Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 630 Fengdu Ghost Town

After Li Mazi got Liu An's tofu jade pendant, he couldn't put it down. He showed off to me all day long, but he didn't mention selling it for money. I deliberately teased him and asked him why he didn't sell it.

"This is a spirit that won't change no matter how much money you give, do you understand?"

He said seriously, and I felt very happy after hearing this. I am afraid that only Liu An can make Li Mazi, a person who regards wealth as his life, not be interested in money in this life!

I spent the next few months idle at home, and when Yin Xinyue was not busy, we went back to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Their health had completely recovered, and their normal life was not affected.

Yin Xinyue felt relieved now, and her eyes were always filled with gratitude when she looked at me.

In fact, I have always treated my father-in-law and mother-in-law as my own parents and told her not to pay too much attention, but she always showed her gratitude to me inadvertently, and over time I let her go...

After returning from her hometown, Yin Xinyue continued to work, while I rested with nothing to do for a month. The annual Ghost Festival was finally coming. Before I could contact the T-shirt man, he took the initiative to call me and informed me that I would be back in Chongqing in three days.

Anyway, my father-in-law's condition was under control, so I stopped hiding it from Li Mazi. I told him about the situation, and then asked him to help me look after the antique shop.

Li Mazi scolded me on the phone for not being funny enough, so I laughed and hung up the phone.

When we arrived in Chongqing, the man in the T-shirt had already arrived. To my surprise, Zen Master Baimei was also there. They stayed in a hotel near the foot of the mountain. The man in the T-shirt nodded slightly when he saw me. He looked good and seemed to have settled the relationship with his father-in-law.

However, Zen Master Baimei's face was not so good-looking, and he would cough twice from time to time. I frowned and asked him what was wrong.

"I was hit by the zombie aura of a corpse king a few days ago. It's okay. Ahem..."

Zen Master Baimei waved his hand to express that he was fine, but before he could finish his words, he couldn't help but cough. I looked at the man in the T-shirt worriedly, and the man in the T-shirt said calmly: "The old monk's life is very tough. A few coughs are nothing."

Then he changed the subject and said in a low voice that he had received the exact news that the people from Longquan Villa would attend the Ghost Gate Trading Conference.

My face couldn't help but turn cold. I recalled how Longquan Villa framed me time and time again. I couldn't help but clenched my fists and said coldly: "When I get the Mermaid Tears, I will make them look good!"

"You're overthinking." The man in the T-shirt said expressionlessly: "I'm afraid Longquan Villa came here specifically to settle accounts with us."

I was stunned for a moment and asked him what he meant?

The man in the T-shirt asked me if I still remembered what happened in Sanshui Village.

"Remember, what happened?"

I nodded immediately. At that time, the little Taoist boy sacrificed himself to save us, and I became so angry that I chopped off the head of the Longquan Villa dog thief. Later, people from the National Security Bureau took advantage of it because of this incident.

"The person we killed was one of the four elders of Longquan Villa."

When the man in the T-shirt said this, his expression became unnatural. He rubbed his temples with his hands and told me carefully.

It turns out that there are four elders in Longquan Villa, known as Fenghu Yunlong. Each one has his own division of labor. Three of them are masters. Only Xiang Yuanzhen, who was killed by us, is average.

Xiang Yuanzhen relies on his brains to make a living. The best proof is that he used the evil formation to force us into a desperate situation.

Last time he accidentally discovered me while performing a mission, and relied on his cleverness to trip me up. However, the man in the T-shirt arrived in time, and ended up risking his own life.

After this incident happened, Longquan Villa was furious! But due to the presence of seniors such as the T-shirt man and Zen Master Baimei, as well as the intimidation of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, they never attacked me.

Having said this, the man in the T-shirt raised his eyebrows worriedly: "Since Longquan Villa is blatantly participating in this trade fair, it means that they have already hatched a huge conspiracy."

"The donor on the first day of junior high school is right!"

Zen Master Baimei crossed the Buddha beads in his hand and said quietly: "We have suppressed them for so long, and they are really about to explode."

I felt that there seemed to be some deep meaning in Zen Master Baimei's words, so I quickly asked.

Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt coughed slightly, interrupting Zen Master Baimei and asking me to hurry up and eat something. I felt depressed all of a sudden, but if the man in the T-shirt wanted to hide some secret from me, I didn't even ask, and I simply stopped caring about it.

After dinner, the man in the T-shirt asked Zen Master Baimei and I to rest first, and then set off alone with his sword on his back, without saying what he was going to do.

I lay on the bed for a while, and my mind was filled with thoughts about what kind of conspiracy Longquan Villa would pull off this time?

To be honest, I'm quite afraid of them, because these people never fight you face to face, but are good at playing dirty tricks. I'm not as thoughtful as the guy in the T-shirt, so I'm afraid I might get caught accidentally.

It's just that while I'm scared, I'm also a little excited and even looking forward to it. If I can take this opportunity to completely resolve my grudges with Longquan Villa, it will be much easier in the future.

After thinking about this, I completely relaxed my heart and fell asleep gradually. In the evening, the man in the T-shirt returned to the hotel. I found that his clothes were covered with dust and his pants were wet. He looked like he was travel-worn, so I asked him Where have you gone?

"I stepped on it." The man in the T-shirt replied coldly, then made a bucket of instant noodles and ate them quickly. He looked like he was starving.

After we finished eating, without waiting for me to ask any more questions, the man in the T-shirt took the initiative and said that the trading market has initially opened, and the local people and ghosts are making preparations, so there are not many people coming. In the end, he said with some luck: "The people from Longquan Villa haven't arrived yet, let's take this opportunity to go in and avoid being plotted by them."

"Where is the transaction location?" I nodded in agreement with his idea.

Only then did the man in the T-shirt realize that I didn’t know the address yet, so he said without thinking: “The Gate of Hell is under Fengdu City.”


I finally took a breath of air. Fengdu has been a ghost town since ancient times. According to legend, the souls of people will come here after death, which is often called the underworld.

Fengdu has been mentioned in many literary works and film and television dramas, and Fengdu Ghost Town has been clearly recorded in many historical materials.

Although the country simplified Fengdu into Fengdu after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the legend about it being a ghost town continued unabated, and even gradually became a major pillar of Fengdu's tourism development.

I specialize in eating the dead, so I’ve heard rumors about ghost towns countless times. Now that I’m about to go in and find out, I’m both nervous and looking forward to it.

Originally, I thought that the man in the T-shirt would wait until tomorrow to take me to Fengdu. After all, he looked very tired. Who knew that he only rested for half an hour before letting us pack our things.

On the way to Fengdu, the man in the T-shirt told me that the trading market was opened at Guimenguan, which is now the underground of Fengdu. Because the entrance will automatically close at dawn, you have to go in at night.

"Then how do we get out? We won't be trapped in there, right?" I couldn't help but feel worried after hearing this.

Bai Mei smiled, stroked his beard and said, "Don't be nervous, little benefactor. You can regard the ghost town as an illusion, and those who enter can come out with their own thoughts."

Only then did I feel relieved. Looking back, it turned out to be true. Most of the people operating inside were ghosts, which was a very illusory thing in itself.

The man in the T-shirt drove the sports car for about two hours and arrived at Fengdu County, but he had no intention of stopping. I asked him if he had anything else to do.

"The gate of hell still has a way to go."

The man in the T-shirt explained calmly that the former Fengdu City was flooded by the river during the construction of the Three Gorges, and the current Fengdu City was created after the relocation.

After driving forward for more than half an hour, the man in the T-shirt finally stopped the car.

After getting off the car, I found that the surroundings were full of barren weeds, and there were only a few sparse thatched houses in the surrounding area, which were crumbling in the wind.

There is a small river on the other side of the road. Logically speaking, the surrounding terrain is relatively flat, and the water in the river should flow very slowly. However, the current in the river is very fast, and there is a splashing sound from time to time.

As soon as I took two steps forward, I felt a chill coming from the river. My body trembled subconsciously. I was surprised to find a huge whirlpool in the middle of the river.

"Could this be..."

Seeing the tornado-like whirlpool, I suddenly realized that this might be the entrance to Fengdu!

The man in the T-shirt nodded, then pointed to the whirlpool and said that after dawn, the river bed would rise and turn into a normal river, and then it would look like this once it gets dark.

Then I asked him why there wasn't a car here, after all he said someone had already entered. The man in the T-shirt rolled his eyes at me and said that there were so many entrances to the underground, and who stipulated that they could only enter from here.

"Depend on……"

A black line appeared on my forehead. I thought there was only one entrance.

Then, led by the man in the T-shirt, we jumped in one after another. At first, I was worried that my clothes would get wet from the water, but in the end, the whirlpool was like an illusion, and I didn’t feel anything when it hit my body.

After an unknown amount of time, the rough whirlpool suddenly disappeared, and everything in front of me was completely dark. I knew that I was already in the passage between the ghost town and the outside world, and my nerves couldn't help but become tense!

At this time, my arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. I gritted my teeth and was about to take out the magic talisman and slap it on me. Because the man in the T-shirt and the white-browed Zen Master both jumped down before me. It was definitely not them who caught me at this moment...

But at this moment, the person who caught me spoke: "Jiulin, you may see some unclean things when you go down! Hold on to me, don't panic."

It was the voice of the man in the T-shirt. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and held him tightly.

For some reason, I felt that the body of the man in the T-shirt was very cold. I was just about to ask him what was going on when the intermittent voice of the man in the T-shirt came from below: "Jiulin, there is a lot of evil in this passage. No matter who wants to talk to you, don't talk to me." Take it, let’s meet down below.”

After hearing this, the hairs all over my body suddenly stood up, and my body couldn't help but tremble. One of the two men in T-shirts below and next to me must be a ghost. Who is the real one?

"Jiulin, don't be fooled."

The man in the T-shirt next to him gently warned, and then shouted sternly: "Where did you come from, you kid? You're looking for death!"

This was very similar to the style of the man in the T-shirt. I made up my mind and prepared to lead him away, but the voice of another man in the T-shirt came from below again: "Recite the Tao Te Ching quickly, or you will be dead!"

After hearing this, I immediately concluded that the man below was the real man in the t-shirt. If he was fake, he would definitely not remind me. But when I was about to recite the Tao Te Ching, my neck was suddenly pinched. The man in the fake t-shirt He said sinisterly: "It's still been discovered, but it doesn't matter, hey hey hey, you are already my prey..."

It sneered and increased the strength of its hands. I couldn't see its face, but I could feel the hostility it exuded.

Since my body was in a state of free fall, I couldn't find anything to rely on. I had no strength but couldn't use it. I wanted to take out the magic talisman from my pocket, but my arms were locked tightly by it.

You must know that it has used one hand to choke my neck and two more hands to grab my arm. In other words, this thing has at least three hands, or even more.

I knew that staying in the stalemate was not good for me, so I tried my best to bite my tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood based on my feeling!

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