Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 954 The Third Young Master of the Cao Family

We plan to start investigating the clues of this yy voice group first!

There were no computers in the hotel, so we simply checked out the room, moved to a five-star hotel, and gave Little Red Riding Hood a room.

I'm very curious. She doesn't have much money for a primary school student. Where does she live these days? Little Red Riding Hood said that there was a haunted house nearby, and it was very quiet there. There was also a "big brother" chatting with her at night, which made me very impressed.

But I also noticed one thing. Little Red Riding Hood is not afraid of ghosts but afraid of people. As long as there are more people around, she will feel particularly uncomfortable, just like ordinary people entering a haunted house. So she usually takes a taxi wherever she goes, and she will never take the bus.

When we arrived at the hotel, we turned on the computer and registered a YY account. We found the group. There were quite a lot of people in the group. It was just an ordinary chatting and dating group, and everyone chatted about everything.

I noticed that there were more than a dozen gray-headed elephants underneath, all of them women. I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "Are these all missing girls?"

Li Mazi said: "It's amazing, this is an important clue. Contact the local police immediately. Maybe you can get a reward for reporting."

I refused: "Why call the police! When the police come, it will only cause bad things. We can handle this matter ourselves."

Little Red Riding Hood started typing on the keyboard and said "Hello everyone". Someone asked the new members to report their measurements and send them nude photos. Little Red Riding Hood looked at them and frowned: "Why are young people nowadays like this?"

This old-fashioned words amused me. Maybe she hasn’t been exposed to the Internet for almost ten years, right? I said: "Those are all jokes, I don't really want people to send nude photos."

"Then let's talk. I get a headache just looking at these internet buzzwords. What does 'Come on and be happy' and what does 'your little cutie suddenly comes online' mean. What do these mean?" Little Red Riding Hood frowned and said.

"You take a rest, let me do it." Li Mazi said from the side: "If my little Meng had learned to surf the Internet at such a young age, I would have beaten him to death!"

Little Red Riding Hood glanced sideways at Mazi Li: "Your son has a good education, why did he fail the college entrance examination?"

Li Mazi was choked and couldn't speak for a long time: "How did you know?"

It turns out that Li Mazi's bag of clothes says "Elite College Entrance Examination Cram School". Little Red Riding Hood's observation skills are really strong.

I started chatting with them and found out that the owner of this group is a rich second generation who sends out some benefits every now and then, such as LV bags and Chanel perfume, but only to women, so the atmosphere is particularly lively.

This second-generation rich man’s online name is the Third Young Master of the Cao Family. No one knows his true identity. He often expresses some personal feelings, saying that people in real life are hypocritical and wear masks, but it is more true online. Some people say that the third son of the Cao family is planning to find a girlfriend here.

Girls are all a bit greedy for petty gains. Take Yin Xinyue for example. When she goes to the supermarket and sees gifts, she will buy them even if they are not what she originally wanted. No matter what I say, it doesn't matter.

There were more girls, and many boys also came to join in the fun. I thought to myself, these people are also big-hearted. They are usually so cautious. Have they never thought that bad guys might be lurking online?

After waiting for a long time, the third son of the Cao family didn't show up. I didn't have the patience to continue chatting, so I just hung there and opened a movie to watch. When I heard someone online, I came over to take a look.

Little Red Riding Hood took advantage of this time to start writing homework on the table, biting the pen as she wrote and thinking. I was happily watching the movie and said casually: "You don't know how to solve the elementary school questions? Do you want me to do it for you?"

She smiled bitterly and said: "The teacher asked us to keep a diary. We must record one meaningful thing every day. I racked my brains and made it up. Alas! These teachers really have their heads kicked by donkeys..."

She suddenly stopped talking and looked back, probably because she was afraid of offending Li Mazi.

But Li Mazi was not in the house and ran out at some point.

I have hated writing essays since I was a child. How can I have so many meaningful things to write about every day? When I look at the compositions written by everyone, it seems that they all live like little Lei Feng. If you think about it with your toes, you can tell that they are all made up. With all due respect, I feel that Chinese education has been cultivating liars from an early age.

Fortunately, I have already become a mother-in-law, and Little Red Riding Hood still has to suffer these two consequences. I can only express my deepest sympathy, but at the same time I am helpless.

After a while, Li Mazi came back, bought a big bag of snacks, and invited us to come over and eat. Little Red Riding Hood took a piece of Haagen-Dazs ice cream and ate it, and said sweetly: "Thank you, uncle!"

Li Mazi waved his hands happily: "You're welcome."

I think Li Mazi's attitude toward Little Red Riding Hood changed a bit suddenly. If I think about it carefully, could it be that he saw the shadow of Nian Chu in Little Red Riding Hood? Nianchu is the pain that will never go away in Li Mazi's heart. Maybe he really hopes that he can have a daughter. I hope that Teacher Xia can fulfill this dream for him in the future.

The third son of the Cao family never showed up, and I watched one movie after another. I didn’t dare to leave the computer for a moment. I even ate dinner in the room, and I was a little tired...

Waiting until ten o'clock in the evening, the person finally appeared, and the group suddenly became active. It seemed that this second-generation rich man was quite popular. Everyone sang, played games, and gossiped, but I couldn't get in the middle of the conversation.

Little Red Riding Hood came over and said, "If you can't attract his attention by typing, then just go to the microphone."

I said, "There are only two grown men and a child here. Who can talk to him?"

"Me!" said Little Red Riding Hood.

I said angrily: "Forget it, you are an immature child, people will pay attention to you?"

Little Red Riding Hood said confidently: "Don't worry, if this person is really the culprit, I guarantee that he will focus on me like a hungry wolf seeing a sheep!"

Li Mazi suddenly stood up and said, "This is absolutely not possible. How could you do such a dangerous thing? Even if your motives are good, you have to think about your parents. What will they do if something happens to you? "

I said, "Don't just cause trouble, let her do it."

Li Mazi said: "Brother Zhang, you are not a parent, so you cannot understand this feeling!"

I laughed: "Why am I not a parent anymore?"

"Then you haven't been a parent as long as me!" Li Mazi said.

We got into an argument over this issue, and Little Red Riding Hood immediately interrupted us: "Uncle Li, I appreciate your kindness. Don't worry, it won't hurt if you just say something."

Li Mazi reluctantly agreed. Little Red Riding Hood put on the headset. After grabbing the microphone, she said coquettishly: "I'm new here. My name is Little Red Riding Hood. I hope everyone will take care of me!"

This cooing voice made me get goosebumps. I didn’t expect it to be really effective. The third son of the Cao family asked in the voice: "Little Red Riding Hood? Your name is really interesting. Your voice is so tender. You should Not underage, right?"

I whispered: "Remember! Don't tell your actual age, just say twelve or thirteen years old... no, fifteen or sixteen years old."

Little Red Riding Hood agreed verbally, but replied in her voice: "I am only nine years old this year and in the second grade of elementary school. I heard that this group is very fun, so I came to join in the fun."

People in the group immediately started making noises. Some said that Little Red Riding Hood was faking, while others advised her to do her homework quickly so as not to be found out by her parents and get spanked. Most people did not believe that Little Red Riding Hood was only nine years old.

I said helplessly: "If you do this, he won't take the bait at all!"

Little Red Riding Hood stuck out her tongue mysteriously: "On the contrary, the younger I am, the more interested the other party is!"

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