Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 826: Possessed by a Female Ghost

"what's the situation!"

I looked up and suddenly found a human head staring at me, smiling at me at the moment.

This was a woman's head. Her hair was mixed with blood and solidified on her face, so that I couldn't see what she looked like. I could only see that her face was pale and pale, but her lips were very red and coquettish.

"Are you looking for me?"

The head asked again. I didn't know what to say now. I grabbed the magic talisman tightly with my right hand. If the head dared to make any rash move, I would shoot it directly.

"It seems you are not looking for me, then who are you looking for?"

Rentou said very puzzledly. She seemed aggrieved and kept spinning around me, which made me dizzy.

"Hey, you're here to find me!"

Just when I was being turned around by her, the sound of the human head suddenly rose, and there was a crackling sound on her face, and pieces of skin the size of thumbs slipped off her face one after another. After a while, only some muscles were left on her face, and the rest of her face was covered with bones.

What's even more weird is that one of her eyes is intact, but the other eye has drooped to the position of her mouth, and her entire face seems to have been soaked in sulfuric acid.

I was so frightened by this scene that I was a little stunned. This scene alone will definitely kill the special effects of any Hollywood blockbuster.

Just when I was stunned, the head suddenly attacked me and bit me on the shoulder when I wasn't paying attention.

"Seek death!"

I roared lowly, and instantly slapped the talisman in my hand hard on the person's head. The head screamed in great pain, and bursts of white smoke suddenly appeared from it.

After about five minutes, the head that had been shouting just now turned into a pile of powder!

I held my injured shoulder and sighed in my heart: "Do these ghosts have a grudge against my right shoulder? Why do they bite my right shoulder every time?"

Damn it, this is the nth time a Yin spirit has bitten my right shoulder. It’s really fucking evil.

I tore a piece of cloth from my shirt and simply bandaged the wound.

At this moment, the second floor of the Huo family was still quiet, and there was no sound except the head that appeared just now. I continued to move forward, making crunching sounds all the way, and I didn't have to think that I must have stepped on a large pool of coagulated blood.

Finally, I walked to the door of the room of Huo Ze, the young master of the Huo family.

The door was ajar, and there were men's clothes messily placed at the door. Those clothes looked like they were worn by men in their early twenties, so I felt that this was Huo Ze's room.

God knows if this guy has been controlled by a Yin spirit?

I pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar from my waist, made a defensive posture with my body, and ducked into Huo Ze's room.

The room was very cold, like the coldest winter in the Northeast, which meant that the thing was in the room, and I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Huo Ze's room was very dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. I took a flashlight and looked over, and found that there seemed to be a figure in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Huo Ze?"

I asked the figure, but he didn't answer me.

I had no choice but to walk towards the figure. When I walked up to it and took a look, I was instantly shocked. It was not a figure, it was clearly a dead body!

The dead body stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The head was missing long ago. The body, like the two corpses in front, had been split in the middle with a knife.

Moreover, its heart, liver, spleen and stomach were incomplete, and its internal organs seemed to have been torn apart with teeth!

The intestines were wrapped around its neck and hung on the air conditioner. If you look closely, there are dense tooth marks on the intestines.

It seems that this dead body should be the third dead maid mentioned by Boss Huo.

"Brother Zhang, help me!"

At this moment, Li Mazi's voice came from downstairs, and I hurried downstairs regardless of the doubts in my heart.

By the light of the flashlight, I saw a tall man fighting with Weiyu. Huo Guodong was lying unconscious in the trapped spirit array, and Li Mazi huddled up and hid beside him, shivering.

After seeing me coming, Li Mazi's eyes looked like he was seeing a god, and he shouted eagerly: "Brother, help me!"

"Bad brother, come and help me!"

Oudama said with great difficulty. The man obviously had the upper hand, and Oudama's movements were already very difficult.

Suddenly, a mouthful of black mist came out of the man's mouth. Oudama accidentally sucked it in, and her face instantly turned pale. Her movements became even slower. After a few rounds, the man saw the flaw and kicked Oudama away!

Is it okay for you to bully Oyu in front of me and hit me in the face?

I threw out the invisible needle with my backhand, and all the needles stuck into the man's body. Black energy was rising all over the man's body, and he howled in great pain.

Seeing his painful look, I felt extremely happy. Now do you know how powerful I am? Let you bully Oyu.

Just when I was feeling proud, the man stopped screaming, turned around and stared at me.

The ferocity in his eyes was like tempered poisonous needles, which made my scalp numb. This guy's face was dark green, and his heels were raised high when fighting.

I was looking at each other, and suddenly he covered his mouth and smiled shyly like a woman, and even winked at me very coquettishly.


I resisted vomiting. The man in front of me must be Huo Ze. Judging from his ghostly appearance, he must be possessed by a ghost spirit, that is, a ghost.

When Huo Ze saw that I was motionless, he took the lead in launching an attack on me. He also made nasty moves, specializing in my lower three lanes.

"Bad brother, be careful!"

It was Oyu who knew how to feel sorry for others, even though she was beaten and injured, she still kept thinking about me, unlike Li Mazi who knew how to use me as a shield.

While I was defending, I was thinking of ways to deal with the evil spirits on Huo Ze.


Huo Ze suddenly laughed sinisterly, and he stretched out his hand. I thought he was going to attack my upper plate, so I quickly blocked it.

I didn't expect this guy to be too insidious. He actually changed the direction of his attack halfway and gave me a kick.

I wasn't paying attention and was kicked away by him in an instant.

Huo Ze tiptoed to the ground, clapped his hands and pursed his lips in laughter. She looked like a living woman. Thanks to Huo Guodong, she fainted with fear. Otherwise, she would have been so angry when she saw Huo Ze looking like this. A good man turned into a bitch!

Then, Huo Ze raised his legs and kicked me quickly.

I kept calculating the distance between him and me in my mind: twenty meters, fifteen meters, eight meters, five meters...

The moment he approached me, I whipped out the Sirius whip, tied his legs and pulled hard, causing him to trip over me.

I took the opportunity to take out the magic talisman, threw it on him, and quickly recited the incantation: "Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe, Destroy!"

After I finished shouting, the talisman exploded like a firecracker. With the sizzling sound, black gas continued to come out of Huo Ze's body, and the female ghost's shrill screams continued to echo in the villa.

Huo Guodong was awakened by the screams. He saw Huo Ze rolling on the ground. He gritted his teeth and was about to pull him up, but was frightened back by Huo Ze's vicious eyes.

The screams of the female ghost are getting louder and louder, more and more permeable...

Li Mazi, Wei Yu and Huo Guodong and I sat together. The scream was so sad that even Wei Yu and I were trembling with fear, let alone Li Mazi and Huo Guodong.

Fortunately, her voice gradually decreased after reaching its highest level. After the screams completely stopped, the negative energy in the room suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Brother Zhang, are you ready?"

Li Mazi asked me tremblingly. I was about to nod to him, but Huo Guodong suddenly shouted.

I thought something had happened again, so I quickly turned around and looked at him, only to see Huo Guodong looking at me with horror in his eyes, and said tremblingly: "Mr. Zhang, look!"

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