Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 462 Same-sex love

I was sure that the mask was on the agent, so I said to him: "You don't know how powerful this thing is. Although it can bring you some benefits in a short period of time, the more times it is used, the more dangerous it is. Sooner or later, you will... He was tricked to death by it.”

The agent's face turned green and white, and he was still denying it. At this time, Yi Xi suddenly became furious: "Who are you? You are talking nonsense here, and you even brought the director to support you, you shameless charlatan! Sister Yin, I feel so sad for you that you found this kind of man!"

I really wanted to slap Yi Xi for his mean mouth, but when I thought of the tragic situation of the actor that afternoon, I didn't dare to anger him, so I had to swallow my anger.

Yi Xi snorted, and Manager Song said, "Let's go and ignore them!"

After the two left, the director asked me: "Zhang...Boss Zhang, are you sure there is something evil in Xiao Yi?"

"OK." I nodded.

"Then what are we going to do?"

I sighed for a while, I can't just grab it forcefully, right? Things will only get worse if you irritate him. He immediately said to the director: "Just follow him these two days and don't make him angry, otherwise you will be in trouble."

"You are so clever, can't you think of a way to solve it?" the director asked.

I said that this kind of thing is like seeing a doctor. I don’t want to treat it, and the doctor can’t do anything.

But if his 'condition' worsens, the crew doesn't know how many more accidents will happen, and I'm a little nervous now.

After saying goodbye to the director, on the way back to the house, Yin Xinyue secretly tugged on my clothes: "Brother Zhang, let me reveal something to you! Don't spread it randomly."

"Say!" I nodded.

"Xiao Yi is actually gay."

"No way!" Li Mazi's eyes widened: "I searched for him on Baidu this morning and found that this guy is very romantic. There are scandals about him every six months."

"It was all an act. When I was on a set, he told me that he has liked men since he was a child, so he has always had low self-esteem." Yi Xinyue said.

"Why doesn't he just get gay?" I asked.

"It's not that easy. After all, he is a public figure. He has to maintain his image, and he has so many female fans who admire him. If the outside world knows that he is gay, all the hard work he has put in over the years will be in vain."

"The life of a star is really tiring." I said, "By the way, that agent and him..."

"I guess it's probably a couple." Yin Xinyue smiled in a very gossipy manner.

I also think so. Unless he has a very close relationship, it is impossible for him to let outsiders know that he has a vagina on his hand, not to mention that the mask is still on the manager.

"Why doesn't he see a psychiatrist? It's not like he doesn't have money. As the saying goes, there are three types of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the worst. If my little boy is gay, I will definitely break his legs!" Li Mazi said.

Yin Xinyue and I looked at him with contempt and said, "If you say that in front of real people, you will definitely be beaten to death."

Li Mazi looked confused: "Am I wrong?"

I didn't bother to argue with him. Li Mazi belonged to the conservative generation and would not accept such a thing. In the past two years, China has been influenced by European and American culture, and everyone has gradually accepted the existence of homosexuality.

Even Apple CEO Cook admits that he is gay.

I personally also feel that it is a person's freedom to like men and women. As for myself, I am definitely thinking about women.

We went back to the house to boil water, wash up, and get ready for bed. I said to Li Mazi hypocritically, "I'll stay with you tonight!"

"Forget it! To avoid sneaking away in the middle of the night, I'd better go over and sleep with my siblings. I'm fine by myself. Just don't make too much noise between the two of you." Li Mazi said with a bitter face.

"Go away." I yelled with a smile.

Yin Xinyue was still awake and was sitting on the bed playing with her mobile phone. I went to the kitchen to get a basin of hot water to soak her feet and wipe her feet. Yin Xinyue was moved and asked me why I was so nice to her. I smiled and said that I should.

We chatted for a while, then the lights in the room flickered a few times, and then there were some noises in the yard. Yin Xinyue held my arms in fear and asked me if a thief had come in.

"They're all from the crew, who stole whom? I'll go take a look." I said.

"No, I'm scared to be alone." Yin Xinyue said with a trembling voice.

"Then come with me!" I said, picking up a wooden stick in my hand, pushing the door open and going out, with Yin Xinyue following closely behind me. The moonlight illuminated the yard brightly. I looked around and suddenly heard some movement on the roof. When I looked up, I saw a vague shadow standing on it.

The man was wearing golden armor, with a red cloak flying behind him. He had fair skin and long hair, but he wore a ferocious ghost mask on his face.

Yin Xinyue screamed in fright, and I broke out in a cold sweat. This was simply the reincarnation of King Lanling!

I handed the wooden stick to Yin Xinyue and took out the Sirius Whip. The shadow jumped directly from the roof and landed firmly. Before he could stand up, I whipped out the whip! Unexpectedly, he grabbed the Sirius Whip, yanked hard, and threw me to the ground.

He raised his shining sword and stabbed me. In desperation, I dropped the whip and grabbed the blade tightly with both hands.

I thought it would be painful to hold the sword with bare hands, but the sword didn't feel sharp at all in my hand, and when I applied a little force, the sword actually broke...

After working on it for a long time, this is just a prop sword!

The masked man threw away the broken sword in his hand and kicked me in the stomach. The kick was so strong that I sat down on the ground and almost vomited blood.

"Brother Zhang!" Yin Xinyue ran over to help me, and I told her to leave quickly.

The masked man grabbed Yin Xinyue's arm and tried to push Yin Xinyue aside. Yin Xinyue kicked and hit him, but he didn't care at all.

Seeing him being rough with Yin Xinyue, I was furious: "Yixi, don't think I can't recognize you with the mask on!"

A sinister smile came from under the mask, and I was stunned for a moment. The voice didn't belong to Yi Xi, nor did it belong to my agent.

He grabbed my neck and lifted me up from the ground into the air, making me feel suffocated and kept flopping and struggling. How much strength does it take to lift someone up with one hand?

At this time, Li Mazi ran over and was petrified by this scene. I managed to say a word through my teeth: "Help me!"

Li Mazi looked around, finally picked up a clay pot, and slowly approached the masked man from behind.

There was only a bang sound, and Li Mazi smashed the pottery pot on the masked man's head. The pottery pot shattered everywhere, but the masked man seemed not to be injured at all. He slowly turned his face and stared at Li Mazi. Li Mazi was embarrassed. He forced out a smile.


The masked man punched Li Mazi in the chest. Li Mazi screamed and was beaten into the house like a sandbag.

While he was dealing with Li Mazi, I reached out to pick up the Sirius Whip on the ground, but I couldn't pull it away. When I looked up, I saw that the masked man had stepped on it with his foot. He raised his other leg and kicked me towards me. Fortunately, I dodged. Be quick.

"We have to find a way to take off his mask!"

I was just thinking that the masked man grabbed the Sirius Whip on the ground in his hand. The Sirius Whip is made of the skin of the Mobei Blue Wolf. Logically speaking, the zombie wild ghosts would not dare to touch it. The fact that he can touch it with his hands shows that he Not possessed, still has his own consciousness.

I quickly shouted to him: "Yixi, Handsome Yi, please tell me if you have anything to say. We are here to help you, not to harm you."

The masked man ignored me at all, danced his whip, and slapped my arm loudly. A bloodstain appeared instantly, and the pain made me gasp.

Think about it, I have killed countless demons and monsters with this Sirius whip, but one day I was whipped with the Sirius whip. If I go out to fool around, I will have to pay it back sooner or later!

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