Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 401 The killing begins

She still looked sickly, with no trace of rosiness on her gray face, and her brows were furrowed, as if she was disgusted by my presence.

In the past, when I helped people solve their problems, others would ask their grandfather and grandma for thanks.

It seemed like this was the first time that he was treated as a thorn in someone's side.

I was so embarrassed that I didn't know what to say.

Zhuang Ning walked over slowly: "Did you know that a grown man hanging around downstairs in the girls' dormitory is very eye-catching. If you do this again, the security will probably come to arrest you."

I smiled at her: "I can't help it, there are some things I haven't thought about clearly."

"Can you figure it out when you come here?" Zhuang Ning said in a disdainful tone: "Sooner or later you will be killed by your own curiosity."

I whispered: "Since you said so, I am a little more curious. Have you heard about the rumors before Li Xiaoling committed suicide?"

"What rumors?" Zhuang Ning frowned: "There are many rumors about her, which one are you referring to."


How much harm did a little girl who was originally introverted and unable to communicate with others endure, and finally chose to hang herself and cut her pulse to end her life?

I suddenly felt a little pity for Li Xiaoling.

"About BMW cars..."

Before I could finish speaking, Zhuang Ning sneered: "Well, that was deliberately made up by Tang Shuangshuang to harm Li Xiaoling. Li Xiaoling had better grades than her. Tang Shuangshuang was afraid that the outstanding quota would be squeezed out. This was Tang Shuangshuang's fault." His specialty is climbing up by stepping on other people's shoulders.

So I told you when I first met you, if you want to know about Li Xiaoling, you'd better ask Tang Shuangshuang. No one knows Li Xiaoling better than her. "

"Made it up?" I couldn't believe it. Can this kind of insult to a student's innocence be fabricated casually?

Seemingly seeing the shock in my eyes, Zhuang Ning sighed softly and said to me calmly, "People are all like this. Sometimes, for your own sake, you have to do things that hurt others. That day Li Xiaoling went back to school , happened to be discovered by Tang Shuangshuang and Wang Nan who were passing by. Wang Nan usually looked down on Li Xiaoling and thought she had an eccentric personality. When he saw her getting out of a BMW, he said with envy, "Female college students these days are really weird." If you don't know how to love yourself, you will do anything just to climb into the wealthy businessman's BMW." After hearing this, Tang Shuangshuang felt that this was an opportunity to step on Li Xiaoling. If her reputation was tarnished, wouldn't her excellent credits be the same? Got it? So she quickly took a few photos with her mobile phone, and based on Wang Nan's words, she fabricated many stories, including how Li Xiaoling had been kept by the old man and how she had fallen. She even hinted that Li Xiaoling had given birth to a child for the old man. So The explosive topic was naturally very popular, and soon it was spread to ten, and soon half of the students at Wuhan University knew the news that Li Xiaoling was being kept by a wealthy businessman."

"Then where did Li Xiaoling's BMW come from?"

Zhuang Ning shook his head and said, "Actually, the owner of that BMW is Li Xiaoling's father."

I nodded in realization.

I see.

"Li Xiaoling's character itself has flaws. When something like this happened, she didn't even have a friend to talk to. She was laughed at every day. In the end, she could only..." Zhuang Ning did not continue, she gritted her teeth and said: "So Tang Shuangshuang... The bad mouth is the culprit, so she had her lips sewn up, which was a real pleasure!”

When Zhuang Ning said this, I completely understood.

Although no one took action directly, they used their mouths to force Li Xiaoling to death.

How desperate and angry Li Xiaoling must have been before she died, to put on a red dress and turn into a ghost to take revenge!

Precisely because Tang Shuangshuang was the first person to spread rumors, he was the first to have his mouth sewn shut. Until Zisu, everyone who spread rumors and laughed at Li Xiaoling had their mouths sewn shut.

It seems like this matter should come to an end, right?

Zhuang Ning and I each had our own thoughts and were silent for a while.

After a while, a burst of rapid footsteps came over.

I looked up and saw a female student with a ponytail. She was about to rush into the dormitory building when she suddenly noticed Zhuang Ning next to her and hurried over: "Zhuang Ning, big news, breaking news."

"What big news? Why does our Wuhan University have so many breaking news?" Zhuang Ning said nonchalantly.

The girl turned a blind eye to her attitude and came over mysteriously: "You don't know yet, right? Tang Shuangshuang in your dormitory committed suicide in the hospital. He also hanged himself with stockings. The appearance of his death was exactly the same as that of Li Xiaoling. How about it? Isn't it big news? "

Zhuang Ning's face turned pale and he asked fearfully: "You...who did you listen to?"

The girl looked proud and said with great pride: "I just went to the office to deliver my homework, and I happened to hear two teachers discussing this matter. I heard that the school arranged for the teacher to visit Tang Shuangshuang, but when I opened the door of the ward... ...Hehe, that teacher was so scared that he peed his pants on the spot. Zhuang Ning, do you know who that teacher is?"

Zhuang Ning glanced at me confusedly.

I lowered my head and thought for a moment.

Was it because Tang Shuangshuang couldn't think about it himself, or was he affected by Li Xiaoling's resentment?

If it were Li Xiaoling...

Has Li Xiaoling's resentment reached the point where she can kill someone with just a wave of her hand? It's not enough to sew those people's mouths, they also have to make those people hang themselves like himself.

It seems I have to get rid of her.

The girl who brought the news kept talking a lot, but Zhuang Ning didn't pay attention to her at all. The girl curled her lips dissatisfied and said: "Why are you like this? I have told you so much. You didn't react at all. Forget it, I'd better talk to others."

After that, she jumped upstairs.

After the girls left, I hurriedly asked Zhuang Ning: "Who was the second person in your school to have his lips sewn? Was he also from your dormitory?"

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