Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 839 Sea of ​​Death, Lop Nur

This person's name is Xie Jun. He is very famous in the antique circle and has considerable attainments in maps.

I once saved his life, so it's a personal favor. Xie Jun will definitely help me.

Thinking of this, I quickly took out my mobile phone and called him. He greeted me very enthusiastically. After I explained the situation, Xie Jun readily agreed without asking a word.

This is the cleverness of his life.

"Brother, who should you call?"

I ignored Li Mazi, but took a few photos seriously and sent them to Xie Jun.

"Don't worry, you will know the result after a while."

I looked at Li Mazi and said, the waiting time was very long, and Li Mazi couldn't sit still anymore. He kept pacing back and forth, which made me dizzy.

"Brother, I seem to be a little unable to hold myself back!" Li Mazi said.

It was Li Mazi who brought up the matter of robbing the tomb, and he had the nerve to complain, as if I could hold it back.

Finally, Xie Jun called.

"Boss Zhang, this should be a map from the Han Dynasty, but many things have become blurred after the baptism of time."

Xie Jun was breathing heavily when he spoke, which made Li Mazi anxious.

"You're getting to the point!"

Li Mazi, who was nearby, couldn't hold back and started swearing. I slapped him on the neck with my backhand and quickly apologized to Xie Jun.

Xie Jun was slightly startled when he heard Li Mazi's words, then smiled to express his understanding, and slowly said: "The map should be marked on Ancient Loulan, but Loulan rarely has such a big lake, so I guess the ancient tomb should be located in Lop Nur. .”

Lop Nur?

Li Mazi and I looked at each other, unable to believe whether what Xie Jun said was true or false.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Boss Zhang, what is drawn on the map is not blank but yellow sand. There is a small totem next to it. Although it is incomplete, it can be seen that this is the iconic totem of the ancient Loulan country, dry land fish. Although Loulan belongs to the Western Region Thirty Six Kingdoms, but its territory is not very wide, and there are only a few lakes. And the lakes on this map are shaped like human ears, which is exactly the same as Lop Nur..."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mazi and I looked at each other again.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Li Mazi said with a wicked smile.


What else can it mean? Now that we have a location, let’s start!

Lop Nur, also known as the Sea of ​​Death, is located in the southeast of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in my country. It is shaped like a human ear.

In ancient times, Lop Nur was the most beautiful landscape on the Silk Road. There was also a prosperous ancient country called Loulan, where businessmen from the Western Regions would stop for water and accommodation. But I don’t know why, just overnight, the ancient Loulan country sank into the yellow sand in front of everyone, and Lop Nur also became dry and became a no man’s land.

Since then, various horrific legends have begun to spread in Lop Nur.

For example, there is a man-eating dry land fish hidden here, which will eat the passers-by into empty gourds and spit out the bones like watermelon seeds.

For example, the golden treasure of the ancient Loulan Kingdom is hidden here. I don’t know how many tomb robbers died on the way to find the treasure.

Another example is why Peng Jiamu disappeared because he discovered a huge secret in Lop Nur.

Xuanzang, an eminent monk in the Tang Dynasty, traveled west to collect Buddhist scriptures. When passing by this place, he wrote: "There are many evil ghosts and hot winds in the sand river, and those who encounter it will die."

Li Mazi and I learned that the ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty were in Lop Nur. We were naturally itchy and ignored the legends about Lop Nur. We immediately started packing our luggage to go to Lop Nur.

Although this place is mysterious and strange, it does not affect human beings' desire to explore it, so the outskirts of Lop Nur have now become a scenic spot. Li Ma and I decided to go to Lop Nur to check out the base first, and if the situation was true, we would then find a way to transport some equipment.

Then Li Mazi and I started our trip to Lop Nur. For safety reasons, we did not sign up for a tour group, but chose to go alone.

After landing at the airport in Xinjiang, we transferred to the bus and headed to Lop Nur.

Xinjiang has always been mysterious in my eyes. This land once gave birth to the world-famous Thirty-Six Kingdoms in the Western Regions. I thought that this time I would definitely have an unusual experience!

Halfway through the car, the words of two locals in the car caught my attention.

They spoke very excitedly, as if something big had happened.

I immediately put my ear to it and asked, "Fellow, what are you talking about?"

When the two locals saw my unfamiliar face, they immediately looked wary.

I was speechless for a while. He looks so upright, wouldn't he be regarded as a bad guy? He immediately explained: "Brother, I came to Lop Nur to travel. I have loved this land since I was a child. I finally have the opportunity to come here. I hope these two brothers can point me to where to have fun."

Having said that, I took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and handed them to them.

Seeing my sincere attitude, the two people looked at the cigarette carefully. One of them, an old man, said: "Lop Nur is a mysterious place. You are right to come here to play."

Nonsense, of course I know the mystery of Lop Nur. I also know that there is an ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty in Lop Nur!

"We were just talking about a big news. Lop Nur has water again."

As soon as he finished speaking, I was stunned. Lop Nur has been dry for many years, how could it suddenly have water?

Seeing the shock on my face, the old man said proudly: "Don't believe it, my family lives next to Lop Nur. I saw with my own eyes that there is water in Lop Nur. The water in it is extremely clear and there are fish. This must be Allah Sahib has appeared."

The local people in Xinjiang believe in Allah, just like many people in mainland China believe in Taoism and Buddhism. Allah is similar to Sakyamuni in Buddhism and is the supreme local god.

However, doubts arose in my mind.

How come there is water and fish in Lop Nur for no reason? Could it be that Allah is really manifesting his spirit?

But I don’t believe that Allah is real. There must be demons when things go wrong. It seems that there are not only treasures from the Han Dynasty in Lop Nur, but also something else is causing trouble!

I continued to talk with the two people. Through in-depth conversation, I learned that these two people were father and son. The elder was named Alimu and the younger was named Damo. Their family lived near Lop Nur.

They are the aborigines here, and their ancestors have lived here for thousands of years. Their family members witnessed the most prosperous period of Lop Nur, and also witnessed the drying up of Lop Nur.

Now, the family has witnessed another miracle. Is it a blessing or a curse this time?

I chatted with them all the way, and eventually we became familiar with them. They enthusiastically invited me to their home.

This is the opportunity that I have been waiting for. The aborigines must know a lot about Lop Nur. I can even follow this group of aborigines to explore Lop Nur. Why not?

When I was about to get off the bus, I shook Li Mazi awake from his sleep and told him what Alimu and his son had said.

"Brother, do you think what these two people said is true?"

Li Mazi was shocked after hearing this, but soon became suspicious.

"We'll find out if it's true or not when we go there!" I said.

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