Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 510 Onmyoji, Abe Seimei

At nine o'clock in the morning, we got on the bus to Kyoto.

Along the way, Li Mazi and Ruxue, who were sitting in the back row, kept talking and laughing. The noise made me unable to concentrate and think about things. I reminded them several times to pay attention to their quality and not to embarrass the Chinese people because it was an early train. Many people were sleeping.

Ruxue pouted and said, "There's no sign on the car not to speak, so why don't you speak?"

"Don't you see many office workers sleeping?" I said.

"He sleeps on his bed, and I talk about mine. It doesn't affect..."

At this time, Xiao Gao quickly tried to smooth things over, saying that Japan and China have different national conditions. Public places here are quieter and it would be better to keep the voice down. Ruxue restrained herself a little.

I feel that there is indeed a big gap between Japan and China in this regard. For example, when queuing up to get on the bus, the Japanese are very orderly and do a very good job of sorting garbage. Although it has been advocated in China, no one has this awareness at all. Another example is the public toilets in Japan. It is extremely clean, but the Chinese toilet smells so bad that it is unsightly.

In my understanding, Japan has always been a nation with a barbaric spirit, and news about all kinds of perversions are common. However, when I traveled here, I discovered that their education is actually very good.

China has a long history and is rich in resources. Its economy has taken off rapidly after the reform and opening up. However, getting rich too quickly has its disadvantages. Everyone's wallets are bulging, but their quality cannot keep up. I think we should learn from this neighboring country in some aspects!

My thoughts went back to what happened last night. Saito was a small loan shark leader. The bald man probably owed a huge amount of loan sharks. He accidentally met a monster and asked him to help deal with Saito.

But that vixen looks very powerful, how could she succumb to an ordinary person?

At this time, there was a lunch box seller on the bus. I was a little hungry and planned to buy one. Xiao Gao advised me not to buy it and save my stomach for getting off the bus to eat kaiseki cuisine later.

Osaka is only 40 kilometers from Kyoto, and it only takes an hour to get there. After we got off the bus, we did the same thing, found a taxi, booked a hotel, and arrived in the city just in time to have lunch at a famous restaurant.

Japanese cuisine is very exquisite, but what’s weird is that they only pay attention to ‘color, aroma and meaning’, that is, the color, aroma and artistic conception of the dishes... What the hell is artistic conception?

Although kaiseki cuisine tastes good, I think it is still not as good as Chinese spicy hot pot. It is simply far behind.

After dinner, a group of us walked around the streets. Xiao Gao served as our tour guide. He said that Kyoto is an ancient city with a long history. There are many temples, shrines and cultural sites. The layout of the city is modeled after the Chang'an City in China. , has been the capital of Japan for some time, and has gone through several dynasties and generations. Its status in Japan is roughly equivalent to Nanjing in China.

I feel that the atmosphere in Kyoto is completely different from Osaka. You can see ancient buildings everywhere, people's pace of life is very slow and leisurely, the roads are very narrow, and there are very few reinforced concrete buildings. It doesn't look like a modern city at all.

Yin Xinyue said: "This place is great. I really want to spend my old age here."

Xiao Gao said: "Immigrating to Japan is quite troublesome. Not to mention the cumbersome review process, you also have to change your Japanese name after arriving..."

Ruxue laughed and said: "If you want to give me a Japanese name, sister Yin, you can just call me Yamamoto Xinyuezi, and my brother-in-law is called Tanaka Jiulin."

"That's awful! I don't want to immigrate to Japan." I shook my head.

Ruxue soon discovered something interesting. In front of a theater, a handsome guy in ancient costume was handing out flyers, as if he was cosplaying. She ran over and took a photo with the handsome guy in costume and came back with a flyer.

"What's written on it?" Ruxue asked Xiaogao, pointing at the flyer.

"It seems like I'm playing Abe Seimei's play." Xiao Gao translated.

"Isn't Abe Seimei the most famous onmyoji in Japan?" I asked.

"Yes, Abe Seimei is Japan's greatest onmyoji. He conquered numerous demons and conquered countless demons during his lifetime, leaving behind many touching legends. It is said that Abe Seimei's mother was a nine-tailed fox." Xiao Gao nodded.

"Why do Japanese like vixens so much?" Ruxue asked.

"In Japan, foxes are divided into domestic foxes, wild foxes, phantom foxes, celestial foxes, etc. Among them, phantom foxes, in folklore, are gods who protect the fields for farmers. Just like the land gods in China, they are particularly respected. .The Sky Fox is a being close to God, and only Tamamo Mae can be called the Sky Fox." Xiao Gao explained.

"Isn't Tamamo Mae the Chinese Daji?" I asked.

Xiao Gao told us that there is indeed this legend. After the Battle of Fengshenbang, Xiqi's army overthrew the brutal rule of the Shang Dynasty.

In order to escape Jiang Ziya's pursuit, the fox demon Daji fled to Japan and transformed into the stunningly beautiful Tamamo no Mae. She bewitched the then Emperor of Japan and continued to be her own princess.

Under Tamamo Mae's bewitchment, the emperor ignored government affairs all day long, just eating, drinking, having fun, and watching beauties dancing. Finally, the ministers began to suspect, so they invited the onmyoji Abe Seimei to subdue the demon. After a fierce battle, Tamamo Mae was finally killed by Abe Seimei. When he died, he turned his resentment into a killing stone. This killing stone can absorb all the souls of hundreds of miles around and use it to help Tamamo Mae reshape his body.

Abe Seimei knew that the fox spirit could not be completely eliminated, so he sealed it in an unknown place...

Xiao Gao kept us stunned for a while, and Ruxue asked: "Are these stories all made up?"

Xiao Gao laughed and said: "It's just a legend, no one has really tried to verify it."

When I turned around, I found that the man in the T-shirt was gone. He had been standing in front of the small theater for a long time, staring at Abe Seimei's poster.

He turned around and said, "I want to go to the theater."

Xiao Gao said that this performance is a Noh play, which is a very ancient Japanese drama. Not to mention the Chinese who cannot speak Japanese, even he, the Japanese translator, cannot understand it. It's probably equivalent to an American going to watch the Huangmei Opera in China, and he will definitely be confused...

I can understand the mood of the T-shirt man. Although the culture is different, Abe Seimei can be regarded as his peer, and he is a god-level figure in this field.

It was rare to see him be so interested in one thing, so I proposed to go watch it with him. Xiao Gao led the others to go shopping, and when the play was over, we gathered together at the same place. In the end, everyone agreed.

We bought two tickets and entered the theater. We sat down near the stage and waited for a moment. The lights dimmed and the curtain slowly opened. As soon as the actors wearing masks and kimonos came up, the audience applauded together and then quietly appreciate.

The whole performance lasted for two hours. The actors sang and recited well, and the performance was precise and charming. The stage effect was also very good. This play tells...

tmdI can’t understand a word! ! !

After watching it for half an hour, I couldn't stand it any longer. My eyelids were so sleepy that I kept chattering, and my ears were filled with the chirping of birds. But the man in the T-shirt was sitting in the dark, watching intently, and I couldn't look at him. I was so excited that I had no choice but to brace myself up and continue reading.

Later, I really couldn't hold on any longer, so I poked the man in the T-shirt and asked him if he wanted to go out and get some fresh air.

The man in the T-shirt suddenly sat up straight, and I asked in surprise: "When did you fall asleep?"

"No, I've been watching."

Such an obvious lie made me and him laugh. He waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go!"

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