Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 816 Blackwater Well

I quickly rubbed my temples and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw there was nothing unusual in the room!

I offered a stick of incense to the old man and was wondering why there was no one at home when I heard Xiao Long crying from the bedroom.

I rushed in and found a middle-aged woman lying on the bed in the bedroom. Her face was pale, her skin was as dry as broken glass, and there were several scary wounds on her lips.

When she saw us, her body kept twisting, as if she wanted to sit up, but she couldn't use any strength.

Although she kept opening her mouth to say something, no sound came out.

"Xiaolong, help your mother sit up quickly!" I shouted loudly.

She must have been exhausted due to lack of water, so I quickly poured some drinking water and fed her slowly.

The middle-aged woman drank the water and quickly returned to normal. She hugged Xiaolong and cried, "Son, why are you back?"

"I miss you."

Xiaolong didn't mention the fact that he was bullied and just said that he missed his mother.

The middle-aged woman's eyes turned red immediately after hearing this, and she hugged her son and talked about the family's quarrels.

I felt a little embarrassed standing nearby, and was about to go to the yard to get some air, when Xiaolong’s mother came to her senses and asked me who I was.

"I was the one who sent Xiaolong home. He said that there was a severe drought in the village that could not be seen in a hundred years. I came over to see what was going on." I didn't hide it and directly revealed my identity.

Xiaolong echoed again and again, saying that without me he would have starved to death on the streets.

After hearing this, Xiaolong's mother dragged her weak body out of bed and had to kneel down for me with difficulty. I quickly pulled her up, but she said with red eyes: "Master, you must save this village. If this continues, everyone will have no way to survive..."

"Do not worry!"

I forcibly pulled her up, helped her back to bed to rest, and then asked Xiaolong where he got the goose egg jade?

This thing is not a yin thing. The yin energy comes in from the outside and then slowly condenses.

Although jade is a good place for nourishing Yin spirits, it does not easily accept external Yin energy. This can only mean that this jade was very close to Yin spirits before.

"This...let me think about it...I picked it up."

Xiaolong rubbed his head and thought for a while before telling me that he picked it up from a piece of grass when he was playing in the back mountain. I thought it looked good so I kept it, not knowing it was jade.

After returning home, he carried this piece of jade with him and never left it.

I was wondering why Xiaolong was not eroded by the Yin Qi, but I didn't doubt his words and asked him to take me to the place where I picked up jade.

"I was so happy at the time that I didn't even remember the location. I had to look for it more."

Xiaolong spread his hands helplessly and fed his mother another bowl of water before going out. This child was really filial.

I walked around the village with him and found that there were only a dozen households left in the village, and most of them were old people and children. They looked surprised when they saw Xiaolong and me. An elderly man even tapped his cane to ask Xiaolong to take his mother and leave the village quickly, rather than stay in the village to die.

Xiaolong smiled and nodded, but he didn't refuse. I remembered that he said that the only well that hadn't dried up was full of black water, so I asked him to show me.

Since Xiaolong was still a child, I was afraid that he would not be able to describe it clearly, so I walked around the village and walked over to take a look whenever I saw a well. As a result, just as he said, these wells have dried up, and if you drop a stone, there will be a collision sound immediately.

Finally, he and I came to the well where the accident happened. As soon as we got closer, we smelled an indescribable strange smell. When I looked down, I could see that it was full of black liquid!

I used a rope to lift a bucket of water up, and found that the black water was sticky, as thick as paint, with the smell of blood and a pungent metallic smell.

It seemed that the only source of water was also contaminated by that thing. I shook my head and was about to pour the water back into the well, but Oudama snatched the bucket away, looked at it carefully, and finally bit his finger and dripped it. A few drops of blood.

As her blood merged with the sewage, many bubbles bubbled up from the water. A bucket of water gradually divides into two layers. The water in the upper layer gradually becomes clear, and the black substance gradually sinks, finally forming a thick layer of viscous substance.

"with your's!"

I patted Weiyu excitedly. Since her spiritual blood can make impurities settle down, I can use a similar method to get all the impurities in the well to the bottom.

I just did what I said. I immediately asked Xiaolong to cut down a few peach trees. I found a relatively open place and dug about a cubic meter of sand.

Earth is the medium for the conversion of yin and yang. Sand and soil are relatively thin and crumbly, making it more convenient to use.

I ground all the sand into powder, poured some gasoline on it, and then lit the gasoline, and the ball of sand burned instantly. After the gasoline burned out, all the sand turned black. I recited the incantation and used the magic charm to continue burning. I didn't stop until the sand turned to ashes.

At this time, Xiaolong and Wei Yu had already dragged several thick peach wood sticks over. I selected four peach wood sticks of relatively equal lengths, used invisible needles to pierce a few thumb-thick holes on each of them, and finally tied them up with red rope. , the finished peach wood pile looks like a lantern with its skin torn off.

I used a rope to put the peach wood pile into the well, and after it was relatively stable at the bottom of the well, I threw all the ashes in.

Soon, there was a violent shaking sound from the bottom of the well, and a black air flow quickly overflowed along the well mouth.

I quickly took Xiaolong out of the way. After the wellhead returned to calm, I brought another bucket of water up. The water quality was indeed much cleaner!


Xiaolong excitedly picked up a handful of water and put it into his mouth and drank. After drinking it, he clicked his tongue and said that the water had regained its previous taste.

I breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving the water quality problem. Unfortunately, there was not much water under this well, which was not enough for the villagers to live a normal life.

I thought about it and decided to look for other water sources. Since there is water in this well, it means that the thing has not planned to kill all the people in the village.

Once a suitable place is found and a new well is dug, the villagers' water shortage will be alleviated.

I told Xiaolong my idea, and he nodded repeatedly and took me running around the village. Unexpectedly, there was really no place suitable for digging a well in the entire village, and all the land was cracked!

There was no hope in the village, so we planned to go to the wild fields outside the village to have a look, but we met Xiaolong's father: Uncle Hao on the road.

Uncle Hao is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looks like a responsible person at first glance. When he saw him, he was holding an arowana salad oil bucket in his hand, which was filled with greasy water.

His lips were chapped and blood was oozing out from many small holes, but he didn't take a sip of water. After asking, I found out that he was not at home before and had gone to the village outside to borrow water. He wanted to bring it back to Xiaolong's mother to drink.

"Uncle Hao, drink it. There is water at home."

I persuaded and introduced myself again. Uncle Hao then opened the oil barrel and took a big sip. After drinking, he licked his lips with unfinished content.

After he calmed down, I asked him if he knew where to dig a well nearby.

He has lived in the village for so many years, so he must know every plant and tree here.


Uncle Hao wriggled his lower lip and said with a look of embarrassment: "When the drought first came, the village dug wells in all the places that could produce water, but none of them produced water. I'm afraid we can't find a suitable place now."

I couldn't help but feel discouraged. The villagers here are relatively aboriginal, so there is no doubt about their skills in digging wells. Since they have tried it, it means that there is really no water in the village!

Just when I didn't know what to do, Uncle Hao seemed to suddenly remember something and said excitedly that when he went to borrow water from a neighboring village today, he found a strange piece of land outside the village.

The land was cracked all around, but there was a small oasis of about two or three square meters inside, with lush green grass and full of vitality.

At that time, he thought about going to see what was going on when he came back, but when he came back, he was worried about his wife and forgot about it.

After listening to this, I slapped my thigh and asked him to take us to see the small oasis.

Maybe, the dirty stuff is hidden somewhere!

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