Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 871 Bald-tailed Old Li

I invited Secretary Dakang back to the store and checked the itinerary on my phone. There is no airport in Jimo. To fly, you have to go to Qingdao first and then transfer. It’s too troublesome. It’s more convenient to take the high-speed train.

When I asked him for my ID card to buy a train ticket, Secretary Dakang waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, I can't. The train is too expensive. My travel expenses are all contributed by the fellow villagers. I can just take the green train."

I told him that the green train was slow and that the high-speed train would arrive at noon tomorrow. Then he took out his ID card.

We bought tickets for tomorrow morning, and naturally I had to find a place for him to stay overnight and have a meal by the way. Secretary Dakang's overly polite attitude made me very uncomfortable. For example, when I ordered a few meat dishes during dinner, he became "unable to do anything" with me again.

I know that he is a person who has never left his hometown in his life. When he goes to a big city, he is timid and polite to everyone.

If one person is too polite, he will annoy others. So I made it clear to him that I am a businessman, and I can sell it for a lot of money as long as I receive a piece of femininity. I don't care about this little money, and he feels at ease.

In fact, I feel that it is very slim whether I will receive anything on this trip. Nine times out of ten, it is simply due to the weather.

I hesitated for a long time that night, should I call Yin Xinyue? After thinking about it, she let it go. Firstly, she was too busy. Secondly, this trip was not a trip, but just to check out the situation.

Early the next morning, I took a bag with me and got on the train with Secretary Dakang.

I was bored in the car, so I took out my mobile phone and watched a few episodes of "In the Name of the People" that I downloaded last night. As soon as Li Dakang appeared in it, Secretary Dakang became excited and kept saying: "Ouch, I'm so So domineering!", "This is my mother-in-law, so beautiful!", "What an official I am, so majestic."

We arrived in Jimo and transferred to Dacun. The bus bumped along the mountain road, which made me drowsy. After not sleeping for a while, Secretary Dakang slapped me awake and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, we are here."

I saw a mountain range in the distance. Although it was not high, it was majestic, like a giant dragon leaping into the sky. Although I didn't know much about Feng Shui, I could tell at a glance that the Feng Shui here was good.

However, there is a thick dark cloud hanging over this Feng Shui treasure land. The sun is shining everywhere else, but this dark cloud weighs down the top.

Secretary Dakang is absolutely right, there is indeed something evil about this rain.

I asked: "What is this mountain called?"

Secretary Dakang said proudly: "Longshan, there is also a Black Dragon Temple and a Dragon Mother Temple on the mountain."

I heard that there was a secret here, so I asked, "Are there any legends in your local area?"

"Yes, Bald-tailed Old Li, that's a household name. Even a three-year-old knows it."

When I heard the name, I immediately realized that this is the birthplace of Bald-tailed Lao Li.

Who is Bald-tailed Lao Li? I believe most people have heard of it. It is said that a long time ago, there was a farmer named Li Han. Li Han was good at carpentry and was a capable man. He married a wife named Xiao Taohong. Xiao Taohong was smart and smart, and everyone praised her.

The couple should have been happy, but they frowned all day long and didn't think about food or tea.

It turned out that the couple was in their early 40s, but they still couldn't have a child. They sought medical advice and worshiped gods all day long, to no avail.

In the spring of this year, Xiao Taohong suddenly felt nauseous and felt like vomiting. Her body became heavier and heavier, and her belly bulged day by day. It looked like she was really pregnant. When Li Han heard that his wife was pregnant, he was as happy as anything.

It is said that pregnancy takes ten months, but Taohong was pregnant for eleven months before the baby was born. This year happened to be the Year of the Dragon. Li Han rushed in and took a look. What kind of baby was that? It was clearly a meat ball, rolling around on the ground.

Li Han thought this must be a monster or a disaster, so he picked up the scissors he was going to use to cut the umbilical cord, aimed at the flesh ball, and stabbed it in with a cruel stroke.

Suddenly, a small green snake emerged from the crack in the flesh ball and swished up to the rafter. Li Han was so angry that he grabbed the shovel and shoveled down the little green snake on the beam, cutting off the little green snake's tail.

The little green snake fell from the beam and fell right into his mother's arms, with tears falling down her face.

Xiao Taohong thought to herself that this was the meat that fell from her body after all, so she tried to protect it from Li Han!

The little green snake remained motionless in his mother's arms for three hours. During this period, it did not eat or drink, and grew whenever the wind blew. It only took three hours for it to grow to a full four feet.

Then it spoke: "Mom! Your son, I am now able to stand on my own. I want to thank my mother for the gift of giving birth. Today I will leave her and go to a place where I can survive." After saying that, he nodded three times at his mother. Below, a bolt of lightning flashed and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Li Han was furious to death. It happened to be May 13th.

The little green snake's surname was Li, and he had no tail. Later, people called him "Bald-tailed Old Li".

Bald-tailed Old Li flew up with a flash of lightning, first entered the Yellow River, and then flew from the Yellow River to Heilongjiang.

At that time, there was a white dragon that dominated Heilongjiang. This white dragon did all kinds of evil since it came to Heilongjiang. It flooded the rivers and seas all day long, blew dark winds, rained evil rains, flooded crops, knocked down houses, and made the people miserable. The local people hated the white dragon and couldn't get rid of it.

Bald-tailed Lao Li is a divine dragon. He has long known that there is an evil dragon in Heilongjiang, so he wants to get rid of it for the people!

After he came to Heilongjiang, he heard that there were many Shandong people living there, so he told them in his dream that when he was dueling with the white dragon, if he saw white waves on the river, it was the white dragon on top. Please throw lime into the river and the white dragon would turn over. That's him when he comes out of the black waves. Please throw some sweet cakes into the river.

Although the bald-tailed old Li is a green dragon, it is difficult to distinguish the green from the black in the water, so later generations say that the bald-tailed old Li is a black dragon.

Early the next morning, people on both sides of the strait transported lime and cakes to the shore early. After a while, the duel between Bald-tailed Old Li and Bailong began. As soon as the people on the shore saw Bailang, they threw a lot of lime into the river. Bailong was so choked that he couldn't open his eyes and couldn't breathe. As soon as he saw the black waves, he threw white flour dumplings into the river. After eating the sweet dumplings steamed by Shandong people, the bald-tailed old Li became more and more energetic and energetic.

The fight lasted for three days and three nights. Bailong was hungry and weak because he had not eaten a single meal. After being defeated by Bald-tailed Old Li, Bailong fled in a hurry. No one can tell where he went.

From then on, the bald-tailed old Li became the master of Heilongjiang. There were no floods in the area, and Heilongjiang got its name from this.

Although this is just a touching legend, ordinary people believe that the bald-tailed old Li actually existed in history. As for whether he is a dragon or a human? Or maybe it's a human-dragon hybrid, that's unknown.

After Bald-tailed Old Li became a god, he mainly did good deeds by praying for wind and rain. Looking at the torrential downpour above the small village, I felt a slight movement in my heart. Could it be that what happened this time was really related to this dragon?

(The new month is here, everyone remember to vote for recommendation and help "Merchant of the Underworld" reach the top again. I wish everyone a happy May Day! More updates today.)

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