Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 92: Exchange of lives

The man in the T-shirt said that we have already provoked the quilt, so we can't leave now and must solve this problem.

With the T-shirt man by my side, I felt a lot more relieved, so I asked him what his plans were.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Let's go find the old man first."

Next we cleaned ourselves up briefly and returned to the village.

After soaking in the water all night, my legs were numb and I was limping when I walked.

The man in the T-shirt frowned, but finally came over to help me walk.

At this moment, I still felt extremely uncomfortable all over my body, dizzy, and felt like vomiting several times. This made me hate the old man even more, and I vowed that as long as I caught him, I would make him look good.

But when we arrived at the small shabby house, we found that the old man had disappeared.

This made Li Mazi very angry and scolded the old man for dying. I’m also depressed because I can’t let go of this, I guess I’ll have to remember it for the rest of my life.

But the man in the T-shirt calmly found a chair and sat down, saying, "Don't worry, the old man will be back tonight, just wait."

I was really tired, so I just lay on the old man's dirty bed and slept with my clothes on.

Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue thought it was dirty, so they returned to the hotel first.

With the man in the T-shirt accompanying me, I felt full of security, so I slept very soundly until night.

In the evening, I was woken up by a strange squeaking sound. When he opened his eyes, he found the man in the T-shirt carrying a sword and staring at a corner of the room.

And that strange squeaking sound seemed to come from that corner.

Seeing that I was sleeping, the man in the T-shirt said, "Go and catch the old man."

I looked around the room inexplicably: "Old man, where are you?"

The man in the T-shirt pointed to the corner, where there was a worn-out brick. I walked up curiously and took the brick away, only to find a mouse hole behind the brick.

It was so dark inside the mouse hole that nothing could be seen, but the strange squeaking noises came from the hole.

What does the man in the T-shirt mean when he asked me to catch the old man out of the mouse hole? Could it be that the old man is a rat spirit?

During the day, he is a mouse, staying in his hole, and at night, he transforms into a human form and returns to live in the house.

Before I could ask any questions, the man in the T-shirt waved his hand to signal me to stop talking, and then asked me to urinate into the mouse hole.

Regardless of whether the old man was a rat or not, I felt very happy if I could take revenge on him, and I immediately peed hard.

Before I finished urinating, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the mouse hole. What is it if it's not a big rat?

When I saw this big rat clearly, I was shocked.

This mouse was as thick as an adult's arm, with black hair standing on end all over its body, and two beady little eyes, which were as red as bloodshot eyes. He looked around furtively and immediately ran away towards the door.

When the mouse fled to the door, the man in the T-shirt finally took action. With a wave of his hand, he sprinkled some white powder around the mouse.

As soon as it encountered the white powder, the big mouse didn't dare to move at all. It looked at the man in the T-shirt pitifully, hoping that the man in the T-shirt would let it go.

Naturally, the man in the T-shirt refused to let it go, and just said lightly: "Wait a little longer, the old man will be back soon..."

I was very surprised and asked the man in the T-shirt, what is the connection between this mouse and the old man? To be honest, I now feel more and more that the old man is similar to a mouse, with his sharp mouth and chin, and even his living habits are similar. Dirty, dilapidated, and always filled with a sour smell.

After Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue came over, they saw me holding a mouse by its tail. Li Mazi burst into tears and laughed: "Brother Zhang, what do you mean by pulling this mouse's tail? I'm going to rely on it tonight." To satisfy your hunger?”

I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi and said, "You don't even know how to bring me something to eat. I've been hungry all day."

Yin Xinyue smiled: "I can't forget you."

After speaking, Yin Xinyue took out two boxes of braised chicken and rice from the car. I was starving, so I threw the mouse to Li Mazi and let him hold the tail, while I ate with the man in the T-shirt.

During this period, Li Mazi kept asking: Why do you want to catch this mouse by its tail?

The man in the T-shirt couldn't even eat a meal, so he could only explain in the end: "The old man exchanged his fate with this mouse. In other words, the old man existed as a mouse, and the mouse existed as an old man. identity exists.”

In this case, even if the enemy discovers it, he will still cause trouble with the mouse without hurting the old man.

That's why the old man lives until now.

Li Mazi's eyes almost popped out of his head: "Is this okay?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded.

I asked the man in the T-shirt puzzledly, if the mouse was killed, would the old man die?

The man in the T-shirt said that it was not that easy to kill the mouse. What's more, even if the mouse is really killed, the old man can also change his fate to another mouse.

Unless he dies at the end of his life, it will be difficult for others to kill him...

I nodded thoughtfully.

Now that we have caught this mouse, it is equivalent to holding the old man's fate in our hands. We don't have to worry about him not coming!

At night, the man in the T-shirt sprinkled some white powder around the house, and then asked Li Mazi to let go of the mouse.

The mouse huddled in a circle of white powder, not daring to move, its eyes spinning.

After about ten minutes, the mouse lost its composure and began to burrow anxiously around, trying to escape from the circle.

But how can it easily escape the shackles of the circle? So I hit a wall and came back several times.

I was surprised and asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on? The man in the T-shirt said that the old man was nearby.

Li Mazi was instantly furious. He grabbed a stick from the ground and said coldly: "Old guy, you'd better get out of here! Otherwise, I'll beat this rat to death right now."

An awkward laugh came from outside the door.

Then the door was opened, and the old man walked into the room wearing a coat, and said respectfully to the man in the T-shirt: "First grade of junior high school, why are you here?"

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "If I don't come, will they still be alive?"

The old man touched his head in embarrassment: "Don't be angry, I didn't know they were your friends."

Li Mazi and I surrounded the old man one after another, which frightened the old man terribly. His face suddenly changed: "Don't be angry, friends. In fact, I did this for your own good."

My teeth were almost broken, and I was so angry that I said, "Fuck you! Are you good for me? How can you be good for me?"

"If you can't tell me how ugly you are, I'll kill you today." Li Mazi glared in horror.

The old man smiled and said: "You two probably don't know yet, right? You have been targeted. I think it is better for you to do something for me before you die than to die in the hands of others. This can be regarded as a good deed, right? ?”

"And if you fall into the hands of the other party, you will definitely end up very miserable."

I was surprised. What the old man said and what the man in the T-shirt said must be the same situation.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to be more concerned about this issue than me, and immediately asked: "Do you know who is checking their whereabouts? Tell me."

The old man smiled and said: "In the circle of ghosts, the only one with this ability is Longquan Villa. Do you not even know this?"

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