Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 96 Who wants to kill you?

It turns out that the boat owner refused to admit it. He gave the boat to his wife last night and was quarreling with her, saying that she must have used despicable means.

Naturally, his wife was very angry, so she simply called in the court personnel from last night and showed the ship owner the recorded video and the contract.

The ship owner was dumbfounded when he saw it and insisted that it was signed by him while he was sleepwalking, and he didn't know it at all.

Of course, no one would believe it. In the end, his wife even called the police and arrested the ship owner on charges of provoking trouble.

These two couples are so interesting, I couldn't help but laugh. It's more ridiculous than any other TV series I've ever seen...

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with me, and I naturally don't bother to care.

It doesn't matter if the ship owner is caught, at least I can sleep peacefully every night.

In the next few days, we have been playing in Nanjing. According to Yin Xinyue, we will never leave until we spend all these tens of thousands of yuan.

I was speechless when I met such a lovely girl, so I could only accompany her around Nanjing.

About a week later, we came back from the Purple Mountain Observatory. Just like the previous few days, we were so tired that we could hardly walk.

When he returned to his residence, he found a beggar squatting by the Qinhuai River.

This beggar is so bold. He dares to go to such a prosperous scenic spot to beg. Isn’t he afraid of the urban management in China?

But it’s really hard for people to survive, so we didn’t say anything.

But when we walked past the beggar, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at us. Then, like a hungry man seeing bread, he rushed forward and stopped in front of us: "Benefactor, help me, benefactor."

We were startled by the beggar's strange behavior. When the beggar pushed his dirty hair away from his face, we were all stunned.

This beggar is none other than the ship owner!

Oh my god, why did the ship owner, who was still well-dressed two days ago, look like this after coming out of the police station?

The sour smell on his body made people afraid to get close, so I quickly took two steps back.

Li Mazi also recognized it and was so surprised that he could put an egg in his mouth: "Hey, isn't this our ship owner? What's going on? It's time to experience life."

Li Mazi was also very damaged, and even though everyone had become a beggar, he, Li Mazi, could still laugh. For that little thing, as for that?

However, there is indeed something strange about this ship owner.

After all, it's impossible for a big business owner in tourism to fall into such a state of decline within a few days, right?

And just now he even called us benefactors and asked us to save lives... I really can't figure out what kind of medicine he is selling in his gourd.

Yin Xinyue pulled me and told me to ignore it and leave quickly!

I nodded.

However, the boat owner was determined not to let us go. He stood in front of us and knelt down before us with a grunt: "Benefactor, help me. Someone is trying to kill me. Only you can save me."

This is nothing. I laughed dumbly and looked at him inexplicably: "Do you want money?"

He shook his head: "No, I have money, I really have money. If you can save my life, I will give you all my money..."

As he spoke, his dirty hands began to grab in his pockets. Not long after, I grabbed a stack of banknotes, all of which were hundred-dollar bills. Although they were dirty, they probably weren't fake.

What's the situation, having money but still being a beggar?

"I haven't eaten for several days. If you don't help me today, I will definitely be killed." The ship owner seemed a little incoherent and his words were illogical, which made me dumbfounded.

"It's easy to talk." Li Mazi smiled and put the money into his pocket, then patted the boat owner on the shoulder: "Come on, let me treat you to dinner."

But the ship owner shook his head repeatedly: "No, I can't talk to them! I can't expose myself, otherwise they will kill me."

I frowned and asked, "How many people died in the Nanjing Massacre?"

"Three hundred thousand." The ship owner said without hesitation.

"Where will the 2008 Olympics be held?"


I asked him several common sense questions one after another, and the ship owner’s answers were all normal. I immediately realized that what he just said was not crazy talk, but that he might have actually encountered a situation.

Now that he has found us, he must know our identities. Could it be that he is haunted by some kind of evil thing?

I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, come back with us and I'll buy you some food."

I bought some cooked food and took the boat owner back to his residence. I first let him take a bath and put on clean clothes. Then I let him eat something and drink some water, and his face became rosier. .

I asked, "Why are you asking us for help? How can we help you?"

While he was devouring the roast duck, he said, "I know you are traders of negative things, specializing in collecting some unknown things."

Hearing what he said, I felt a little bit sick. How did he know my identity?

The ship owner told me that many people in Nanjing now know my identity.

After all, Nanjing is the ancient capital of six dynasties, and the antique market is quite prosperous. Naturally, the probability of producing yin objects is also high, so yin object merchants are very popular in Nanjing.

The previous visit to the Qinhuai River to auction the golden flower quilt had already been known by many ghost dealers, so this matter naturally spread.

It seems that we cannot stay in this place any longer, otherwise people from Longquan Villa are likely to come looking for us.

The ship owner also said that he is actually an antique lover, and the antiques collected at home could fill a museum.

I nodded thoughtfully.

Now he seriously suspected that there was such a sinister thing in his house! It was that evil thing that caused him to become as miserable as he is now. He begged us to help find the fetish. As long as we are willing to help, the reward is not a problem.

I frowned. I had heard of femininity claiming life, but I had never heard of femininity forcing people to become beggars.

What's so fishy about this? I asked quickly.

The ship owner sighed helplessly and said: "Oh! I have two problems. The first problem is that I like to brag after drinking too much. The second problem is that I keep my word when I talk. I promise a thousand dollars, as long as I brag No matter how difficult it is for the cow to go out, I have to round it up. Alas, this tortures me terribly..."

I frowned, not understanding what he meant: "You said you ended up like this because you kept your promise?"

The ship owner nodded repeatedly and then told us what happened recently.

Like running naked on the boat that night.

When he first bet with Li Mazi, he promised to shut up if he lost, otherwise he would run naked around the bow. But after losing, he regretted it.

But when he woke up in the middle of the night, he found that he was actually running around naked on the bow of the ship involuntarily, which frightened him.

Another example is that a few days ago, in order to trick his wife into getting a divorce, he casually said that he would give her a tourist boat.

However, he really gave the boat to his wife overnight, and whether it was running naked or giving the boat away, he did it without knowing it.

He had encountered many similar situations before.

Let's put it this way, he used to run a pretty good hardware factory, but later he gave it away because he bragged to a buddy that Chinese football had qualified.

Unexpectedly, Chinese football was quite successful this year and successfully qualified...

At first, his friends thought he was joking and did not take him seriously. But that night, he was stunned and forced the hardware factory to his buddy. To this day, the buddy still laments that he is rich and a man who keeps his promises.

Most of his other properties were due to his boasting too much. In the end, he gave them away and went bankrupt, turning a rich man into a beggar on the street.

I don’t know why, but I wanted to laugh when I heard it.

This femininity is really Metersbonwe, it doesn’t take the usual path! This is really the first time I've met him.

I smiled and patted the boat owner on the shoulder and said, "Then what? You said you were being hunted, so what happened?"

Seeing that I didn't believe it, the boat owner simply lifted up his clothes and showed me his belly.

Looking at it like this, I was suddenly frightened and broke into a cold sweat!

His belly was full of wounds, some were cut by knives, some were dug out with spoons, some were pierced by hard objects, and there were even a few teeth marks, and the skin was almost broken by bites.

Li Mazi quickly asked him to put his clothes on, saying it looked disgusting.

The ship owner sat on the chair in despair: "If you don't save me, I will die tonight..."

"Who wants to kill you?" I asked.

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