Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 880 The murderer behind the scenes

I lost track of people, especially the corpse-scented bird I hadn’t seen for a long time. My thoughts were confused and I walked back angrily.

The villagers saw me running away suddenly. They didn't know what happened, so they were all waiting for me.

I told them to finish work early and go home for dinner!

On the way back, Secretary Dakang kept praising me and saying that I was a good leader. The last time the whole village was so enthusiastic about one thing was during the steel smelting in 1960. I smiled and said nothing, feeling confused. .

Was that person just now Senior Rat?

Isn't he already dead? Why did it suddenly appear here? And this time he turned out to be the murderer?

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I didn’t eat dinner. I told Secretary Dakang that I was tired today and wanted to go to bed early, so I lay down on the bed.

I tossed and turned that night, feeling both sad and excited, and mostly confused, and finally fell asleep.

At one o'clock in the morning, there was a sudden shouting outside, which woke me up. I thought something happened again. After I heard it clearly, it turned out that someone was shouting: "It's stopped raining! It's stopped raining!"

I called Weiyu several times and found that she was not there. I put on my clothes and went outside, where I bumped into Secretary Dakang.

He danced excitedly and said, "Master Zhang, you are so amazing, the rain has stopped!"

I came outside and saw a full moon. Although there were still dark clouds in the sky, it felt really good to be clear.

Many villagers stood outside, excitedly cheering to the sky with their hands open. This brilliant full moon made the depression in my heart temporarily disappear, but I still couldn't figure it out. Let alone treating the root cause, I haven't even finished treating the symptoms. Why did the rain stop suddenly?

I looked back and saw a small figure squatting on the roof, with a big fluffy tail swaying behind him. I shouted, "Oudama?"

It turned out that she was inhaling the lunar energy of the moon, which was a great tonic for the fox fairy.

"Bad brother, I'll be back after chatting with Granny Yue for a while." Weiyu said.

"Be careful of catching a cold."

"When will you care about others..." she said delicately. It seemed that the rain had stopped and she was in a particularly good mood.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, the rain only stopped for an hour, and it started raining again. Oudama ran back like a drowned rat, and I took out a towel from my bag to dry her.

I said: "Analyze it, why did the rain stop suddenly?"

"Is it possible that the things in the water are like me, and when they see the full moon today, they also come out to chat with Grandma Moon?" Oyu said, touching her little ears.

"It's unlikely. Those who control the wind and rain are members of the Black Dragon Li family. Water ghosts can't do that."

When I said this, I suddenly came to my senses. There was no way that the black shadow was Senior Rat.

After all, Senior Shu has no connection with the Black Dragon Li family, and his surname is not Li!

The corpse-scented bird is his unique skill, but others can also imitate it. Maybe this person knows something about me and deliberately uses this trick to confuse me.

While I was thinking, I lay down and continued to sleep. Suddenly I noticed Oyu smiled slyly. I asked her why she was smiling, and she said, "It's okay, I just think you look so handsome when you are serious!"

"Where did you learn this? Don't watch those messy TV shows." I said angrily.

"Hi, hi, handsome master!"

She actually acted cute and said something in Japanese. Did she mean to make me angry?

Early the next morning, Secretary Dakang's wife cooked a sumptuous breakfast, and the reception was particularly attentive, probably because it stopped raining last night.

After dinner, I led the young adults in the village to the river bend and continued working. Everyone was full of energy today, but when the blood bait was thrown in, there was no movement for a long time, and it took half an hour to catch two water ghosts.

The villagers thought that all the water ghosts had been killed, and they were very happy. I thought to myself that this was wrong. I stood by the river and opened my eyes and saw that it was like this!

All the water ghosts have moved to the other side of the river, and the huge cloud of yin energy surrounding them has also moved away. The villagers' fishing rods are completely out of reach. I finally understood why the rain stopped last night. The murderer behind the scenes quietly moved the evil object. During the transfer, the rain stopped for a while.

Because of three months of rain, the river became very wide, and a pontoon bridge on the river was washed away by the water. It is a fantasy to take a boat to catch water ghosts. These water ghosts will directly capsize the boat. Once a man, no matter how aggressive he is, falls into the water, he can only be slaughtered by others.

I started to feel worried, and Secretary Dakang asked me what happened. I said that all the water ghosts had gone to the other side, but I didn’t say why. The main reason was that I didn’t want the villagers to lose their confidence.

Secretary Dakang said: "It's a good thing, we must have scared the water ghost away."

"But it will be difficult to fish again." I sighed and said.

"What should we do?" Secretary Dakang asked.

"Let's call it a day. I'll think of countermeasures." I waved my hand.

Secretary Dakang turned around and informed me, but the villagers didn't know anything about it. When they went back, they still praised me for my good deeds and scared the water ghosts away. I couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

I stood stupidly by the river, thinking about countermeasures. Oyu was bored, sitting in a tree in a daze, and suddenly hung down from a branch with his tail, saying: "Bad brother, you forgot, the people of the Black Dragon Li family can only eat raw fish."

"Yes!" I was enlightened all of a sudden.

The mastermind behind this can be found out completely. People who eat raw fish for a long time must have a bad mouth. In addition, fish is an animal with strong Yin energy, so this person must have strong Yin energy.

I suddenly felt like I was struck by lightning. How could I be so stupid? Not only had I seen this person, I was almost seduced by her.

Sister-in-law Li!

I hurried back to the village. The door of Sister-in-law Li's house was unlocked. I pushed the door open and went in. As expected, there was a very heavy yin energy in the house!

That day I mistakenly thought it was the sequelae of water ghost possession. It seemed that it was a scene written and directed by Mrs. Li. With her magic power, she could invite ghosts to take possession of her. The purpose was probably to deceive others.

As for her throwing herself into my arms that night, I believe the reason was not because I was handsome. I guess she was planning to use this to murder me. Fortunately, I have high moral standards.

The dead fish and rotten shrimps on the ground were probably eaten by her. She was afraid of being suspected by me, so she dug up the two graves. She did successfully divert my attention.

I should have spotted her on the first day, but her smoke bomb was so good!

However, there are two things I can't figure out. Who was she fighting with outside that morning?

Why did she use the Corpse Fragrance Bird? Could it be that she has some connection with Senior Rat?

I pushed open her bedroom door and saw a patch of white back. I was so scared that I quickly looked away. It turned out that she was sitting naked in front of the dressing table, with long black hair hanging on her back. She grabbed a lock of hair with her hands and combed it slowly. In the dressing mirror, I saw her beautiful face. Well, there is also a pair of seductive dark eyes.

She was wet, and there were wet clothes thrown beside her. She must have just come out of the water.

I felt that there was nothing to be shy about, and I was not a virgin, so I looked directly into her eyes through the mirror.

Before I could speak, she spoke first, her voice was particularly calm and calm, completely different from before, as if she was a different person...

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