Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 952: Peeling an Apple in the Mirror (Additional Update)

I asked Little Red Riding Hood what her vagina was this time, and she shook her little hand mysteriously: "Let me keep it a secret for now, but I won't let you down. When you come to Heze, have you heard that many girls have disappeared here recently? "

"Could it be that the missing girl's case is really related to this evil object?" I was slightly surprised.

"Yes, so first I ask you to eliminate harm for the people and catch this perverted killer!" Little Red Riding Hood said.

I felt worried for a while: "How can we handle this person who the police can't catch? Your question is too big..."

Little Red Riding Hood blinked: "The police can't talk to the dead, but I can. Let's meet here tomorrow morning! Then we will start investigating the disappearance case."

After that, Little Red Riding Hood took her leave. Li Mazi was worried that a little girl would be in danger while walking, so she insisted on giving her a ride.

After all, Li Mazi is a parent, and he is considerate and does not want other parents to lose their children.

I kept saying it didn't matter, because there were three or four vicious ghosts behind Little Red Riding Hood. If a blind human trafficker really targeted her, then I should sympathize with this human trafficker!

After this torment, all my sleepiness disappeared. After returning to the hotel, I used my mobile phone to surf the Internet and browsed some forums to read about the missing girl.

There are different opinions on this matter on the Internet. Some people say that the murderer believes in some kind of cult and takes the girl to the wild for sacrifice; others analyze that the murderer is a psychopath who catches girls everywhere and tortures them with whips, candles, etc., and then kills them.

I didn't bother to read this kind of random analysis. I just read the relevant news reports carefully.

Early the next morning, Li Mazi and I had breakfast and came to the tourist park to meet Little Red Riding Hood. This early in the morning, there were many old men and women exercising here. Little Red Riding Hood was lying on a stone bench, doing homework!

I went up and asked, "How dare you go out without finishing your homework?"

Little Red Riding Hood sighed: "Being a child is boring. I have so much homework during the seven-day holiday. I can only find time to write. Why don't those teachers die?"

Li Mazi said solemnly: "People are like little ghosts, and children should act like children. Who didn't come here like this?"

Little Red Riding Hood made a scissor hand gesture, blinked and said, "I am actually an adult, but I was given a strange medicine by the man in black to become smaller!"

"Damn it, are you bullying me for not watching "Conan"?" Li Mazi said angrily.

I said, "Be careful what you say in front of Uncle Li. His girlfriend is the teacher..."

Little Red Riding Hood joked: "Oh, uncle, your taste is terrible!"

Li Mazi was anxious and couldn't help rolling up his sleeves: "You little brat, I'll teach you a lesson for your parents!"

Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly hid behind me and shouted "Uncle, save me". This scene made me laugh.

Little Red Riding Hood collected the homework on the stone bench, put on her schoolbag, and pointed her hand: "Let's go, let's go somewhere first."

We took a taxi and came to a community. I seemed to have heard of this place somewhere. When I thought about it carefully, it turned out that it was mentioned in the news I watched last night.

Then he asked: "Is this place the home of one of the missing girls?"

"Yes, it's the third victim, named Zhang Fangfang." Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

We came to an apartment. Maybe too much time had passed. The cordon had been withdrawn. There was silence in the corridor. Little Red Riding Hood said: "Uncle, can you pick the lock?"

Li Mazi volunteered, took out the lockpicking tool, and quickly unlocked the lock.

When I entered the room, I saw that the room was extremely neat and tidy, things on the table and shelves were neatly arranged, the sheets had no wrinkles, and there were several pencil sketches hanging on the wall. There is a photo of Zhang Fangfang before her death. In the photo, she is a beautiful girl with a smile. It is in sharp contrast with this empty room that has lost its owner, which makes people sigh!

I touched it with my fingers and found that Zhang Fangfang had been missing for half a year, but there was no dust at all on the table. Little Red Riding Hood said: "It should be her parents who cleaned it. The more parents care about their dead child, the more they will restrain her from reincarnation." Reincarnation, this is not good for the child..."

The room was already very dark. After hearing this, Li Mazi said with some fear: "Xiao Nizi, don't talk nonsense. Do you mean she is still here?"

At this moment, the door behind us suddenly slammed shut!

Li Mazi was so frightened that he almost jumped up. Little Red Riding Hood asked with a smirk, "Are you scared, uncle?"

Li Mazi's face was turning green at this moment, and he hesitated and said: "What's this? Who has never seen a ghost?"

Little Red Riding Hood planned to summon the Yin Spirit for questioning, but it was daytime, and ordinary Yin Spirits were afraid of the sun and did not dare to come out and move around.

I asked her if she wanted to wait until night? She replied: "Let's wait until twelve o'clock at night. There is nothing here now. We can also have a meal, watch TV, or lie down in bed and take a nap."

Li Mazi immediately became furious: "You're kidding me! It's only eight o'clock in the morning, how long do we have to wait?"

Little Red Riding Hood covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Okay, okay, uncle, I lied to you. I have a way to summon her during the day."

I was curious and wanted to see what she was doing. Little Red Riding Hood took out a knife, an apple, two red candles, and a small paper bag from her schoolbag. She handed the paper bag to me and asked me to cover up the yang energy on my body. .

Maybe I don't notice it myself, but I am now so advanced in cultivation that I stand here like a little sun, and the Yin spirit doesn't dare to show up at all.

The paper bag contained some powder. Little Red Riding Hood said it was ground powder from the roots of the old locust tree, and its properties were relatively negative. I said, "Actually, I usually use eel blood, and that one is better."

Little Red Riding Hood said casually: "The eel is so expensive, I can't afford it!"

I smiled and sprinkled the powder on my shoulders to cover my Yanghuo.

Then she asked Li Mazi to help and set all the clocks in the house to twelve o'clock in the evening, as well as the time on our mobile phones, and then closed all the curtains. The room suddenly became as dark as a cellar!

Then Little Red Riding Hood lit a red candle on the dressing table, picked up the apple, sat down, and started peeling it in front of the mirror.

This method was a popular psychic game on the Internet in the past. It is said that if you peel an apple in front of the mirror at midnight, you will see your past life. However, you must be careful not to break the skin of the apple, otherwise it will summon evil spirits...

Naturally, I don’t believe in any past lives, but can this method really summon ghosts? I have a big question mark in my mind about this.

Little Red Riding Hood was peeling an apple seriously, and her little face looked a bit weird under the candlelight. In the quiet room, only the rustle of the knife could be heard peeling the apple. Her so-called 'method' made me laugh a little: "Can you really summon Zhang Fangfang like this?"

Little Red Riding Hood said: "The means actually don't matter. Any ritual just creates a special atmosphere, just like in the dark, whether you light a candle or shout, you can attract lost people." "

Her fallacies are really unconvincing. I usually strictly follow the rules passed down by my grandfather, and I don’t dare to make any mistakes. I said, "Are you being too arbitrary? I'll be damned if your method is effective."

Little Red Riding Hood giggled: "You're right, it's so effective!"

After that, she cut off the apple skin with a knife, and a disheveled face appeared in the mirror...

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