Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 513: Little Fox Fairy Tail Jade

I didn't expect to catch this little vixen so easily. It seemed that her tail was her weak point, so I reached out and grabbed her tail. Everyone around me looked at us with strange eyes, but they couldn't care less at the moment. .

I asked her: "Who are you and why are you plotting against us?"

The little girl looked at us pitifully, her ears drooped, looking very aggrieved. I thought she couldn't understand Chinese, so I took out my mobile phone and prepared to call Xiao Gao and ask him to come down and translate.

As a result, the little girl spoke: "Mr. Huang asked me to protect you."

I was slightly surprised that this little girl actually spoke quite standard Mandarin, but she was a demon fox after all, and she had lived a long time, so it would not be surprising to learn another language.

"What Mr. Huang? Why haven't I heard of it?" I asked.

"Haven't you heard of it? If you don't believe me, ask that pockmarked friend of yours."

"You mean Li Mazi?" I thought about it and felt that there was a flaw in her words: "Since you are here to protect us, why are you using illusions on us?"

"I didn't hurt you either." The little girl shook her head.

"That doesn't mean there is any harm. We almost collapsed under your illusion. Just be honest and invite him. Who is this Mr. Huang?" I asked sharply.

"He...he asked me to take you to a place. After you go there, you will understand."

I was confused when I heard that. When I looked back at the man in the T-shirt, the man in the T-shirt frowned and suddenly said: "She is lying to you!"

I turned around and saw the little girl grinning, and then a ball of foul-smelling gas spread out from under her body, choking me so much that I couldn't open my eyes, and I covered my mouth and started coughing violently.

The big fluffy tail, like a snake, took the opportunity to slip away from my hand. I couldn't help but feel annoyed that I was coaxed by the random words made up by this demon fox.

The man in the t-shirt chased after him, thrust out two swords, and the little girl nimbly stepped on the counter next to her and jumped into the air. Her legs were hooked on the crystal chandelier in the hall, and her body hung upside down while leisurely walking. Swing away and make faces at us.

"Idiot, idiot, hahahaha!"

My teeth itched with hatred, I took out the Sirius Whip and threw it at her. The little girl held the tip of the whip with her hand and tried to pull me over.

This demon fox also knew nothing about the world. The Sirius whip was engraved with charms to subdue demons and exorcise evil spirits. She screamed as soon as she held it, and a burnt black blood mark appeared on her palm.

I shook the Sirius whip back and whipped out the second whip. The little girl stepped on the chandelier and jumped towards the hotel door, disappearing with a whoosh.

I was about to give chase when the man in the t-shirt stopped me and said, "The origin of this demon fox is unknown. Be careful of being tricked. She doesn't know anything except illusion. It's safest to stay put for now."

I nodded, all this tossing made me very tired, and I was about to go back to rest, when Yin Xinyue called and said: "Brother Zhang, have you caught that little vixen?"

"No." I suddenly felt something was wrong. Yin Xinyue clearly didn't see her, so how could she know she was a little fox? There must be some deception involved.

Yin Xinyue said impatiently: "Hurry up and chase her. She has stolen all our passports."

"Are there any other things missing?" I asked.

"No, I've lost all four passports, but I still have a lot of money. You should hurry up and chase me. Lost passports are very troublesome!"

I sneered: "Fox, you still want to lie to me, you are not Yin Xinyue at all!"

After being silent for about ten seconds, Yin Xinyue said, "Brother Zhang, did you hit your head?"

"Smelly fox, did you steal my wife's cell phone? You pretended to be her voice and tried to deceive me. Did I think I would be fooled?" I cursed.

The other party was indeed wrong and hung up the phone. I felt proud of my wit.

Not long after, Yin Xinyue walked out of another elevator and cursed angrily: "I have lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time that I have been suspected of not being a human being, and it was you, I am so heartbroken, you see. Look what is this?”

She raised her cell phone. On it was a photo she had just taken. On the wall of our room were a few large characters written in ink: "The little fox fairy Wei Yu is here for a visit."

She turned to the second photo, which showed a suitcase that had been pried open. Except for the passport, everything else was inside.

"Do you believe it now?" Yin Xinyue asked angrily.

I was so surprised that I couldn't speak. I wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. First I was deceived by the demon fox, and then I became suspicious of Yin Xinyue. I felt like I had failed in my pretense and was thrown into my grandma's house.

I secretly glanced at the man in the T-shirt and noticed that the corners of his mouth were curled up in a half-smile, so I asked him, "You're not laughing at me, are you?"

"No!" His face immediately turned cold and he had no answer.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's chase him. If we lose our passports, we won't be able to return to the country. We will be stowaways from now on!" Yin Xinyue was going crazy.

In fact, the matter is not as serious as she said. If you lose your passport, you can go to the embassy to get a replacement, but you need to provide a lot of certificates and the procedures are very cumbersome. You may have to stay in Japan for more than a month.

The man in the t-shirt said: "Let's go before she goes far!"

I weakly agreed: "Okay!"

We left the hotel, and the man in the T-shirt sniffed all the way. I asked him how he could smell the evil spirit? I could only see ghosts, but I couldn't feel the evil spirit at all. He said lightly: "You just haven't fully awakened yet."

We didn’t know how long we had been walking when we suddenly saw the little girl sitting on a street lamp, holding her big fluffy tail and combing it, as if she was waiting for us.

I tried to call her name and said, "Miss Oudama, we have no grievances, so please return our passports to us."

"not good!"

"What do you want, can you give me a sweet message?" I said helplessly.

"I want you to stay and play with others!"

As she said this, she took out a passport from her pocket and tore it in half. I almost screamed.

It turned out that what she tore up was just the protective cover outside the passport. She picked up four passports, spread them out in her hands like playing cards, and said with a smile: "You come after me, and I will return it to you if you catch up."

After saying that, I lightly kicked on the street lamp and jumped to another street lamp. Odama jumped up and down on it happily, and we could only chase each other below. I felt very useless and annoyed.

I'm usually chased by evil spirits and zombies, but after a long trip to Japan, I was teased by a little demon. I swore in my heart that if I caught her, I would make her into a piece of fur!

As we ran, we gradually left the city. Kyoto is not a big city in the first place.

The road turned into a dirt slope, with dense trees on both sides. I was out of breath as I climbed, and Oudama jumped onto a red archway-like thing, which was shaped a bit like the Chinese character "kai". I remember it seemed to be called a bird. Habitat is the iconic sculpture at the entrance of a Japanese shrine.

Otama jumped up and down on a row of torii gates, and finally disappeared into the nearby trees. We were unknowingly brought to the front of the shrine. There was an ancient building standing in the darkness, probably because it was built against the mountain. From our It looks particularly majestic from the angle.

If I remember correctly, this is the famous shrine in Kyoto - Inari Shrine!

Just as we were about to go in, a bamboo pole suddenly pressed against my throat, and a girl appeared in front of me. She was probably in her twenties, with a ponytail and was of medium height. Her clothes were similar to Chinese Hanfu, with a A white loose coat with a bright red skirt underneath. Isn't this outfit the look of a Japanese miko?

As for the bamboo pole, it was actually a broom held upside down in her hand. The girl stared at us with bright eyes, seemingly full of hostility!

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