Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 845 Mermaid Fragrance

"Brother Zhang, what are you thinking about?"

Li Mazi asked doubtfully, and a bold idea suddenly came to my mind, and I asked in a low voice: "Mazi, do you think we have arrived at the ancient tomb!"

I'm not lying. The bones here should be people and animals killed during sacrifices.


Li Mazi's face was full of uncontrollable excitement. I shook my head. After all, I didn't know much about ancient tombs. But since there are so many human and animal bones here, it at least shows that this is not a simple cave.

According to Li Mazi's injury, it was impossible to climb up. If he wanted to go out, he could only find other exits, so I supported him and continued walking forward, always feeling that something unexpected would happen ahead.

After walking for a while, a deep dark passage appeared in front, and at the end of the dark passage was a stone door.

The stone door was sealed with animal skins. I couldn't help but become curious, so I helped Li Mazi aside, and then directly tore off the animal skins on the stone door.

The animal skin was oxidized, so I tore it off easily, but the stone door was very heavy. I pushed it with all my strength for a long time before I squeezed out a small intestine passage that could only allow one person to pass.

Then I helped Li Mazi up and let him go in first, while I followed carefully. After we were completely inside, I took a flashlight and observed with interest.

The space behind the stone gate is about the size of two basketball courts. Such a large space has been turned into a Buddhist hall. Looking around, there are Buddha statues all around. The one in the center is the Buddha Sakyamuni, which is what we are used to saying. Tathagata.

"Brother Zhang, what the hell is this place? Why are there so many Buddha statues?" Li Mazi asked in confusion.

I ignored him and walked straight towards the Buddha statue in the center.

There is something similar to a candle in front of the Buddha statue. The body of the candle alone is more than one meter high, and underneath the candle is the body of a male doll.

The male doll was in a half-kneeling position, its entire body was purple-black, and the candle penetrated his anus and mouth.

It was so damn weird. I rubbed my cold fingers and lit the candle with a lighter. With a swish sound, the surrounding area instantly became bright as day.

"Holy shit!"

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly yelled, as if he had seen something terrible.

I quickly turned my head and saw his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.

"Li Mazi?"

I thought he saw something scary, so I asked anxiously: "What did you see?"

"We're getting rich, we're getting rich!"

Li Mazi suddenly grabbed me and said with shining eyes: "Brother Zhang, look at this Buddha statue..."

I looked up and saw the eyes of the Buddha statue above me shining dazzlingly under the light.

Who built this Buddha statue? It took so much effort: the whole body of the Buddha statue is made of pure gold, and its eyes are inlaid with various gems.

"Not to mention the antique street, the treasures here are enough to buy a small country."

Li Mazi was very excited at the moment. If it weren't for the injury on his leg, he might have climbed up to the Buddha statue and dug out the gems.

But I was in awe of this kind of thing, so I slapped Li Mazi on the head and threatened: "You know how to make a fortune, don't you know what kind of place this is? What if there is a mechanism in the Buddha statue?" manage."

Li Mazi stopped when he heard what I said, but he still couldn't suppress the excitement on his face.

I ignored him and observed carefully. The whole secret room was full of Buddha statues, and these Buddha statues were not placed according to the temple's rules. They all looked disorganized.

The most important thing is that although these Buddha statues look shiny and golden, they do not have a kind feeling. Instead, people feel that the smiles hanging on the corners of their mouths are a bit sinister!

I felt hairy all over being stared at by these Buddha statues, so I pulled Li Mazi to sit next to the human candle.

The dim light emitted by the human candle made me feel more at ease, because it did not exude the smell of candlelight, but a faint fragrance.

I was lucky enough to smell this smell in an imperial incense burner from the Qianlong period: mermaid fragrance.

Mermaids have been recorded in Western fairy tales and ancient books, but in the East mermaids are another kind of creature: mermaids.

Legend has it that the sharks live in the deep sea. Whenever there is heavy fog on the coast on a full moon night, the sharks will come ashore. The sharks are good at darning, so there were shark silks in ancient times.

The sharks do not directly trade with humans. They borrow human corpses that have sunk into the deep sea to come ashore and trade with humans. When they return to the deep sea, they will put the borrowed human corpses on the coast to be discovered by nearby fishermen.

I don’t know when a saying spread in the world: The sharks can make wax and burn it for thousands of years!

According to records in some ancient books, in ancient times, emperors who wanted to keep the lanterns burning would pay large sums of money to reward them. Fishermen would capture sharks and pay tribute in exchange for rewards. Craftsmen would extract the oil from the sharks' bodies and seal them to make human candles.

The process of making human candles is very cruel. Usually, there will be a boy to receive the human candle. The boy must be of royal blood and can only be three years old. Looking at the human candle in front of me, I thought of the shark tears that I had been looking for to save my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and I was filled with emotion for a moment.

However, there is actually a human candle in this place that is only suitable for the emperor. It seems that it is really not simple.

"Li Mazi, give me the map."

I remember that the map showed that there was a pagoda not far from the ancient city wall. It was full of Buddha statues, maybe it was related to the pagoda.

But we are trapped underground now and have no way to observe from the outside. However, it is not difficult to see through the structure above our heads that this building is arch-shaped and should be the pagoda recorded on the map.

It seems that we are not far from the ancient tomb.

"Li Mazi, we were really lucky this time. We found the pagoda by accident." I said with mixed feelings.

Li Mazi smiled. The ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty are too attractive to us, not to mention that it is also related to our lives.

But what I'm very confused about is how the pagoda was built underground. Maybe it was buried here by quicksand or sandstorms, but what happened to the hole we just fell into? Could it be that someone climbed in first?

When I thought about tomb robbers entering before us, I started to feel itchy in my heart. Don't look back and find an empty tomb, it would be a waste of time.

Thinking of this, my newly recovered mood suddenly sank again!

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