Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 47 Rusty Scimitar

I immediately carried Jingjing on my back. Although she was half human and half corpse, she had no zombie characteristics at all. The body is still soft and it is very comfortable to carry on the body.

Li Mazi volunteered and asked him to carry it.

Who knows if this Li Mazi can eat other people's tofu? After all, she was still a college student, so I didn’t agree.

Several girls also realized the seriousness of this matter, and without any nonsense, they immediately led us the way.

Unexpectedly, they did not take us into the village, but bypassed the village and stopped in a wilderness behind the village. Then he pointed to a nearby weed and said, "It was in this pile of weeds that we found those red fruits..."

The man in the T-shirt nodded, then asked them to wait where they were, and asked me to go in and find out more.

I knew something was definitely wrong in this patch of weeds, so I held the Sirius Whip in my hand, followed the man in the T-shirt, and cautiously walked into the haystack.

Li Mazi didn't go in because he wanted to protect the other girls outside.

The man in the T-shirt didn’t force me, he said whatever he wants!

The weeds here are very lush, which are common things in rural areas, and as we go deeper, the weeds inside become more lush!

The man in the T-shirt told me that this place is likely to be home to some poisonous creatures living in the dark, such as poisonous snakes or poisonous toads. You must be careful, if you are bitten, the consequences may be more serious than Jingjing.

I nodded and suddenly remembered what happened last night. I asked the man in the T-shirt if there were blisters on Jingjing's feet. Could it be because he was bitten by something and was poisoned?

The man in the T-shirt hesitated for a moment and glanced at me with piercing eyes: "You didn't touch the bubbles on her feet, did you?"

I immediately said: "Don't worry, absolutely not."

The man in the T-shirt breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

After walking hard for a while in the weeds, I didn't encounter any poisonous snakes or beasts.

At this moment, shrubs began to appear in the weeds, which were as tall as a person. I felt that Li Mazi and the others could not see us.

I searched around the area but couldn't find any red fruits. I started to feel a little disappointed. I wondered if there was only one life-and-death fruit that was eaten by Jingjing?

Just as I was thinking wildly, the man in the T-shirt suddenly waved his hand towards me, signaling me to stop.

Then he leaned down and put his ears to the ground.

I did the same, but didn't hear anything.

The man in the T-shirt grabbed a handful of dirt and sniffed it vigorously, then his expression began to change. I was terrified and asked the man in the T-shirt what he had found.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Let's go."

After that, he quickened his pace, and I followed closely. My subconscious mind told me that the man in the T-shirt must have discovered something.

Unexpectedly, after we walked a few steps, we actually discovered the red fruit!

The red fruits seemed to be stained with blood and were very dazzling. They were densely packed together and looked like there must be at least dozens of them.

I looked carefully and found that this so-called life and death fruit was about the same size as a nectarine and oval in shape.

In the middle of the fruit of life and death, there is a black thing, which at first glance really looks like an eye.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I always feel like I'm being stared at by countless pairs of eyes at this moment, which makes me feel very nervous.

"Is this the fruit of life and death?" I asked inexplicably.

The man in the T-shirt nodded, leaned down, grabbed a handful of the roots of the Fruit of Life and Death, pulled them out hard, and then dug down along the roots with his hands.

What I never expected was that the man in the T-shirt actually dug out a rusty machete from under the root. Seeing the machete, the man in the T-shirt's eyes actually showed a fiery light, and it was obvious that he was very excited.

The man in the t-shirt handed me the machete, then casually grabbed a few life-and-death fruits, and told me to go back quickly.

I turned around and left, but I felt that the man in the T-shirt didn't follow me.

Turning around, he saw that the man in the T-shirt was pulling out the Eight-faced Han Sword from his back, cutting his own finger with an expressionless expression, and then dripping the blood from his finger into the soil.

I was shocked and quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what he was doing.

The man in the T-shirt didn't answer me this time, but took me back without saying a word.

I have always had a doubt. Several girls came to Fengmen Village to explore. Why did they end up in a place like this for no reason? This place is overgrown with weeds, and there will naturally be snakes or rats. Aren't they afraid?

When I go out, I always feel like something is following behind me.

But when I turned around to look, I found nothing.

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, the rustling footsteps have not disappeared!

We stopped, and the rustling footsteps stopped. We continued walking, and the sound continued. I tried several times, without exception.

I asked the man in the T-shirt what that sound was. But the man in the T-shirt waved his hand and told me to leave it alone.

We ran out of the grass in one breath, and I was so tired that I was out of breath.

I found that the girls were all looking at us in panic.

I took another look at Jingjing and found that Jingjing's face was frighteningly red, as if all the blood had gathered on her face.

I was shocked and quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what to do?

The man in the T-shirt looked panicked, looked around blankly, holding the sword, and said: "Quickly, leave this place."

Seeing the man in the T-shirt looking so uneasy made me feel even more uneasy. He carried Jingjing on his shoulders and led everyone back to his residence in a hurry.

As soon as we returned to our residence and calmed down, the man in the T-shirt immediately ordered Li Mazi and me to lock all the doors and windows of Xie Li Thatched Cottage.

And he stood on both sides of the door and window, listening carefully to what was going on outside!

If you hear something approaching, be sure to notify him immediately.

The man in the T-shirt quickly scraped off the rust stains on the machete.

The sound of scraping rust gave me goosebumps.

Several girls were also frightened by the tense and depressing atmosphere and did not dare to speak out. They stared at the man in the T-shirt with wide eyes.

After the T-shirt man scraped the machete clean, he immediately called a few girls over and asked them to pick up the rust on the ground and stuff it into the quiet seven orifices until it was full.

The girl with heavy makeup asked worriedly: "Will this suffocate her to death?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded and said, "It's possible, but if you don't stuff it in, she will die immediately."

The girls were all scared and could only follow the instructions of the man in the T-shirt and carefully stuffed the rust into Jingjing's mouth, nostrils, ear holes, anus, lower body and other places.

After doing this, the man in the T-shirt walked to the door and took a long, deep breath.

At this moment, my heart was filled with questions, so I asked the man in the T-shirt in a low voice: "What were you worried about just now?"

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