesses. He was no longer human. There was a bullet hole in the man's forehead. There wasn't much blood, and he looked like he had been dead for a while.

"Call someone quickly!" I said in a panic.

Yin Xinyue knelt down next to the woman and checked, saying that there was no critical injury, but the scissors penetrated deeply into the abdomen and the amniotic fluid broke, fearing that the child inside would not be saved.

I looked around and saw three glass bottles on a wooden cabinet, in which three deformed dead babies were soaked in potion. Only then did I understand what the woman meant by "the fourth dead man who died in vain". This child would not survive even if he was born. .

There is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant. It seems that Cheng Dalong has committed too many sins, so God wants him to cut off his descendants!

Li Mazi suddenly noticed a gun on the ground and was about to pick it up. I immediately stopped him.

It dawned on me that we had fallen into a vicious trap.

Officer Liang took advantage of our bloody battle with the villagers to come up and shoot Cheng Dalong to death, took away the court drum, and then escaped through the back door, leaving his gun here.

He plans to let us stay as scapegoats!

I bet the police will swarm in later and surround the small western-style building. If our fingerprints are on the gun again, they will be unable to defend themselves. Although Cheng Dalong’s wife is in the house, she is unconscious and unable to do anything. Give us evidence.

A year ago, I would have foolishly fallen into the trap, but this year I have seen all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, and I have already mastered them.

I told Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue that something was not right. Don't move anything and leave here immediately.

We hurried downstairs, and Li Mazi, who was walking at the back, asked me: "Brother Zhang, did you feel that there was anyone else in this room?"

"Stop being suspicious and leave quickly..."

I subconsciously looked back, and my eyes almost fell out of my head with fright. Li Mazi was looking back, and a man in police uniform followed him quietly.

When Li Mazi looked to the left, the man went around to the right. When Li Mazi looked to the right, the man went around to the left. He was always hiding in the blind spot of Li Mazi's vision, clinging to Li Mazi's back like a ghost.

"It's weird, I obviously feel like there's someone there." Li Mazi was still talking to himself. The person behind him calmly opened his mouth and prepared to bite Li Mazi's neck.

"Get out of the way!" I kicked Li Mazi away.

With a pop, Li Mazi sat down on the ground and complained loudly: "This is the first time today, little brother Zhang, if you have any objections to me, just say it and don't attack me personally..."

Halfway through his words, Li Mazi's eyes suddenly straightened and he stared directly behind me.

"Brother Zhang, get out of the way!" Yin Xinyue screamed.

I heard a puffing sound coming from my head, and I quickly rolled forward to avoid it. With a loud noise, the man actually lifted the mahogany coffee table and smashed it on my head. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise my head would have been smashed. .

As soon as I turned around, I saw clearly the person who attacked me. His face was charred, his skin was rotten, and his gums were exposed. He was wearing a tattered police uniform, but his figure was clearly defined. Officer Liang.

However, this look is clearly that of a zombie that has been dead for several years!

In desperation, I reached into my arms to take it out, and then I remembered that all the corpse-suppressing charms had been lost by Li Mazi, and I cursed his eighteen generations of ancestors over and over again in my heart.

The zombie opened its bloody mouth and rushed toward me. Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and Yin Xinyue grabbed a large vase and smashed it on his head. The zombie was offended and turned towards her. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she ran towards the yard while screaming.

I hugged the zombie's neck from behind. Although this thing was as thin as a match, it was extremely strong. It lifted its arms and threw me to the ground. The shock made my butt almost split into eight pieces.

I groped around on the ground with my hands and found a piece of wire. I wrapped it around its neck without thinking.

I saw the wires under the wall being pulled up section by section, and finally the zombie was wrapped tightly around the neck by the wires. No matter how hard it tried, it could no longer chase Yin Xinyue. I thought to myself that the quality of this copper core wire is really good!

At this time, the zombie slowly turned around, grinned its white teeth, and let out a low roar at me. The two eyeballs flashed dangerously in the darkness like red lanterns.

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