Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 41 Basement

The man in the T-shirt stood aside and carefully observed the fat man's reaction, and I also took a second look.

I clearly noticed that the fat man's expression when he looked at the jade lantern was very strange, full of fear, and at the same time there seemed to be a trace of desire.

What is he longing for? I can't figure it out.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Okay, let's go in the direction where the candlelight is deflecting."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt asked me to lead the way, while he and the fat man followed closely behind.

Yin Xinyue took a few steps to catch up with me, hugged one of my arms, and stared nervously at the candlelight.

Unexpectedly, the jade lantern took us all the way to the entrance of the basement, and the candlelight continued to move towards the basement.

The man in the T-shirt looked back at the fat man: "What's in the basement?"

The fat man said quickly: "It seems that there are some sundries belonging to the owner of the house. I haven't opened them and I'm not sure."

"Really?" The tone of the man in the T-shirt was obviously questioning, but he did not ask aggressively. Instead, he walked up and pulled the rusty copper lock open with a strong tug.

Then the man in the T-shirt kicked the basement door, and a cold wind blew up, along with a strong fishy smell.

It was pitch dark inside the basement and nothing could be seen clearly.

But the man in the T-shirt didn't even look at it. He turned around and walked up to the fat man: "Your cousin and sister-in-law are inside, go in!"

The fat man suddenly squatted on the ground and cried loudly: "Cousin, cousin, your life is so miserable. I brought you here from the countryside to enjoy the blessings, but you were harmed by traitors. I am guilty, I am guilty, I will definitely avenge you."

The man in the T-shirt said: "Did I tell you they were dead?"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, stopped crying, wiped away his fake tears, and stared at the man in the T-shirt with a horrified expression: "You mean... they are still alive?"

The man in the T-shirt said: "Can't you tell if you turn on the light and take a look?"

With that said, the man in the T-shirt walked to the side and turned on the light in the basement.

As soon as the lights were turned on, a bloody scene suddenly appeared in front of us. There was an old-fashioned wooden box in the room. The wooden box was half open. Two corpses covered in blood were placed in the box. They seemed to be crawling out before they died.

Their fingers were spread wide, veins popped out on their faces, and their eyes were full of resentment, which was very scary.

The fat man suddenly screamed, almost fainted, and squatted on the ground.

And I immediately remembered the strange footsteps in the villa last night. If I guessed correctly, the footsteps last night belonged to these two corpses, right?

"Cousin, cousin, you died so miserably." The fat man burst into tears: "I can't help you, I didn't protect you, I deserve to die, it's all my fault! It's all my fault."

The man in the T-shirt lit a stick of sandalwood in the room, then looked at me and motioned for us to go out and talk first.

I immediately followed the T-shirt man out of the basement.

The man in the T-shirt asked: "Did you see it? The fat man is the murderer of his cousin."

I took a deep breath and said that the fat man was indeed suspicious, but how could you be sure it was him? What is his motivation.

The man in the T-shirt said: "The motive has not been found out yet, but I think we should be very close to the truth..."

"If it doesn't work, let's report the crime!" I said, "People are already dead. If we are involved again, we will be in big trouble."

The man in the T-shirt shook his head: "You can't call the police because it involves Longquan Villa and may even directly involve you."

"It involves me? How could it involve me?" I was shocked.

"Jade lamp." The man in the T-shirt said, "Didn't you notice something was wrong with the way the fat man looked at the jade lamp? There must be an inexplicable relationship between him and the jade lamp."

I nodded.

The fat man came out at this time and asked the man in the T-shirt if the investigation results were available? Who killed my cousin and sister-in-law? Also, why was my niece’s body not found? Could it be that my niece escaped?

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said, "Do you think we should call the police?"

The fat man broke into a sweat again and stammered: "Well... that's not necessary. I want to find out the murderer personally and then cut the murderer into pieces! If it is handed over to the police, the police will at most sentence him to death. In that case, I There is no way to avenge my cousin."

The man in the T-shirt nodded and asked Yin Xinyue to put down the big white cat in her arms.

Strangely enough, the big white cat that was lying obediently in Yin Xinyue's arms just now jumped up crazily as soon as its limbs touched the ground and grabbed a handful on the fat man's neck!

Suddenly, the fat man's body was dripping with blood.

He was furious, grabbed the white cat and threw it out the door, cursing.

Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt reacted quickly, or he may have been prepared. He stepped forward and successfully held the big white cat, and then held it gently in his arms: "It's just a beast, why should you be as knowledgeable as it?"

The fat man nodded in agreement.

The man in the T-shirt gently stroked the big white cat. The big white cat, which had been grinning at the fat man, slowly calmed down. The man in the T-shirt whispered a few words into the big white cat's ear, and then placed it on the ground.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt inexplicably and thought, could the man in the T-shirt still understand cat language?

The big white cat behaved much better this time. He walked around the villa first and then walked out.

The man in the T-shirt immediately asked me to drive and follow the big white cat.

The fat man also wanted to get into my car, but the man in the T-shirt stopped him, saying there were not enough seats.

"It's not enough..." The fat man's face turned black and red for a while, but he finally went to drive his car obediently.

I followed closely behind the big white cat. While driving, Yin Xinyue asked the man in the T-shirt what the hell was going on?

The man in the T-shirt said: "A week ago, this fat man came to me and said that his cousin came to my house as a guest some time ago, but disappeared soon after, and he wanted me to check."

I quickly stopped the man in the T-shirt: "Wait, that's not right, why is he looking for you?"

The man in the T-shirt hesitated for a moment, then finally handed me a business card.

I took it and took a closer look, and suddenly burst into laughter. The man in the T-shirt has many identities on his business card: Feng Shui and numerology, praying for salvation, exorcising ghosts and suppressing evil spirits. In short, he almost covers all the evil ways.

No wonder he was able to buy a Taoist temple in Hong Kong, where there is so much money.

If you throw this business card on the street, it will definitely be regarded as a small advertisement for a scammer, right?

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