Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 423: Invite the Pen Fairy

I immediately started to prepare. I hung a gel pen and placed an A4 paper underneath, with the tip of the pen just touching the paper.

There is no doubt that I am going to use the method of asking the pen fairy to ask questions!

But it is different from the Bixian game that most people play when they are idle and looking for excitement. They randomly invite random passers-by to answer questions, but I want to ask a specific ghost.

So I drew a circle with rooster blood on the outside of the table to ensure that nothing outside could get in and nothing inside could get out!

After finishing the work, I placed the disposable paper cup that sealed the mystery writer's ghost on the table, burned three pillars of sandalwood to let it eat. Wang Xu watched me make these preparations quickly, and said in surprise: "Sister Xinyue said You are an antique dealer, how can an antique dealer do this?”

"Don't you need all-round talents to do anything these days?" I laughed casually, then opened the paper cup, and a wisp of evil wind came out and attached to the gel pen.

I cleared my throat and started asking, giving it a try first by asking, "Who are you?"

The gel pen started to move and wrote the writer's pen name. Wang Xu was dumbfounded.

I took off the paper on top and stuffed another piece of A4 paper: "Who is the murderer in your mystery novel "Blood Apartment"?"

The gel pen stopped moving. The other person would definitely not be willing to answer this kind of question right away. I explained to him that I would fill in the gaps for him, saying that his thinking was too rigorous and we had no other way to ask him in person. I hoped he would definitely help.

The writer was finally convinced, and slowly wrote a few words on the paper with a pen: "Tenant No. 3."

"That's it!" Wang Xu shouted excitedly: "That's right, this is the most reasonable ending, I understand it all!"

"Is this okay?" I asked.

"Okay." Wang Xu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

My appetite was also whetted, and I asked him to give me a copy of the novel after it was published, and Wang Xu agreed.

Wang Xu said: "Boss Zhang, this trick of yours is really amazing. If you have time in the future, please invite Cao Xueqin's ghost from the underworld to fill in the pit of "A Dream of Red Mansions"!"

"Pull him down, you kid is really whimsical. Where can I find Cao Xueqin's innocent soul..." I chuckled.

I was about to send the wronged soul of the writer away, when Yin Xinyue asked curiously: "Brother Zhang, I have never played Bixian. Can I also ask questions?"

"Okay." I nodded.

Yin Xinyue thought for a moment and asked, "Bixian Bixian, do you think I'm beautiful?"

After waiting for a while, the pen wrote "yes" on the paper.

I felt funny for a while: "What kind of problem is this? Isn't it an obvious fact?"

"That doesn't count. Let me ask another question." Yin Xinyue thought for a while and asked, "Who killed you?"

The newspaper said that this Internet writer committed suicide due to too much pressure in life. I guessed that he would definitely write the word suicide, but the pen actually wrote a name: "Viagra!"

Yin Xinyue and I were shocked, and I quickly asked: "Why did Brother Wei want to kill you?"

This time the pen didn't move, probably because I didn't know, so I burned three more sticks of incense and sent the writer's ghost back into a disposable paper cup.

I never expected that an unintentional invitation to a pen wizard would actually lead to such a truth. Weige must have sold his pens to these writers, killed one person, then took them back, resold them to the next one, no wonder he was The evil spirit is in hot pursuit!

This is the most unscrupulous behavior in the world of ghosts. If it had been in my grandfather's time, the powerful would have cleaned up the family long ago.

After Yin Xinyue left with Wang Xu, I called several acquaintances of Wei Ge to inquire about his whereabouts. They all said that Wei Ge had not been home for a long time, and his wife also returned to her parents' home with her children, and the store was closed. Don't know where he went.

So, I spread the news in the circle, offering a reward of 100,000 yuan to find out the whereabouts of Viagra. This time I am willing to go all out, no matter the cost, I must cure this scum of the world of evil!

After waiting for another day, Li Mazi called and said that he had found Meng Dongye: "Brother from the Zhang family, come here quickly. This guy is going to kill himself. I won't listen even if I say something bad."

"Wait for me a moment." I said.

I drove to the address Li Mazi gave me. I was relatively unfamiliar with this area. I asked passers-by for a long time before I found out where the guest house was. Then on the third floor, a room was open, and Li Mazi's voice came from inside.

When I went in, I saw Meng Dongye squatting on a chair with an infusion stent next to him. He was typing while drawing glucose, with a cigarette in his mouth and winking. The ash was already burning and almost falling off, but his fingers were tapping so fast on the keyboard that he didn't even have time to flick the ash off.

I was relieved to see Meng Dongye still alive.

"You're finally here! Look at this guy, I just said a few words to him and he almost started fighting with me." Li Mazi looked distressed.

"Screenwriter Meng, let's go back." I advised.

"Go away! Don't hinder my creative enthusiasm. I still have 200,000 words left to finish. I will return the pen to you then..." Meng Dong said absentmindedly.

"I'll tell you the truth, you won't be able to finish this script."

"Stop coaxing me, you are giving me the greatest support by not disturbing me!" Meng Dongye shook off my hand.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It's hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words. I couldn't reason with this guy, so I just kidnapped him.

At this time, I smelled a smell of blood. I looked around and saw that the sheets and quilts were all neat. Meng Dongye hadn't slept at all in the past two days, and there was no blood on the ground. I raised my head and asked Li Mazi, "Have you smelled blood?" The smell?”

"Is there any?" Li Mazi sniffed: "I didn't smell anything!"

"Excuse me, please pass me the ashtray next to you." Meng Dongye pinched the cigarette butt and said.

I didn't think much, so I reached out for the ashtray next to me. The ashtray was made of tempered glass, very thick, and was very clean after washing. However, when I reached out and touched it, it was sticky, as if it had something on it. Then I looked at it. It's all blood!

I looked back and saw that Li Mazi and Meng Dongye who had just spoken were gone. There was only one person lying on the floor with a lot of blood bleeding from his head.

There was blood everywhere and my footprints were all over it.

And the bloody ashtray in my hand was obviously the murder weapon!

My head buzzed, and I knew I had been framed. I quickly put down the ashtray and walked outside. Suddenly, two policemen came up from the other end of the corridor and shouted: "Stop!"

I thought that if I got caught, I wouldn’t be able to escape even if I jumped into the Yellow River, so I ran away, with two policemen chasing after me desperately.

I ran out of the guest house and saw my car parked not far away, so I walked that way. Suddenly a hand grabbed my collar and pulled me back. I saw Li Mazi standing there, and next to me was a road with a truck roaring past.

If he hadn't pulled me back, I would have almost been killed!

When I looked back, the two policemen chasing me were gone.

"Brother Zhang, did you get hit by something evil? You couldn't stop shouting and walked straight towards the road?" Li Mazi said with a panicked expression.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was afraid that you didn't know the way, so I was waiting for you here, but I didn't wait for a long time." Li Mazi said.

I suddenly understood that the scene in the room, the police, and the car were all illusions. I was tricked by Shenghua's wonderful pen, but the blood I touched and the person lying on the floor of the guest house were real. That was Meng Dongye, he Was attacked.

"Oops, go back to the guest house!" I shouted.

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