Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 429 Death of Zhang Qinghai

After much deliberation, I finally felt that I had to find Zhang Qinghai!

After listening to my suggestion, Zhao Wuyang said hesitantly: "I have contacted him many times, but there is no news."

"Your method won't work, you have to use our method." I opened the drawer, looked for paper and pen, and motioned to Zhao Wuyang to write me the address of Zhang Qinghai's home.

Zhao Wuyang said firmly this time: "I want to go with you."

It's rare that he is so stubborn, so I don't think I should refuse.

Calling Mazi Li who was watching Sora Aoi on the computer, the three of us set off in a hurry.

Zhang Qinghai lives in the Fourth Ring Road of Wuhan. It happened to be demolished, and the surroundings were filled with the roar of machines.

Li Mazi looked around and said in my ear: "Brother Zhang, this place is quite remote, perfect for killing people and stealing goods. Be careful, this grandson is a spy of Longquan Villa."

I glanced at him with a smile: "It's broad daylight and the world is bright. Who dares to be so desperate in a society governed by law? Besides, aren't you there to control me?"

Li Mazi still looked worried: "Longquan Villa has to be on guard."

I smiled and shook my head: "You are the only one with a pig brain like you to remind me? If Zhao Wuyang were from Longquan Villa, would he not be able to tell which one of us is Zhang Jiulin?"

Li Mazi thought about it and made sense, so he said nothing.

The community where Zhang Qinghai lives was a new building that was just developed last year. Not many people moved in, and there was no time to plan the interior of the community. There were potholes everywhere. After finally finding the unit where he lived, Zhao Wuyang stopped and said, "This is it."

We took the elevator to the fourteenth floor. Zhao Wuyang pointed to the door of a unit and said, "This is it."

He stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a long time, no one responded. Zhao Wuyang couldn't help but sigh and said: "Look, it was the same situation when I came here a few days ago. There was no one in the house at all."

"How many times have you been here?" I asked him curiously.

"Once, three days ago, I just learned that Xue Peng and Xiao Sisi had an accident, so I immediately asked for leave to come find him." Zhao Wuyang said.

Could it be that Zhang Qinghai also learned the news at that time, so he was so frightened that he ran away?

But he was not the one who skinned the skin, so could he deserve it?

I winked at Li Mazi: "Master, it's up to you to take action."

Li Mazi looked at me stupidly: "What are you doing?"

"Open the door!"

Li Mazi's face changed: "Brother from the Zhang family, who do you think I am? I am a serious businessman. I can't do this kind of business of sneaking in and picking locks every day."

"Stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly. If you keep nagging me, I'll chop up the guy you're eating with!" I glared at Li Mazi fiercely.

"Brother Zhang, you have been very cruel to me recently. You beat me and kill me at every turn."

Li Mazi walked forward muttering, took off a ring needle from his clothes, and fiddled with the door lock for a long time. The door opened with a click.

Zhao Wuyang on the side looked at the two of us stupidly, stunned for a long time. Li Mazi had already opened the door.

As soon as we opened the door, a pungent stench hit our faces. Li Mazi and I quickly covered our noses. Zhao Wuyang, who was still in a daze, was not so lucky. He just took two puffs and threw up while holding the security door. .

Li Mazi tried to take a breath and looked at me in surprise.

This stench is so familiar to Li Mazi and I. It’s corpse odor!

It seems that Zhang Qinghai has encountered something unexpected.

Li Mazi and I winked, letting me explore the way and lead the way, while Li Mazi followed, and the two of us carefully entered Zhang Qinghai's house.

The house must have been recently renovated, with a standard two bedrooms and one living room. There was only a gray couch in the living room, which looked empty. One of the two rooms is a bedroom and the other is a study room.

The study room is filled with all kinds of books, the curtains are half-opened, and the light is a bit dark.

The floor was littered with messy shredded paper and garbage. A twisted corpse lay in front of the computer desk, wearing dirty pajamas. The stench was emanating from this corpse. This person must be Zhang Qinghai.

I walked closer and found Zhang Qinghai lying bloody on the table, his entire face had been peeled off, and the two eyeballs on his bloody head were connected to blood vessels, which looked particularly terrifying!

Even though I have witnessed many horrific scenes, I couldn't help but take two steps back.

Zhao Wuyang is a doctor after all. After the initial nervousness subsided, he quickly recovered. He asked me in a low voice outside the door: "How is it? Is the person dead?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

However, autopsy and checking the time of death are not my expertise, so I had to call Zhao Wuyang over and let him check.

"I...I don't dare." Zhao Wuyang replied tremblingly.

Li Mazi, who was already upset, immediately scolded: "There are two big people here with you, why are you cowardly? Aren't you a doctor? When you were studying in the past, you didn't see much of these things? Hurry up, you If you keep nagging, we won't care about your business, and your face will be peeled off later, but don't go to the King of Hell to sue us."

Zhao Wuyang was so frightened that he wanted to cry without tears: "I really don't dare, don't force me."

Li Mazi snorted coldly: "Who forced you? Love will come or not. If you don't come, we will leave. We won't be able to catch the two buses in a while..."

Just as I was about to speak, Li Mazi winked at me and whispered to me: "This kid is a coward. I must take this opportunity to cure his problem, otherwise he will be useless in his life. "

Although the method is a bit inhumane, I have to admit that Li Mazi's words are reasonable. Zhao Wuyang's character will harm him for a lifetime. If it can be corrected in time, Li Mazi has done a great good deed.

So I had to shut my mouth, turned my face to the side, and pretended that I didn't hear anything.

Under Li Mazi's repeated urging, Zhao Wuyang had no choice but to move in front of us step by step. As soon as he stretched his neck and took a look at the corpse, he suddenly screamed in fear.

It's not his fault, Zhang Qinghai's death scene was really terrifying, especially the face that had been peeled off. The veins and veins were like a disgusting spider web, sticking to the red flesh.

I comforted Zhao Wuyang: "Don't be afraid, he is already dead. If you can hold on, help find out how long he has been dead. If you can't hold on, we will evacuate and call the police."

Zhao Wuyang took a deep breath, his face was as white as a piece of paper, he gritted his teeth: "It's okay, I can hold on."

He deliberately avoided Zhang Qinghai's face and briefly inspected other parts of the body: "Without tools, it is difficult to judge the specific time of death, but the initial estimate is that it must have been more than a week. It seems that his body was covered with corpse spots."

"Okay." Li Mazi interrupted impatiently: "You think this is a rule of law program, it's so long-winded."

Zhao Wuyang was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth.

Zhang Qinghai died on this computer desk, so what was he doing during his lifetime? I studied his posture and found that his hands were stiffly holding something.

Thinking of the mirror that Zhao Wuyang told me, I suddenly realized that Zhang Qinghai was playing with the mirror before he died, and then something unexpected happened.

I hurriedly searched around, even searching under the computer desk and bookshelf, but I still couldn't find the bronze mirror.

After Zhang Qinghai died, where did the mirror go?

It won't disappear out of thin air, right?

Or maybe Zhang Qinghai was unconscious before his death, and he imagined that the mirror was still in his hand, so he played with it?

I thought about it to no avail, but Li Mazi had already waved to me: "Brother Zhang, the smell in this room is too strong, let's leave quickly."

Zhao Wuyang nodded wildly as if he had received an amnesty: "Okay, okay, let's go."

Then he held on to the wall and staggered out of the study.

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