Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 938 Falling into the trap

After gaining Zhang Xun's trust, I suddenly came up with the idea that I might be able to successfully save 30,000 undead souls, so I said, "General, I have something to ask of you."

"But it doesn't matter." Zhang Xun waved his hand.

I said: "You, your soldiers and the 30,000 people in the city have turned into ghosts. I want to perform a ritual to save you, and I hope the general can help."

Zhang Xun looked at the night sky and said with a somewhat sad expression: "Transcendence? After going to the underworld, I'm afraid I will have to go up the mountain of swords and get down in the oil pan, and I will never be able to be reincarnated..."

I said: "The general's merits are greater than his faults. He saved millions of people in the Tang Dynasty. The underworld may not punish the general. Besides, salvation is also a result. It is better than wandering around the world and being a lonely ghost, right?"

Zhang Xun pondered for a while and then said: "Okay, I promise you, when will you be saved?"

"Tomorrow, I hope the general can summon all his soldiers and the people in the city here." I said.

Zhang Xun nodded, turned around and walked out of the circle, disappearing into the mist.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said to the man in the T-shirt, "Let's go back and prepare. Come back tomorrow."

Little Red Riding Hood said: "Uncle, have you thought about how to transcend these evil spirits?"

I gave it a try: "If I don't tell you, you will know tomorrow." She snorted.

We said goodbye, and Little Red Riding Hood was going back to the empty house to spend the night. I asked her if she wanted to come with us? It was so hot that she could go to the hotel and take a hot shower, but she didn't want to, saying that Taoist Yiqing was too scary and she didn't want to see that dead Taoist priest again.

I can see that this little girl is very smart. The ancient city is her protective umbrella, but once she leaves here, she is just a weak little girl. She may not completely trust us yet.

Back at the hotel, Taoist Master Yiqing watched TV very leisurely and said that he had been looking for us just now, but he came back alone when he didn't find us. Looking at the melon seeds, peels and cigarette ashes on the table, I could only express doubts about his words.

These ghosts cannot be saved by ordinary methods. My idea is a bit evil. If someone from a well-known and upright family like Taoist Master Yiqing finds out, they will probably scold me, so I will not reveal a word for the time being.

The next day I got up early and ran around Shangqiu with the T-shirt man to prepare some materials. The man in the t-shirt had cooperated with me so many times, and when he saw that the materials I had prepared were pretty accurate, he asked, "Jiulin, do you plan to let these ghosts complain?"

"Yes!" I said: "There is revenge, there is resentment, there is resentment, but other than that, I can't think of a way to overcome them!"

The man in the t-shirt smiled: "Zhang Xun was deceived by you..."

"Back then, he ate 30,000 people to save the world. Tonight, I want to make him suffer alone and allow more than 30,000 people to be saved. Do you think I am doing this right?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "There is nothing right or wrong in this world."

In the evening, the three of us brought our things and came to the ancient city. Little Red Riding Hood was already waiting for us at the playground. She was playing on the horizontal bar by herself. Seeing her struggling to climb the horizontal bar with her little arms and legs, she looked cute.

The T-shirt man and I got ready separately. After preparing the materials, we covered them with a piece of cloth and waited for the sunset.

After the sky gradually darkened, the Yin Qi here rose like a tide. A man slowly emerged on the playground, it was Zhang Xun. He nodded to us and asked one of his heralds to blow the horn.

The sound of the horn echoed in the night sky of the ancient city, and soon all the ghosts here gathered together, surrounding the entire school in darkness. Looking at the rows of ferocious faces, I couldn't help but swallow nervously.

Zhang Xun cleared his throat and said: "Fellow soldiers and common people, in the battle of Suiyang, we all perished. It was I, Zhang Xun, who caused you to suffer. Now, thousands of years later, there is an expert here who wants to save you!"

He changed the topic and suddenly said: "But you must think clearly, murder and cannibalism are crimes that are not tolerated by heaven and earth. Once we are saved, we will all fall into the Avici Hell and become livestock in the next life. Are you willing to stay in the earth to do this?" Yin soldiers will still go to hell and suffer!"

The Yin soldiers suddenly raised their weapons, grinned their fanged mouths, roared like beasts, and then pointed their weapons at us.

My eyes widened in astonishment. What was going on? These Yin spirits refused to be saved!

Even Little Red Riding Hood turned pale with fright at this scene. Taoist Master Yiqing cursed: "Damn it, young man, you really screwed me up this time."

I stammered: "This guy went back on his word, I didn't expect..."

Mahayana Buddhism spread extremely widely in the Tang Dynasty. Zhang Xun, who was from the Tang Dynasty, would certainly be familiar with this. According to the Buddhist point of view, people who made some small mistakes during their lifetime would have to suffer tens of thousands of years of punishment and slaughter if they went to hell. Thirty thousand unarmed citizens are estimated to be punished for hundreds of millions of kalpas for this kind of crime. What is this concept? Even when the earth is destroyed, he will still have to be beaten in hell.

I was so damn naive, it was like telling a felon to surrender to the police station.

We are still talking about transcendence or not, so let’s quickly find a way to escape. We took out our weapons one by one, took up our stances, and prepared to fight our way through the pile of Yin soldiers.

But at this time, something unexpected happened. The Yin spirits of the people actually fought with the Yin soldiers, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. Although the Yin soldiers were well-equipped, the number of people was six times as many as them, and the bodies of both sides were full of Yin spirits. Made of qi, no one was afraid of getting hurt. I saw several people hugging a Yin soldier, pressing it to the ground and biting it like crazy. The sound made people's scalp numb.

The people quickly disintegrated and surrounded the groups of Yin soldiers. The Yin soldiers gathered together in twos and threes and used the advantage of their spears to distance themselves as much as possible. These Yin soldiers, who were not even afraid of the generals, were in front of the tide of people. Showing timidity!

As the saying goes, water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it!

These people who were slaughtered like pigs and sheep thousands of years ago finally stood up and resisted bravely. This has nothing to do with righteousness and patriotism. Both parties are simply trying to find a way to survive for themselves. In one sentence: come! Hurt each other!

"Yin... Yin Ling is in internal strife. How could something like this happen?" Taoist Priest Yiqing's eyes widened.

I said: "The people here want to be saved, but these Yin soldiers don't want to be saved." Then I said to Little Red Riding Hood: "It seems that it is impossible to save everyone. I have a suggestion, to save those who are willing to be saved." , and those who refuse to transcend will be driven to pieces.”

Little Red Riding Hood frowned and hesitated: "But, they are really pitiful, I can't bear it..."

The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "Little girl, you can't save everyone."

She gritted her teeth and finally nodded: "Okay, kill all the Yin soldiers and save the people!"

Taoist Master Yiqing smiled and said, "Watch Pindao show you his skills!"

After that, he took out a cloth bag from his arms and threw it into the sky. Countless soybeans engraved with talismans flew into the air. He murmured: "The sky is clear and the earth is peaceful, the human soul is filled with grain, and the devil is subdued." Bean, land on the ground and become a soldier!"

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