Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 901 Mr. Yin Yang, Miss Yin Yang

The crowd dispersed with a bang. The man in the T-shirt and I hurried forward and were horrified to find that blood and tears were flowing from the eyes of the four people. After touching their noses and breathing in, we found that they were dead.


At this time, another scream broke out from the crowd. I looked back reflexively and saw a teenage girl looking at the two of us with a look of horror on her face.

"What's wrong?"

I asked in confusion, but the girl didn't reply. She just pointed at our feet subconsciously. When I lowered my head, I suddenly found that the ground under my feet was dripping with hot blood.

The blood came together and gradually separated, and finally pieced together a sentence: "The countdown to death has officially begun!"

People in Antique Street screamed after seeing this sentence. They were really scared.

It looked like the people from Longquan Villa were about to take action. After the T-shirt man and I comforted everyone, we sent them all back to their respective shops.

Looking at the bodies of the four Han Da brothers, I felt very uncomfortable, because they died right in front of me, but I couldn't save them!

What makes me even more puzzled is how they died, and why people who were alive and kicking one second would bleed to death from all their orifices in an instant.

The only way was to conduct an autopsy. After discussing it with the T-shirt man, I called Lao Xu to ask for permission.

Lao Xu treated the four brothers as his own sons and disagreed at first. Fortunately, Li Mazi and I took turns doing ideological work and finally convinced him.

Although I make a living by reselling antiques, the ghost dealers do have many unique skills related to traditional Chinese medicine, so I have a certain understanding of the structure of the human body and it is more than enough to distinguish the cause of their death.

But just before I was about to operate, I discovered something was wrong with Han Da.

The clothes on Han Da's chest were deeply dented. My heart sank. I opened his clothes and took a look, and I was shocked to find a bloody hole the size of a fist in his heart.

At this moment, the blood around the blood hole was in a semi-coagulated state, and the wound looked very hideous. His empty ventricle could be seen through the wound, and his entire heart disappeared out of thin air!

Upon seeing this, the man in the T-shirt quickly turned over the other people's bodies and found that all of these people's hearts were missing, which meant that their hearts were collectively taken out at the moment they entered the blood line.

This thing is really unbelievable. He actually killed someone in front of me and the man in the T-shirt, but we didn't notice it at the time.

The man in the T-shirt pondered for a while, frowned and said, "I know who Longquan Villa sent this time."


"Remember that black talisman, right?" The man in the T-shirt gave it a try.

Of course I remember that it was because of that black talisman that I was accidentally plotted by the broom star and almost died of poisoning.

"I said that only a few people in the world can draw this black talisman, including the two beloved disciples of the owner of Longquan Villa: Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang. The wounds on Han Da's body were caused by someone's hands. It was formed when the heart was taken out. As far as I know, Miss Yin Yang of Longquan Villa has this quirk."

"Damn, this woman is so cruel." Li Mazi exclaimed.

When the man in the T-shirt said this, I felt a little frightened. He was not just a ruthless character, he was simply a murderous maniac.

"There is a saying that has been circulating in the world for a long time, Miss Yin Yang has a heart of snake and scorpion, she is as beautiful as a fairy, and she is half alive and half dead. It means that although Miss Yin Yang is beautiful, she has a heart of snake and scorpion, and she is a living dead."

The man in the T-shirt explained that the living dead usually refers to a person who leaves a trace of yang energy in his body after death. Under the influence of special circumstances, he does not die, but becomes a conscious zombie.

Since Miss Yin Yang can dig out the hearts of four people in an instant, it means that she is no longer a simple living dead, but is probably a specially trained killing machine at Longquan Villa.

"Regardless of whether she is the living dead or someone else, isn't she just a bitch? I don't believe you two can't deal with her."

Li Mazi said angrily that he had some drinks with Han Da and several other people, and they had some friendship.

But what he said is correct. Since Miss Yin Yang is a living dead, there will always be weaknesses in her body. I have spells and so many magical weapons. I don't believe I can't deal with her.

"Listen to what I have to say."

Seeing that Li Mazi and I were indifferent, the man in the T-shirt became anxious for the first time: "She is not the one who is powerful, but her brother Yin Yang Gongzi."

Judging from his tone, this Yin-Yang Master seems to be very powerful, but I believe that no matter how powerful the Yin-Yang Master is, he can't defeat the T-shirt man, right?

"Master Yin Yang loves to drink human blood. When he practices evil arts, he needs a lot of human blood to replenish his physical strength. It is no exaggeration to say that his moral conduct is probably better than mine..."

What? When the man in the t-shirt said this, I suddenly felt unsure. I have always been aware of his strength. I always asked him to help me when I was not good enough in the past, and he could easily help me solve various problems every time.

It's really rare for him to feel inferior even before his enemy shows up.

"By the way, do you want to tell Lao Xu the cause of Han Da's death?" Li Mazi suddenly asked.

Li Mazi has a delicate mind. If he hadn't told me, I might have forgotten about it. Lao Xu has been training the four Han Da brothers as his successors. He would definitely not be able to accept it if he knew that their hearts were taken out alive and died, but if he didn't tell them, he might also get the news from other people.

By that time, Li Mazi and I were no longer human beings. After much thought, I decided to go to Lao Xu’s shop to have a chat with a drink in hand.

At night, I took out a bottle of Maotai liquor from the cellar, cooked a few simple dishes to go with wine, and walked towards his shop.

There is no moon in the night sky tonight, and the sky is filled with dark clouds, giving it a more chilling feeling out of thin air.

The door of Lao Xu’s antique shop was ajar. It looked like he had gone out temporarily for something. But I still know him very well. This old man has a conservative personality and will lock the door tightly whenever he goes out. What happened today? What's going on?

For some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart. I frowned and opened the door. It was dark inside and eerily quiet.

"Old Xu?"

I tried calling a few times but got no response.

I quickly ran to the house to check and found that everything in the store was neatly arranged, and I was relieved.

It seemed that I was overthinking it. I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave, but I kicked something on the way out.

"What's this?"

Confused, I turned on the flashlight and looked over, and suddenly I saw an unrecognizable face on the ground.

This face was covered with criss-crossing wounds, as if they had been cut by knives. White bones were exposed in many places, and his eyes were gone, leaving only black eye sockets.

Who the hell is this person?

I quickly turned on the headlights in the store and suddenly discovered that the deceased was wearing a navy blue Tang suit, which was Lao Xu’s favorite dress. My heart trembled and I checked again, confirming that the corpse in front of me was Lao Xu.

How could he die here? Could it be that the provocation of Han Da and the others angered Longquan Villa, so Lao Xu also suffered?

I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I quickly prepared to go back and tell the man in the T-shirt about this. But as soon as I went out, the originally quiet antique street became noisy again, and this time no one seemed to be joining in the fun, because people's screams were louder and louder!

The man in the T-shirt and Li Mazi came out quickly when they heard the sound, and happened to see me. Li Mazi asked, "Brother, is Lao Xu feeling better?"

"Lao Xu is dead!"

As soon as I said this, Li Mazi opened his mouth instantly, the man in the T-shirt frowned, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. At this time, more people came closer to us, and many people asked me in a panic what exactly had offended Antique Street.

At first they thought it was a joke, and everyone became more cautious after the death of the four Han Da brothers, but now they were obviously more frightened as to what had happened.

"What's going on?" the man in the T-shirt asked.

"You don't know about this friend? Another death has occurred here."

An old man said tremblingly, but the screams just came from many places. Could it be that more than one person died on Antique Street?

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