Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 557 Li Mazi was injured

At this time, Bai Ying suddenly stood up, and his strange eyes glanced towards me. I had no time to dodge. After his eyes made brief contact with mine, he turned to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Chengzi stopped sobbing, raised his delicate face, and shouted hysterically at Bai Ying: "You betrayed me a thousand years ago, are you going to betray me again now?"

Bai Ying didn't speak, and didn't even stop. Orange's pretty face instantly became distorted, his eyes were red as if they were about to drip blood, and black mist began to emit from his entire body.


A harsh laugh came from Chengzi's mouth, and I was shocked when I heard it: "Isn't this exactly the sound Li Mazi made in the car yesterday? Could it be that it wasn't Li Yu who got on top of him, but this female ghost?"

Then the female ghost took control of Chengzi's body, walked slowly to the window, and shouted with a ferocious face: "I won't die a good death, you all won't die a good death!"

After yelling, I was about to jump out of the window. I was shocked and didn't care about being discovered by them. I stood up from the bed and swung my Sirius Whip to hit Cheng Zi.

With a shrill scream, a female ghost in a golden skirt fell out of Cheng Zi's body. Then Cheng Zi's body fell to the ground. The female ghost floated to the side and opened her blood-red eyes and stared at her. Me, gnashing my teeth seemed to tear me into pieces.

I quickly put the orange back on the bed, and then looked at the two ghosts anxiously, feeling extremely nervous. Even moxa leaf powder and Sirius whip can't scare them away. I really don't have the confidence to defeat them both.

The white-faced Li Yu didn't look at me, he just looked down at the female ghost who fell to the ground with a sad and helpless expression. I've watched a lot of TV dramas about Li Yu, and damn, the actors all have the same expression. They look gentle, but are actually too indecisive.

When the female ghost saw Li Yu stop and look at her, the scarlet color in her eyes faded a bit, and her whole person became extremely gentle again.

I was stunned by this dramatic change and thought they were going to stage an emotional drama. But at this moment, a scream came from the next room!

I was startled and subconsciously ran out. After running for two steps, I looked back cautiously and found that Li Yu and the female ghost were gone.

Before I opened the door and ran out, a man fell into my arms. I quickly turned on the light and realized it was Shen Haoran. His face was pale, and he seemed to have lost his soul and was silent. I was worried that Li Mazi and the others pushed Shen Haoran away and ran to the next ward in a few steps.

I saw six people surrounding Li Mazi in a panic, and Li Mazi was holding a fruit knife in his hand!

Seeing me coming here, the six of them breathed a sigh of relief, but they still stared at Li Mazi with solemn faces. I looked at Li Mazi curiously, and was instantly startled when I saw him.

But I saw that his shirt was open and his blood vessels were bulging and shaking constantly, as if something was swimming around inside. His face was so distorted that he no longer looked human, and the fruit knife in his hand was stained with blood.

I took a closer look and found that there were many wounds on his stomach. It seemed that he had cut himself with a knife.

"Damn it, why didn't you stop him!" Seeing Li Mazi's appearance, I couldn't help but curse at the other people.

Then he stepped forward and grabbed Li Mazi's knife. Before he could react, he punched him in the temple and knocked him unconscious.

The six of them were here, watching helplessly as Li Mazi mutilated himself. If I had been dragged there by two ghosts just now, Li Mazi would have been in trouble.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and my whole mood was a little out of control. At this time, Li Mazi snorted unconsciously, and I finally came to my senses. Li Mazi was still in danger.

I hurriedly laid Li Mazi flat, took a fruit knife and simply sterilized it with a lighter, then cut a small incision on Li Mazi's belly, then took out an evil-dispelling talisman and made it into talisman water for him to drink.

Then my index finger and middle finger came together and kept squeezing Li Mazi's belly. Then I was shocked to see a group of black bugs crawling out of Li Mazi's belly. They died immediately as soon as they came out!

After forcing the bug out, I briefly treated his wound and then called the doctor. The doctor was very knowledgeable and didn't ask any more questions. He just gave Li Mazi an anti-inflammatory injection and bandaged his belly.

Seeing the always lively Li Mazi lying on the hospital bed with a pale face and frowning as if in pain, I just wanted to scold those people who stood by and watched.

Shen Haoran also came in at some point. His face looked better and he didn't dare to say anything when he saw my dark face. He didn't speak but I wanted to know the specific situation, so I had to ask him what was going on?

He hesitated for a long time before telling everything he had said intermittently.

It turned out that several of them had not turned off the lights because they were afraid. At first everyone took turns sleeping, and nothing happened. Just when it was Li Mazi's turn to keep vigil, Li Mazi suddenly tore his clothes with a painful look on his face. Everyone was awakened by Li Mazi and wanted to see what happened to him.

No one expected that a woman's face suddenly appeared on Li Mazi's shoulder! The woman's face had a gaping mouth, and her blood-red eyes stared at everyone, scaring everyone to tears.

Then Li Mazi's belly began to protrude. He looked in pain but couldn't scream. Before anyone could react, Li Mazi quickly picked up the fruit knife on the table, pointed it at his stomach and stabbed him several times.

Chengzi's mother screamed in fright, and Shen Haoran was worried that Li Mazi would continue to harm himself, so he didn't care about being afraid anymore and ran to the next door tremblingly to look for me while holding the magic talisman. After hearing this, my face darkened, and I took off Li Mazi's shirt to expose both shoulders. Sure enough, there were black handprints on both sides of his shoulders. It seemed that the female ghost just lay on Li Mazi's back.

No wonder the female ghost didn't make any other moves after she fell to the ground. Her feelings came over to harm Li Mazi when I wasn't paying attention!

Although they were dissatisfied with Shen Haoran's group of friends, they were ordinary people after all, and it was reasonable for them to be frightened when they saw the female ghost. I told them with a dark face that nothing would happen tonight, and then returned to Chengzi's ward.

After all this trouble, Cheng Zi showed no sign of waking up and her breathing was still very steady. However, the magic talisman I attached to her body had turned into ashes at some point.

This female ghost is more powerful than I expected. I took a deep breath and prepared to study her carefully tomorrow, otherwise it would be hard to say whether Li Mazi and I can go back this time...

After struggling for most of the night, I was tired, so I lay down on the bed and covered my head to sleep.

The white face kept appearing in my sleep, and I finally saw what he looked like. Li Yu didn't seem to have any ill intentions. Seeing that I could see him, he smiled at me, and his aristocratic temperament jumped out.

He was holding a folding fan, and I followed him subconsciously, wanting to see what he was going to do. At the end of the road is a garden. In the garden, a woman is dancing, her dance is elegant and pleasing to the eye. But I couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but subconsciously I felt that she must be stunningly beautiful.

Li Yu stood nearby with a smile on his face, looking at the dancing woman with an expression of doting and sadness.

I was confused by him, why did he let me see this?

The woman's dance was getting faster and faster, and almost only her dancing sleeves could be seen in the spinning and jumping, and her whole body seemed to be flying. Suddenly, the woman's movements seemed to have been strangled. She suddenly fell to the ground from a high-speed rotation, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and slowly seeped into the surrounding land.

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!"

The woman suddenly raised her head and yelled several times in our direction. The dream came to an abrupt end, and I woke up with a splitting headache. I found that many people had gathered around my bed. Everyone was there except Li Mazi and Chengzi, who were lying on the hospital bed.

Looking at their looks, I knew I must have done something strange just now.

Shen Haoran looked at me with a worried look on his face and said that I had been shouting "Ehuang" just now. When he said this, an idea came to my mind, "Ehuang, Ehuang, could it be Zhou Ehuang?"

Zhou Ehuang is Li Yu's wife, the Queen of the Zhou Dynasty. She is particularly good at dancing, and her dancing posture can dazzle the world. Recalling the alluring dance in her dream just now, only she can do it. No wonder she said that Li Yu betrayed her thousands of years ago.

No matter how virtuous and generous such a woman is, if her husband is not around during her serious illness, but she is having an affair with her sister, I'm afraid no one can bear it, right? Obviously, the female ghost causing trouble this time is Emperor Zhou E. So what role does Li Yu play who comes out of the painting?

Thinking of Shen Haoran saying that Chengzi picked up the scroll and kept touching it, I had a clue in my mind: the scroll is a ghost that resides in Li Yu's soul, and Zhou Ehuang happened to be in love with Chengzi!

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