Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 847: Things in the Bronze Cauldron

I didn't dare to fight with them here, lest I attract something more terrifying, so I quickly pulled Mazi Li and ran out of the ear room.

Even after running for a long distance, you can still hear the sound of corpses moving behind you, and every creaking sound is like a reminder.

"Li Mazi, did you wear gloves when you took the things from the bones just now?"

I asked breathlessly.

"Are you still wearing gloves? Shouldn't you just take it?"

Li Mazi said with an innocent face, and I was so angry that I had the urge to stuff him back into the ear room.

"Don't you know that if the breath of a living person is touched by a dead person, it is possible to fake the corpse?"

The thought of six corpses chasing us behind us made me so angry that I couldn't let go.

"Why are there so many opinions? I thought I could just take it casually..." Li Mazi curled his lips.

I sighed. Now that things were like this, I couldn't care less about settling accounts with Li Mazi. Escape was the only way to go.

The bones had just been frightened, so their movements were relatively slow. Soon their speed would be astonishingly fast. Thinking of this, I quickly dragged him and continued running. Unexpectedly, there was an iron door in the darkness in front of us. Li Mazi and I tried our best to push open a gap.

As soon as we walked in, six corpses were already chasing us. I didn't know where I got the strength to close the big iron door.

The corpse outside the door did not leave, but kept scratching the iron door with sharp nails, making a sound that made people's hair stand on end.

Fortunately, the iron door is very hard. I don't think they can break in, so I simply ignore them and look at what's inside the iron door.

"Brother Zhang, what on earth are those bones outside the door? Why are they still moving?"

Li Mazi asked breathlessly.

"The ones outside the door are corpses. They are resurrected with the breath of living people and will attack all living people around them." I explained.

Ghouls are the transformations of people who died due to wrongdoing. They must have experienced various tortures and torture before they died, and they will harbor resentment. Then the evil-minded Taoists seal their resentment into their bodies. Once a living person touches them, they will explode and hurt people.

The technique of the corpse ghost is harmful to the heaven and earth, and it has been listed as a forbidden technique a long time ago.

Just in case, I took out the Evil Breaking Talisman from my pocket and set up a trapping spirit array at the door.

Then I checked Li Mazi's wound again. The intensity of exercise when running was too high, and the wound on Li Mazi's leg had torn.

I changed his dressing and rebandaged him. After doing this, I sat on the ground exhausted.

Unknowingly, it had been nearly three hours since we entered the ancient tomb. The bit of biscuit paste we had eaten had long been digested. I took out the dried meat and compressed biscuits from my backpack and started to chew them.

Normally I find these things difficult to swallow, but when I'm hungry I realize that this is simply the most beautiful food in the world!

After eating a few simple bites, Li Mazi and I got back on the road. Since there was a group of ghouls behind us, we couldn't go back the way we came and could only continue walking forward, hoping that there was an exit in front, otherwise we would have to risk a fight with the ghouls. .

A large area behind the iron gate is empty, and it looks like it should be the square hall of the ancient tomb.

Logically speaking, the main tomb chamber is located behind the square hall.

"Brother, what do you think that is?"

Li Mazi had sharp eyes. He made a new discovery not long after walking. I looked in the direction he pointed and found that it was a particularly large bronze tripod, about two meters high. It looked like A large water tank in the countryside.

Why is there such a big cauldron placed in the square hall for no reason?

The owner of the tomb really constantly refreshes my world view.

The bronze cauldron was covered with a lid. I was very curious about what would be inside. But thinking about the group of corpses outside, I decided to do more than to do less. If something terrible came out again, I would really be in trouble. And left.

Seeing my hesitation, Li Mazi naturally understood what I was thinking and said weakly: "Brother Zhang, let's keep moving forward!"

Li Mazi, who had always valued money more than his life, actually learned the lesson. It seemed that the corpse just now really scared him.

However, this ancient tomb full of weirdness seemed to know our fear. Just when we turned around and were about to leave, there was a sudden banging sound from the bronze tripod.

My scalp couldn't help but feel numb when I heard the sound. Li Mazi was even worse than me.

"Brother Zhang, did you hear anything?" He hid behind me and asked tremblingly.

Just as I was about to speak, another sound came from the bronze tripod.

"Dong dong dong!"

This sound was even more abrupt in the quiet environment. Li Mazi hugged me tightly and said almost crying: "Brother Zhang, the sound is coming from the tripod..."

Li Mazi's whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and there was also cold sweat on my forehead.

Why did the bronze tripod, which was very quiet just now, make a sound when it sees that we are leaving?

Is there a ghost inside?

I signaled Li Mazi to stay where I was and wait for me, wanting to see what was going on in the tripod, but Li Mazi was obviously frightened and kept holding on to my clothes and wouldn't let go.

I had no choice but to take him towards the bronze tripod. As we got closer, the sound became clearer and clearer.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sounds inside the bronze tripod are very regular, as if they want to tell us something. A picture emerged in my mind: an evil spirit lived inside the bronze cauldron. It used its voice to lure people under the cauldron, and then brutally swallowed those who came near.

However, if the evil spirit inside really thinks so, I will just disperse it!

As I listened more deeply, I felt that the voice in the bronze tripod really seemed to be speaking.

"Dong dong...dong..."

"Dong dong...dong..."

This sound is two long and one short, very regular, a bit like the sound when sending a telegraph in modern times, and it is also somewhat similar to Morse code.

I had an idea and kept recalling the Morse code in my mind. I vaguely felt that the sound coming from the bronze tripod seemed to be saying: "There is a ghost here, help me."

He said there was a ghost in the tomb, which proved that he was a human being. Could it be that he was killed in the tomb and didn't know he was dead at this moment?

I really couldn't control my curiosity, I just wanted to see what was in the bronze tripod.

I called Li Mazi to come over and help. Although he was reluctant, he had to give in due to my power.

As the bronze tripod was slowly pushed open, I suddenly discovered that there was a skeleton inside, wearing a Taoist robe!

Although I don't know why this Taoist priest died here, but since I met him, I have to help him. After all, he is my senior.

Since the ancient tripod is more than two meters high, I thought it would not be easy to see all the scenes, so I asked Li Mazi to squat on the ground and step on his shoulders to take a look. But I was shocked to find that the person lying underneath was actually the veteran who used illusions on us in the ghost market!

It was absolutely unmistakable, it was still holding the obsidian-like fish scales in its hands.

This old Taoist probably didn't come here to do any good things. I sighed and said to myself: It's a pity. Then I used the magic talisman to cremate the old Tao. Ashes will return to dust, soil will return to earth. I hope he can be reincarnated as soon as possible and start a new life.

Since I pulled out Lao Dao's body, the bronze tripod no longer made a clanging sound, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

After walking forward for a while, we finally reached the main tomb chamber, and there was another stone door in front of the tomb chamber.

You must know that among the tomb specifications of the Han Dynasty, three stone gates were the standard for the burial of royal descendants!

The stone door in front of me is much smaller than the previous two, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it.

It is not difficult to see that the craftsman's level is very high, and the hidden dragon and phoenix are painted vividly, as if they will fly out of the stone door in the next second.

Below the stone gate is a thunder cloud pattern, a unique symbol of the Han Dynasty.

"This is a fucking stone gate. If it were a jade gate, I would definitely move it back and sell it." Li Mazi said through gritted teeth as he looked at the exquisite reliefs on the stone gate.

I simply ignored him.

There is a hole the size of an eye on the stone door, which seems to be the place where the key is inserted.

Generally, many protective measures are taken for the last stone door of a tomb, and there may be poisonous arrows or poisonous smoke inside.

If brute force is used to destroy it, it will not only seal the stone door forever and prevent the tomb from seeing the light of day, but will also kill everyone who opens the tomb door.

This puts Li Mazi and I in a dilemma. Where can we find the key to open the stone door?

Looking at the main tomb in front of me but unable to open it in any way, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

I took out the map and looked at it carefully, and vaguely discovered that the location next to the ancient tomb on the map was marked with a Pisces Jade Pendant!

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