Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 873: Possessed by Water Ghost (Additional update)

Oudama also noticed something strange in the water and opened his mouth in fear.

I really want to tell Secretary Dakang that I can’t handle this matter!

Firstly, the rain is continuous and the yin energy is too heavy, which is the main battlefield for evil things; secondly, these things are moving in the water, so most of my magic weapons are useless, and I can't even set up formations.

But I'm pretty sure that that dark patch under the water is the problem.

Secretary Dakang asked me if I had seen anything interesting. I organized my words and tried not to overstate my words, and said: "There is a lot of yin under the water. I will think about countermeasures at night to see if I can drive it away."

Secretary Dakang said happily: "If Mr. Zhang takes action, he will definitely be able to catch him."

I was confused, who made me sound so awesome? It turns out that Secretary Dakang knew one of my former clients, and that person praised me to the heavens.

I said go back, it’s getting late.

On the way, Oyu asked me quietly in my ear: "Bad brother, what are you going to do?"

I sighed and said, "Oh, I can't think of any tricks at all."

This business was the simplest, and I could even see where the vagina was, but there was nothing I could do!

I have basically concluded that it is a yin object, and the evil spirits raised by nature cannot have such strong yin energy. I looked up at the sky and saw that I could control the wind and rain. What level of evil was this? Even I can't tell.

I'll call the man in the t-shirt later and ask for his opinion. If he shakes his head, then I have nothing to say and I'll run away quietly early tomorrow morning.

Being a charlatan is better than being a martyr!

Back at Sister-in-law Li's house, Sister-in-law Li had already cleaned up the living room and set up an Eight Immortals table. Secretary Dakang smiled and said: "Sister-in-law Li is the best in our village. Her fried multigrain pancakes are unique in our village. Zhang You must try it, sir.”

I asked: "Where are Sister Li's husband and children?"

Secretary Dakang explained: "There was no work in the fields during this period, so her husband took the children to help in a relative's supermarket in the city. Sister-in-law Li is a middle-aged son who is only seven years old this year."

I was already hungry all the way, and I was eager to try the local flavor.

After a while, Mrs. Li brought out a casserole and placed it in the center of the table. Secretary Dakang opened the lid of the pot and said, "Come on, Mr. Zhang, try the crucian carp soup cooked by Sister Li, I promise..."

He suddenly stopped talking, because inside the casserole was a pot of cold water with two disemboweled crucian carp soaked in it. All the blood in the internal organs was flowing out, and the two fish were still moving their gills.

Weiyu suddenly jumped up and bit Mrs. Li's arm. A kitchen knife fell from Mrs. Li's hand.

"Bad brother, she is possessed!" Oyu yelled incoherently.

Sister-in-law Li shook her arms desperately, threw Weiyu aside, and stretched out her hands to strangle my neck. I quickly bit my middle finger and pressed a drop of blood between her eyebrows. Her body shivered as if she was electrocuted and she rolled her eyes.

This possessed ghost is so powerful that it can resist my Yang Qi!

Sister-in-law Li's hands kept closing towards my neck. Her expression was sometimes painful and sometimes cruel. My essence and blood played some role in making Mrs. Li's consciousness a little clearer. She was fighting against the evil spirits in her body.

I quickly took out a medium-sized magic talisman and slapped it on her forehead. The magic talisman and the power of blood essence finally forced the evil spirit out.

I saw a stream of black air slowly coming out of Mrs. Li's nostrils and slipping out of the door. I picked up the kitchen knife on the ground and scratched my thumb regardless of the pain, causing a thin layer of blood to stain the edge of the knife.

Then I swung my sword and slashed at the black energy, and the black energy turned into a physical thing, a naked child with water plants wrapped around his head and body. His skin is as smooth as a giant salamander, his nails are sharp and long, and his eyes are pitch black.

This turned out to be a water monkey!

The Water Monkey was stabbed, flopped on the ground and struggled a few times, and finally his soul flew away, leaving a pool of ghost blood.

Secretary Dakang was so frightened that he hid under the table. When he saw me cutting a pool of black blood on the ground with my knife, he was so impressed that he gave a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Zhang is really extraordinary!"

"Where's Sister Li?"

I looked back and saw Mrs. Li lying on the ground, unconscious.

I put her on the bed, pinched her vagina, and opened her eyelids to take a look. Sister-in-law Li's yang energy was very weak, probably the sequelae of possession. I asked Secretary Dakang to boil some ginger soup and brown sugar water for her to drink. These are relatively warm things that can stabilize her soul.

Oyu took the opportunity to hold my cut finger and suck it hard, saying it couldn't be wasted.

I was very scared when I thought about what happened just now. The Yin Qi in this place was so strong that I didn't even notice when a possessed living person walked in front of me.

Sister-in-law Li was probably possessed when she went fishing. She was possessed by a water monkey. This is incredible! The nature of the water monkey is to drag people into the water, and when it pulls a substitute, it is freed, and then the person who was dragged into the water continues to 'take over'.

I asked Oyu what he thought. Oyu drank enough blood, licked his lips and said, "Bad brother, I feel like that thing is provoking you."

"Provocation? Why do you think so?" I asked.

"You got into trouble as soon as you came here. Isn't this a provocation?" Odama said.

"makes sense."

Whether it was the enthusiasm of Secretary Dakang or the provocation of the mastermind behind the scenes, I felt that I had fallen into a big pit this time!

In such an accident, of course there was no food to eat. Fortunately, I had some biscuits and instant noodles in my bag, so I made it through.

I spent the night at Sister-in-law Li's house. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep in the room. The humidity in this place was too high, and the quilt had not been dried for a long time. It was heavy and cold, and gave off a musty smell. There was even a layer of moisture under the bed, and there were a bunch of small mushrooms growing on the legs of the furniture.

I called the man in the T-shirt, but his phone was turned off, which made me very depressed.

That night I tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep. The quilt was too cold and clammy. My feet felt as cold as ice cubes. I should have brought a sleeping bag if I had known I would.

I finally managed to get a little sleepy, but suddenly there was a knock on the door. It seemed to be Mrs. Li. She said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry today. Are you angry with me?"

I was a little annoyed when I was woken up from my sleep, so I said, "It's okay, it's okay. Sister-in-law, are you feeling well?"

"Okay, by the way, Mr. Zhang, the quilt is cold, I'll get you a basin of hot water to soak your feet!"

"No, no, no." I shook my head.

"Then let me give you a hot water bottle, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable."

I was about to refuse, but she had already walked away. After a while, she knocked on the door again. I was very impatient, so I put on my clothes and got out of bed to open the door for her.

Sister-in-law Li came into the house wearing a single coat and holding a hot water bottle in her hand. I felt that her yang energy was still very weak, so I advised her to go back and rest quickly.

Unexpectedly, after Mrs. Li stuffed a hot water bottle for me, she sat down on the bedside and suddenly started to cry. I thought to myself that something was going to happen to a man and a woman alone in the middle of the night, right?

(PS: The third update is here! "The Merchant of the Underworld" will continue to be updated during the May Day holiday. Lao Jiu gave up traveling to accompany you, so please feel free to read it.)

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