Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 494 Water Ghost River

But before I could make any move, there was a loud sound of a car engine behind me. I turned around and saw that Director Liu's car had arrived.

As soon as the car stopped, Director Liu and Li Mazi got out of the car.

I quickly applied two drops of cow tears to the corners of my eyes, and then looked over attentively. I found that two of Director Liu's Yanghuo had been extinguished, and a headless black shadow lay on his shoulder. It was obviously Wang Zhuangzhuang's wronged soul.

After Director Liu got out of the car, he picked up Li Mazi and strode towards where I was.

"Does Wang Zhuangzhuang want to take them up to see Cao Cao?"

I muttered something, and then I had an idea and hurriedly hid behind a stone aside and quietly observed.

After they came over, they slowly climbed up the steps I was on just now.

Li Mazi looked around as he walked, apparently worried that I hadn't arrived yet.

I knew that Li Mazi might be exposed if he didn't follow me, and Director Liu's life would be over if he continued to mess with her. So I dug out a piece of frozen soil from the ground and stuffed it into my mouth.

After death, people's souls return to the earth, so soil is yin, and frozen soil has more yin energy! Holding it in the mouth can temporarily cover the Yang Qi on the body and avoid being discovered by Wang Zhuangzhuang and Cao Cao.

As Director Liu and Li Mazi climbed to the top of the Tongque Tower, I finally saw Cao Cao.

At this moment, his figure is no longer blurry, and the entire shadow is unusually clear, just like a living person. He was wearing the official uniform of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, holding a seven-star sword in his hand, looking at Li Mazi with his head held high, his eyes full of sneers.

At this time, Director Liu's body suddenly started shaking violently. I quickly looked over his head and found that Wang Zhuangzhuang had jumped off Director Liu. He lay in front of Cao Cao and kowtowed three times respectfully, then turned around in a hurry as if to leave. .

How could I let go of this opportunity? When Wang Zhuangzhuang wasn't paying attention, I directly put his soul into the Hundred Ghost Bag.

Cao Cao seemed to feel the power of the Hundred Ghost Bag, and cautiously glanced in my direction, and then walked over slowly.

Even if he sees me, he will definitely think that I am dead, so I am not worried about myself. I quickly sent a text message to Li Mazi, asking the two of them to take the opportunity to leave. Then before Cao Cao saw me, I bit off the tip of my tongue, sprayed it on his feet, and then kicked him in the crotch.

It's not that I'm shameless, but the only way to completely anger the Yin spirit and make it lose its attack power in a short period of time is this move.

As I kicked him down, Cao Cao let out an ouch, then his whole face twisted together in pain, and he squatted on the ground and rubbed his crotch.

I took the opportunity to take Li Mazi and Director Liu out of Tongquetai. After getting in the car, without saying a word, I stepped on the accelerator all the way and rushed to the police station as quickly as possible.

After getting off the car, I asked Director Liu to collect all the mirrors in the police station, and then arranged these mirrors in my room like a gossip. Then I asked Director Liu to find some raincoats and asked him to cover the mirrors. Do as I say and ask me what's the use of it?

"I kicked Cao Cao in the balls. Based on his character, he will definitely retaliate against me. Let's wait for him!"

I laughed after saying this, because I put a lot of thought into placing the mirrors. Except for the door, which has no mirror, the other seven doors each have a mirror, and the door corresponds to the door of death in the Eight Diagrams.

As long as Cao Cao dares to come, he will definitely join the battle. At that time, he can only beg me for mercy or break into the door of death; but I firmly believe that Cao Mengde, who cut off his beard and discarded his robe during his lifetime, will never enter the door of death!

While Director Liu and I were preparing all this, Li Mazi sat beside him without saying a word and his face was very pale.

At first, I thought he hadn't recovered from his previous fear, so I left him alone. But after Director Liu and I finished our work, the kid still looked like he was demented.

"Li Mazi, what's wrong with you?"

I waved my hand in front of his eyes, and then pushed him gently. Unexpectedly, Li Mazi fell backwards, and his eyes slowly closed.

Director Liu's expression changed when he saw this, he hurriedly supported Li Mazi, put his hand under Li Mazi's nose and shouted: "He, he, he, he is out of breath..."


I was shocked, and hurriedly touched under Li Mazi's nose. Sure enough, as Director Liu said, he was no longer breathing.

I just felt like my head was going to explode, and then I thought of the life and death experience with Li Mazi, and of Ruxue still waiting for her husband at home with a big belly. He can't die, and I don't believe he just died like this.

But when I wiped the cow's tears and took a look, I was shocked to find that all three Yang flames on Li Mazi's body had been extinguished, and a black mist surrounded his head, which was continuously absorbing the last Yang energy from his body.

"Fuck you!"

My eyes instantly turned red, I cursed, took out a magic talisman and slapped Li Mazi on the head, dispersing the black mist, and then laid Li Mazi flat on the bed.

He must be haunted by the ghost of another victim who never showed up. Li Mazi was fine on the way back from Tongquetai. The incident must have occurred only after we arrived at the police station.

At most half an hour had passed, so Li Mazi's soul must not have gone far.

Thinking of this, I quickly changed the arranged Bagua formation and pointed the exit door of Bagua at the entrance of the room. Then I took off Li Mazi's clothes and handed them to Director Liu, asking him to put on his clothes and shout loudly for Li Mazi outside the police station. name!

Director Liu was stunned for a moment, but he still did as I asked. After he went out, I lit three sticks of incense in the Bagua array, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed my eyes, and silently recited the incantation to summon the soul.

As Director Liu's shouts became louder and louder, my chanting speed became faster and faster. Gradually, the light in front of me became erratic. I carefully squinted my eyes and discovered the green color of sandalwood. The smoke drifted slightly northwest.

It seems that Li Mazi's soul has sensed that we are calling him and is heading this way!

I felt happy and started reading faster.

Normally, Li Mazi's soul would rush back immediately after hearing the noise, and the green smoke would disperse faster and faster. After Li Mazi's soul returned to his body, the green smoke would calm down again.

But after I read it for a long time, Li Mazi's soul didn't come back, and the sandalwood was extinguished without any warning.

"not good!"

This must be the fourth victim of the beheading case. Zhang Yang’s evil spirit was trying to prevent Li Mazi from coming back. I was so angry that I punched the ground with my fist. Then I went out and asked Director Liu to go back to the house and keep an eye on Li Mazi’s body. I chased him northwest. go.

To the northwest of the Public Security Bureau is the suburb of Linzhang County, where there is a small river and a market on the bridge. Because the vendors often throw garbage into the river and no one takes care of it, the small river has become a smelly ditch. , you can smell a fishy smell from a long distance away.

Director Liu mentioned it to me when we were passing by the river before, saying that the leaders did not care and tried to clean up the river several times, but the engineering team always had accidents. Either the cleaners were injured or the machines were broken, and in the end they had no choice but to do it. Of.

I originally wanted to see what was weird about this creek after I finished handling the beheading case. Who knew that Li Mazi's soul was hooked here.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Li Mazi's loss of soul may be related to this river. When I reached the edge of the river, I vaguely heard the sound of rushing water from the river, as if someone was taking a bath in it.

But there are all kinds of garbage floating on the surface of the river, and the water below is frozen by ice. How can there be the sound of water?

I was afraid that the sound was caused by dirty things in the water. Thinking of this, I repeated my old trick and stuffed a ball of mud into my mouth, and then hurriedly walked to the bridge and went down.

After just one glance, I couldn't help but exclaim.

The river that was still frozen during the day didn't even have any ice at the moment, and the garbage floating on the river had disappeared, replaced by corpses!

All the limbs of these corpses were swollen and soaked like white winter melons. Some of them could not even distinguish their facial features. The moment I made a sound, they all looked at me, with sneers in their eyes.

At this moment, Li Mazi's voice suddenly came from behind: "Brother Zhang, is that you?"

After hearing this, I suddenly turned around and saw Li Mazi standing behind me. Since this Li Mazi is just a soul, his body appears blurry. He was wet all over, as if he had just climbed out of the water.

Seeing me looking over, he sighed and said, "Brother Zhang, you'd better go back! It's dangerous here."

After saying that, he turned around and ran back. I chased him subconsciously, but after just two steps, I found that my legs were pulled by something. I looked down and found that the person holding me was actually the person I invited a few hours ago. The ghost that came here was the guide.

When I saw it, my first feeling was that it wanted to cause trouble for me, so I subconsciously grabbed the magic charm in my pocket and tried to slap her.

Unexpectedly, before I could do anything, the ghost disappeared without a trace.

I ignored it and gritted my teeth to continue chasing Li Mazi, but suddenly I found that I had climbed over the bridge railing and was about to jump into the river!

When facing the group of people in the river who were sneering at me, I suddenly realized that what I had just encountered was not Li Mazi's soul at all, but one conjured up by other little ghosts to confuse me.

If the guide ghosts hadn't pulled me out at the critical moment, I might have fallen into the river and been killed by them!

I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I speeded up my pace to cross the bridge and pursue the path ahead.

As I was running forward, I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. My heart skipped a beat, and I thought to myself, could there be another ghost chasing me?

After hesitating for a while, I decided to ignore it for now. It was more important to chase Li Mazi, so I continued running.

Unexpectedly, just after running a few meters away, I was tapped on the shoulder again. At the same time, I heard the squeaking sound of a rat on my shoulder.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I felt a huge surprise in my heart. I immediately turned my head and looked over my shoulder, and suddenly I saw a fat mouse staring at me with bright eyes.

It's the rat raised by Senior Rat!

Its appearance here meant that Senior Mouse was nearby. I quickly asked Mouse if he knew where Li Mazi's soul had gone.

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