Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 505: The Sword Stabs the Vixen

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the man in the T-shirt to frown. He glanced at me and Zhou Tian cryptically, closed the doors and windows quietly, then pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword on his back and pointed directly at Pierce the gold handkerchief!

He just wanted to force out what was inside, so he sheathed his sword just in time to avoid being pierced through the handkerchief.

Even so, the gold handkerchief still made a sizzling sound, and then a woman's ecstatic voice came from inside: "I hate it, what are you doing here..."

The sound was so numb that my tongue suddenly became dry. I subconsciously read the Tao Te Ching, and Zhou Tian covered his crotch and said he needed to go to the toilet and hurried out. I don’t know if it was right. Really go to the toilet.

After I regained my consciousness, I found a stunning beauty with a slim figure emerging from the gold silk handkerchief. She wore a white fox fur on her upper body and a translucent gauze scarf on her lower body. The whole figure looked very sexy, especially that Her charming eyes look very much like the legendary Daji.

Seeing me looking at her, the woman's eyes moved, and she said delicately: "A spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold. I see that your face is exhausted, why don't you come to my place to rest?" As she said that, she took off all her clothes, legs and legs. Surrounding each other, one of the two hands was in his mouth, and the other gently hooked towards me.

Just when I couldn't stand the temptation and was about to pounce, the man in the T-shirt suddenly unsheathed his long sword. This time he used all his strength to pierce the gold handkerchief directly.

The woman let out a scream, and her whole body turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared without a trace. Then I discovered that the luster on the gold handkerchief had disappeared and became a mess. Especially the part stabbed by the man in the T-shirt was slowly leaking black water.

"What's going on?" I asked.

That woman was no match for the T-shirt man at first glance, and the T-shirt man always focused on transcendence when dealing with Yin spirits. This time, he didn't give the woman a chance to speak at all and killed her with one blow. This made me very confused.

"Unless she dies, there will be no peace in Bianhe..."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt picked up the handkerchief and handed it to me, letting me smell it. I lowered my head and smelled it, and I smelled a strong smell, and I couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that that woman was just a vixen?

"Yes, she is a fox. She specializes in seducing lustful men and absorbing their essence. I don't know who trapped this vixen in a gold handkerchief. This is a good thing, but the gold handkerchief and He's jade After long-term contact, the Yin spirits inside will feel each other's presence. Over time, this fox will definitely seduce Bianhe!"

"But Bianhe was a noble person and didn't want to accept her teasing, so he was forced to become a ghost!" the man in the T-shirt explained.

I nodded after listening. There is really no need to be merciful when dealing with such fairies, because even if they become human, they are still inhumane and have no possibility of being influenced.

It's just a pity for my gold handkerchief.

Then the man in the T-shirt took off the gauze on my feet, took out a handful of glutinous rice and ground it into powder and applied it on it. I felt the soles of my feet suddenly itching, and I subconsciously reached out to scratch it, but the man in the T-shirt held me tightly. raised his arm and said seriously: "Hold on, I'm pulling out the Yin Qi from you!"

As the man in the T-shirt increased his strength, I gradually adapted to the condition of the soles of my feet. I felt that the cold air from my whole body was gathering towards the soles of my feet, and soon the white glutinous rice flour turned into jet black.

Then he took out a small bottle from his pocket, squeezed out something similar to toothpaste and applied it to my injured area. The sole of my foot suddenly stung, and I couldn't help but scream.

After hearing the sound, Zhou Tian and the man in the T-shirt hurriedly ran in and held down my limbs. They didn't let me go until the soles of my feet were numb.

At this time, I was surprised to find that my feet no longer hurt. When I lifted my feet, I was surprised to find that the wounds had scabs. I took two tentative steps, and sure enough, the pain was gone!

I couldn't help but feel happy. I patted the man in the T-shirt on the shoulder and said, "You are still very capable. Please teach me some tricks when you have time."


The man in the T-shirt gave a rare smile, and then asked me coldly, do I know where the old man is hiding?

After hearing this, I became serious. At that time, I was only halfway through following him when he discovered him, and I really didn’t know his address. But he just came to the hospital in person to harm me, so he must have left clues.

Thinking of this, I quickly went downstairs with the man in the T-shirt and paid to activate the hospital's surveillance system. Soon I saw the old man walking out of my ward, then went straight downstairs, took off his white coat and mask, and left in a swaggering way. Got to the hospital.

A few hundred meters ahead of the hospital is a crossroads. It's impossible to tell which direction he went? The man in the T-shirt sighed and said, it would be great if the little Taoist boy was still around. He would definitely be able to identify the yang energy in the old man.

After hearing this, I suddenly thought of my adopted Xiaolin, and immediately released it from the paper crane. Xiaolin came out happily and was about to do somersaults all over the room, but when he saw the man in the T-shirt, his face immediately changed. Whoosh jumped onto my shoulder, obviously feeling threatened by the man in the T-shirt.

"Don't be afraid, this is one of our own."

I smiled and touched Xiaolin's head, then I said to the man in the T-shirt, "How are you doing? I adopted him for you."

The man in the T-shirt glanced at Xiaolin lightly and asked, "Why are you afraid of me."

"Because you are very powerful." Xiaolin shrank his big head and said cautiously.

The man in the T-shirt nodded, bit off his own finger and handed it to Xiaolin's mouth. It was obvious that he really liked this kid. Upon seeing this, Xiaolin subconsciously stepped forward to drink the blood of the man in the T-shirt, but stopped at the last moment and looked at me hesitantly.

I was very touched, nodded and said, "Go ahead! He is more capable than me and can help you repay your yang as soon as possible."

Xiaolin then happily sucked the T-shirt man's blood and became the T-shirt man's follower.

Then Xiaolin followed the T-shirt man's instructions and smelled the old man's breath from the copper box. Then he followed the breath and walked around the hospital several times, and finally determined the direction in which the old man escaped. Me, the T-shirt man, and Zhou Tianma immediately chased after the guy with him.

As I walked on the road, I noticed that Zhou Tian's face looked ugly. When I was watching the monitoring in the hospital, I noticed something was wrong with his eyes. I was afraid that something might happen to him, so I asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you worried?"


Zhou Tian quickly shook his head and walked forward pretending to be relaxed, which made me even more convinced that something was wrong with him.

At this time, the man in the T-shirt calmly stretched out his hand to stop me. I looked up and saw him giving Zhou Tian a vague glance. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but become vigilant.

Could it be that Zhou Tian also has a problem?

Not long after I followed Xiaolin, I saw the construction site I walked past yesterday. It seemed that the old guy was rushing home. When he got near the iron fence, Xiaolin suddenly stopped walking and looked around in fear.

I was already nervous enough, so when I saw this, I took out my umbrella and stared at my feet cautiously. The man in the T-shirt also leaned behind me holding the Eight-faced Han Sword. We were back to back and stared at everything nearby, but the surroundings were quiet and there was nothing strange.

After a while, the man in the T-shirt put away his sword, looked at Xiaolin doubtfully, and asked, "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Xiaolin shook his head repeatedly, looking around anxiously but unable to locate the target. Finally, the man in the T-shirt waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, continue to take us away based on your feelings."

Xiaolin was frightened for a while after hearing this, but in the end he listened to the man in the T-shirt.

After walking for a few miles, there were fewer and fewer construction sites around, and intermittent farmland began to appear. There were occasionally some small wooden houses in the middle. From a distance, these small wooden houses looked dark, and I didn't know if anyone lived in them. ?

At this time, Zhou Tian's screams suddenly came from a small wooden house a few hundred meters away from us.

I was stunned after hearing this, and turned around to look around, and I was shocked to find that Zhou Tian was missing!

"what happened?"

The man in the T-shirt frowned when he saw Zhou Tian disappearing, and then asked: "Who is this Zhou Tian?"

"I don't know if he has any problems, but the vagina has definitely been causing trouble for him." I told the truth, feeling a little annoyed at the same time. Since arriving here, the man in the T-shirt and I have devoted all our attention to When observing the enemy's situation, he didn't pay attention to Zhou Tian at all, so he didn't even know when he disappeared.

But I can confirm that Zhou Tian was still there when Xiaolin stopped just now. He was holding the copper box in his arms, with a complicated expression on his face. Thinking of this, I was shocked. Could Xiaolin's madness be related to Zhou Tian?

"I can't care so much anymore!"

The man in the T-shirt didn't think any more and rushed towards the house in the distance. My injured foot slowed me down a lot, and I was thrown ten meters away by him in the blink of an eye. I was about to catch up, but I found a force behind me grabbing me, and then I felt the hot pain.

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