Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 688: Destroy the Yuan Family

After saying that, she waved her hand, and three capable men in black got on and off the Maserati, directly blocking the people around them.

Then the beauty frantically greeted Shensuan Zhang. Shensuan Zhang had no ability to fight back and could only lie on the ground crying and howling.

After playing for ten minutes, the beauty probably got tired, so she finally stopped.

Shensuan Zhang had completely fainted at this moment. His beard, clothes, and chin were covered with dripping blood, and two of his front teeth were missing.

A man in black put a coat on the beautiful woman, and then carried the dead fortune teller Zhang into the car, in front of the bustling fortune telling parlor.

In a blink of an eye, only the Yuan family was left.

"Zhang Jiulin, it turns out you are causing trouble." The man from the Yuan family had two brushes. He stared at the direction where I was hiding and thought for a while, and finally spoke.

"How about it, you didn't expect me to take the initiative to bring trouble to you, did you?"

I slowly jumped down from the roof, looked at him with a joking look on my face and said, "You four aristocratic families were walking sideways in Wuhan before because you didn't mess with me. Now if you mess with me, your good days will come to an end." ”


His face was red from suppressing it, and he pointed at me without saying a word for a long time.

After all, everything that happened just now was seen by me, and the beauty from the Wang family did not treat him as a dish at all.

I sneered and grabbed his tie and said, "I will use your blood to declare a challenge to the four major families today!"

When the man from the Yuan family saw my ferocious face, a hint of timidity suddenly appeared in his eyes: "You... you can't touch me. If you do, all the Xuanmen in Wuhan will become your enemies."

"Go to hell!" He was still talking loudly when he was about to die. After I finished cursing, I controlled the invisible needle and stabbed straight towards his knee.

He let out a scream, but I didn't listen. Instead, I kept changing my thoughts. The invisible needles rushed into his kneecaps like loaches, turning his knees into a pile of broken bones in the blink of an eye. .

He fell to his knees with a plop, his face was bloodless, and big beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Originally I wanted to take his life, but seeing him like this, I couldn't bear it. He knelt down and patted his shoulder gently and said, "I'll give you one day to take the entire Yuan family out of Wuhan, or else I'll destroy your third leg next time."

After saying that, I didn’t even look at his expression, I laughed and left with Li Mazi.

Along the way, I was thinking, why did this group of parallel importers become such powerful people from aristocratic families in Wuhan? After thinking about it, I can only say that it is packaged well, just like today's young freshmen, who have no acting skills at all, but can easily earn tens or even hundreds of millions in salary.

Take away the outer halo, and what are they left with?

No matter what, from today onwards there are no more Zhang family and Yuan family in Wuhan, only Wang family and Zhao family are left.

These two forces are relatively large and cannot be destroyed in one go. I plan to go back and study them slowly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the antique store, he saw a sharp dagger stuck on the door, with a white cloth nailed under the dagger. When I opened it, I saw a letter of challenge from the Zhao family and the Wang family, asking me to fight at Foyun Mountain on the 15th of this month.

"What a speed!"

My face suddenly darkened. The two of them were obviously teaming up to deal with me. This was because both families were relatively powerful and it would be difficult to defeat each other in a short period of time. In addition, Longquan Villa probably gave them a death order.

Li Mazi asked me hesitantly if I wanted to go? After all, their two masters are like Lin, and they are as powerful as our Jiangbei Zhang family now.

"Go, of course I want to go."

I said seriously, if I go, I will leave the more than one hundred kilograms at Foyun Mountain at most. If I don't go, God knows if they will use Yin Xinyue and Ruxue as a threat.

We must not let our relatives be implicated anymore. Over the past few years, the two little girls have lost their former beauty. They are not afraid of danger and are always by our side.

A man's shoulders don't necessarily need to be heavy, but at least he can't let his woman take the blame for him!

"Fuck grandma, you're so awesome, just kill me, otherwise I will definitely go to his store every night to have diarrhea!"

Li Mazi gritted his teeth and said, his logic has always been ridiculous. I smiled weakly, feeling quite uncomfortable looking at Li Mazi, who has been with me for several years.

The two of us were drinking and looking at each other that day. It seemed that each of us had a lot to say to the other, but in the end we drank a lot but didn't say a word.

For the next week, I practiced Royal Treasure and Invisible Needle every day, while constantly communicating with the little Nazgul.

In a duel with them, ordinary magic weapons are useless, and I can only win by surprise. Fortunately, as I understand the secrets, I feel that I almost have the strength to obtain magic weapons.

As soon as I came into contact with the secret book, I saw that the Demon King wrote a passage in the secret book, which said that ancient magic weapons can be obtained under special circumstances through thoughts.

At that time, I just read it as a story. As my strength continued to increase, I became more and more convinced that it was true!

During the day on the 14th, Li Mazi came to the store early, spread out the table with a few dishes of side dishes, and started drinking with me.

"Brother Zhang, this may be the last time our brothers drink."

After three rounds of drinking, Li Mazi sighed with rare emotion, and said with red eyes: "When the fight starts in the evening, neither of us will care about the other. Killing one will be enough, and killing two will be enough!"


My nose felt sour after listening to his words, so I nodded and drank slowly with him. When it got dark, Li Mazi asked me when I was going to set off.

I stood up with a smile, patted his shoulder, and when I turned around, I stabbed his Jianjing point with an invisible needle!

Li Mazi trembled and looked at me in disbelief. Although he held on to the table vigorously, he still collapsed to the ground weakly after shaking a few times.

"Good brother, if I can come back tomorrow, let's continue drinking!"

After I tied him to the bed, I said something serious, and then rushed towards Foyun Mountain without looking back.

Foyun Mountain is located in Zhejiang, close to Yiwu, and is a famous tourist attraction. The scenery inside is beautiful, with many cliffs and it is said that there is also a thousand-year-old temple.

It's the off-season for tourism, so the four major families chose this location, probably because they wanted to kill me quietly.

I ran all the way and arrived at Foyun Mountain in the early morning of the 15th.

Foyun Mountain is not big, so it only took half an hour to climb to the top of the mountain. However, when you look around, you can see that there are continuous mountains all around, and there is no end in sight.

I looked around and didn't feel anyone else's breath. Maybe they haven't come yet? I strolled in the scenic area, looking at the surrounding scenery on the way, and I felt much better.

After more than half an hour, I walked to the end of the scenic spot. Just as I was about to return the way I came, I found the woman from the Wang family leaning against a big tree, smoking leisurely. Behind her were the few people I saw that day. Man in black.

"You came early enough."

I was secretly worried, but on the surface I pretended to be indifferent. He rushed forward a few steps, jumped over the fence of the scenic area, landed in front of the woman and said with a smile: "Miss Wang, are you okay?"

I have learned about her in the past few days. Her name is Wang Xun'er. She is the leader of the new generation of the Wang family. She is cruel and ruthless. Like me, she is a dealer in negative things.

She snorted coldly, spread her hands disdainfully, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, then stepped back.

As if they had been ordered, the other men in black took out their daggers and rushed towards me.

Since I didn’t bring Li Mazi with me, I casually pinned the Emei thorn on my waist, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy!

Although I have never experienced formal fighting training, I have developed a good skill after struggling on the verge of death for so many years, but it is not enough in front of these people. Each of them is like a special agent. If I don’t follow you, I’ll go straight to the point.

At first, I could barely cope with it, but later on, they actually started to set up a formation. Five people stabbed daggers at me from all angles in an orderly manner. I was too busy for a moment, and my limbs and back were instantly covered with gashes. Fortunately, I was not injured. To the point.

If this continues, I'll probably lose too much blood and pass out before Wang Xun'er takes action!

I thought for a moment and then recited the incantation. The Emei thorn suddenly flashed with light, swirling and intertwined with the five daggers.

At the same time, I controlled the invisible needle to attack their wrists. The attention of these men in black was attracted by the Emei thorn, and they were caught by surprise by the invisible needle. Almost at the same time, the five people let out a scream, and the The daggers fell to the ground one after another.

What impressed me was that they did not give up. They looked at each other and even bent down to pick up the dagger with their other hand.

Where would I give them this opportunity?

He immediately rushed forward and swung Emei Ci around, chopping melons and vegetables and knocking them to the ground.

These people are just thugs and I don't want to make things difficult for them. Wang Xun'er seemed to think so too, and clapped her hands from a distance: "Come back! You are really no match for him."

I thought she would come up to fight with me after saying that, but she left immediately. The men in black hesitated, then got up and chased her.

Although I don't know her strength, Wang Xun'er's ability to escape from the invisible needle that day proved that she is definitely not afraid of me. Now running away without a fight is obviously trying to lure me into taking the bait.

But I really don’t believe it today. I know that there are tigers in the mountains, so I prefer to go to the tiger mountains. I followed them without blinking, and when I reached the edge of a cliff, I suddenly found that Wang Xun'er and the men in black were gone.


I lowered my head and looked down, and found that there was a cliff at the bottom of the mountain. It was impossible and unnecessary for them to jump down. So how did these living people disappear out of thin air?

Before I could react, a strong murderous aura suddenly came from above my head!

I looked up reflexively and saw a dark, smelly coffin board being thrown towards me.

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