Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 842: Being targeted

As soon as I ran a few steps, a cold feeling suddenly came around my body. When I looked back, I suddenly found that the old Taoist was staring at us coldly.

Damn it, this old man is definitely not human!

But I didn't notice it at first, and he looked like he was convinced of us at the moment. God knows what he had provoked this time.

After running for a while, Li Mazi stopped and said breathlessly: "Brother Zhang, please run, I won't run anymore!"

Seeing Li Mazi's appearance, I also stopped. The two of us collapsed on the ground. After resting for a while, I looked around and realized that we had already run out of the ghost market. We had run too fast and couldn't see the direction clearly. , so that now I have lost my sense of direction.

I had no idea where I came from, and all I could see was a lot of yellow sand!

"Brother, I..."

Just as Li Mazi was mid-sentence, he suddenly let out a scream of "ah". This scream pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked around but was horrified to find that Li Mazi was missing.

So a big living person just disappears when he says it disappears?

A huge sense of terror suddenly surged in my heart. Did the old man do something to Li Mazi when we were in the ghost market? still……

There are many terrifying creatures in the desert, and coyotes are one of them. Could it be that Li Mazi was taken away by a coyote?

I didn't dare to think any more, so I could only shout with all my strength: "Li Mazi!"

"Li Mazi!"

I shouted very hard, but my voice was absorbed by the sand in an instant. The endless yellow sand made me despair.

What happened to Li Mazi?

Just when I didn't know what to do, my phone suddenly rang. I answered the call reflexively. After I answered the call, before I could speak, there was a sizzling sound of electricity. My intuition told me that something must have happened. Bad things.

"Hey, hello!" I kept shouting into the phone, but the answer was still the buzzing sound of electricity.

"Li Mazi, is that you?"


A voice finally rang on the other end of the phone. It was a girl.

Who is the one? And she was calling for help, what happened to her?

"Who is it?" I asked anxiously.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, as if the little girl's voice I just heard was an auditory hallucination.

"Help! Brother Zhang, please help..."

At this time, Li Mazi's voice suddenly came from nearby.

Damn, for some reason I suddenly felt like the world was ending. Why are they all looking for help from me?

I walked over following the sound and saw that most of Li Mazi's body was buried in the yellow sand, leaving only his chubby neck and big round face on the sand.

"Brother Zhang, come and save me."

When Li Mazi saw me coming, he immediately shouted with joy, waving his arms at me while shouting.


He sank a little further, and his chin had disappeared. I quickly shouted: "Mazi, don't move yet! Hold still."

People trapped in the quicksand will sink faster if they move around, so I asked Li Mazi to stay as strong as possible. If he fell again, Li Mazi had to tell him to stay here!

I looked around for something available and finally found a tree trunk.

"Li Mazi, hold on, I'll pull you up."

I tried my best to hand the trunk to Li Mazi, for fear that he would not be able to stretch out his hand. Fortunately, this guy saw the chance of survival and did his best to grab the trunk!

Before I could get over my happiness, I felt myself being pulled down by a huge force. For a moment, the whole world was dark, and I didn't know how much quicksand was poured into my mouth.

Will I die in quicksand? At this moment, I didn’t know if I could leave Lop Nur alive, and I was suddenly afraid of death! Very scared!

Before I closed my eyes, I thought of Yin Xinyue and Fanfan. They would be very sad.

The quicksand wrapped my body tightly, and I felt myself sinking bit by bit.

Before my body completely sank into the quicksand, I saw Li Mazi standing above me, looking at me fiercely.

Damn it, Li Mazi wants to kill me?

No! Absolutely not. I have been with Li Mazi for so many years. Although he is greedy for life and loves money, he will never do such a harmful thing.

Suddenly, the world was spinning, and my eyes lit up and I realized that I was not trapped in the quicksand, but standing in front of Li Mazi.

I was holding a sharp knife at Li Mazi, and I subconsciously wanted to stab him.


Li Mazi was covered in cold sweat. His voice was very weak and his tone was extremely frightening.

His grandmother's, I actually fell into it. Everything just happened was just an illusion. Someone obviously wanted me to kill Li Mazi.

I quickly recited a few lines from the Tao Te Ching and threw away the knife in a hurry when I regained consciousness. Only then did I find the old Taoist sitting next to us, looking at us with a sinister smile on his face.

Because of this old immortal, I almost killed Li Mazi. I pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar and stared at him fiercely.

"Haha, it's interesting that you can actually see through my illusion."

The old man's voice became sharp and thin now, sounding like a woman's voice.

When he saw that I had seen through his illusion, his face turned sinister and he shouted sternly: "I'm going to send you to see the King of Hell!"

After saying that, his fingers formed into claws and he grabbed me fiercely.

I saw that Lao Dao's nails had become extremely long and appeared black and green, like coffin boards covered with moss.

Damn it, I yelled and quickly pulled out my scimitar to block the old man's move.


The old man's nails did not break when they touched the Silver Moon Scimitar, but sparked sparks.

Damn it, grandma, are these still fingernails? You must know that my scimitar can cut iron like clay, and I can make decisive decisions when blowing hair!

Before I could recover from the shock, the old man pounced on me non-stop, hitting my vitals with all his moves.

I looked at his gleaming finger joints and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The old man’s nails are already this color, I guess it’s poisonous, right?

When I was stunned, the old man scratched my shoulder with his claw, directly scratching my clothes.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, does it really think I'm a sick cat?

I was no longer polite, nor did I ask for his golden talisman. I randomly grabbed a handful of talismans from my pocket and threw them at him, chanting a spell quickly.


As I gave a sharp shout, the magic talisman exploded with a snap, and black energy appeared all over the old Taoist's body, and he screamed in pain.

After a while, the old man's screams stopped, and Li Mazi slumped to the ground as if he had been reborn.

Li Mazi must have been immobilized by the old Tao before. Otherwise, with this guy's greedy and fearful character, how could he just stand there obediently and let me chop him with a knife?

I ignored Li Mazi, but walked to Lao Dao and found a rancid smell in the air, like the smell of dead fish.

I saw that the old Taoist was all wet, and his hair was still stained with green water plants.

His eyes were surprisingly wide, and his pupils were full of fear. The skin on his body was dry and dry, and he had obviously been dead for a long time.

I instantly understood that this old man was just the resurrected body of another thing.

"Let's go, it seems we are being targeted..."

I said cautiously, preparing to leave with Li Mazi, but I tripped over something tightly held in Lao Dao's hand.

My curiosity was aroused again, and I quickly walked to the old Taoist, resisting the urge to spit it out, and it took a lot of effort to pry his hand away. I found that in his hand was something similar to a fish scale, about the size of an eyeball, and very hard in texture. When I took it, I just moved a little too fast and a cut was made.

"What the hell is this?" Li Mazi asked.

I shook my head and said that I didn't know, but it probably had something to do with the thing that had just possessed Lao Dao.

I decided to keep this thing well and have it appraised by the T-shirt man or Zen Master Baimei if I have the chance.

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