Mermaid Effect

Chapter 125:

If he is willing, he can escape like a monkey from India. In fact, people like him are always good at escaping. Darwin’s theory of evolution can prove this, like a person like him – poor, vulgar, exaggerated and just a drug addict – if not good at escaping, He has already died of punching and kicking behind an alley, or a voluntary round of **** in exchange for drugs.

In the most terrible time, he followed the Mexicans, the Moroccan gangs and the fastest poisonous heads in New York. Thank God, he finally dexterously slipped away from the screams and gunshots of those people, like a squid that was drilled into a stone.

Ok, write here, everyone should be able to see that Ken is very proud of his escape technology, and even a little bit smug. But this day, he found himself in trouble.

He can't escape.

In the emergency stairs of the building, he was familiar with the road, but the **** little white face was always behind him like a ghost. On that occasion, the person’s fingers were almost touching his neck. This is simply creepy.

If he was a bit sensible at this time, he would stop and hand the phone to Rand - even if the photos he had taken before were enough for him to get a lot of money from the gossip magazine.

However, a fear that cannot be described is a complete capture of him. The intuition that has been beaten and chased for years has taught him that a huge and invisible horror is waiting for him. His brain is blank, and the rest is only the instinct to escape. A lot of sweat rushed out of his pores, but the sweat was as sticky as a frozen gel, cold and icy.

"Hey, stop..."

Rand’s voice came from far away.

No, he can't stop - Ken is thinking silently in his heart. His knees ran softly across the four steps and drilled another bend.

The cold and cold feeling came again, and the hair behind his neck was erected.

Rand is about to catch him.

Ken can feel... but it is at this time that he suddenly perceives the sense of violation that has always wrapped him.

Rand's voice... His voice sounded like a ladder of more than a dozen steps, and even sounded like a joke on Ken's upper stairs. But what is the kind of touch that has always been behind his neck?

Rand’s hand couldn’t stretch so long...

Another turn of the armrest.

This time, I intentionally and unintentionally glanced at the metal doorknob on the door of the stairway.

A twisted white face flashed past it, but it was just such a horror that Ken’s left foot was directly emptied.


With the crisp sound of the ankle bone, Ken fell directly from the top of the stairs in the pain.

Under the influence of inertia, he has been rolling down to the next step of the curved platform. His forehead, nose and lips are all bleeding outside, and the bright red marks leave clear traces on the beige stairs.

He was sorely hurt, his lips opened a mouth directly, and the mouth and nose filled with the sweetness of blood... But Ken did not look like a ghost in the past when he was nowhere to go. Call, you know, his miserable screams can always please the angry pursuers.

The pursuers...they.

"Oh my god……"

Rand's face came down step by step from the top of the stairs. He frowned froze, and Ken's misery was not what he wanted.

And Ken did not notice Rand. He was trembling like a patient with Parkinson's, and his eyes seemed to be completely incapable of sticking to the top...

The creature above has a pale, beautiful face of the "big beast," but its lower body is covered with scales.

The long silver hair violated the gravity, opened and affixed to the wall and squirmed. The "person" was attached to the ceiling as a whole, and climbed toward him with a smile.

Ken finally knows what is the thing that has been touching his neck...

A monster.

", I am really sorry..."

He was almost going to be scared by the eyes of the creature, tears and urine pulled out of his body at the same time.

He screamed blankly, his hands trembled and slammed the phone out of his arms, but fell to the ground because of instability.

Ken did not notice that Rand didn't even focus on him.

"Munster?! God, what are you doing?! Stop!"

Rand looked at the drunken Munster, his head began to violently hurt, and the things he was most afraid of for a long time finally happened - Munster exposed his true appearance in front of a normal human.

Rand doesn't know that this is actually very difficult to achieve - the sorcerer can always be easy, swallowing all the things that he can eat, and the last energy of the prey, they rarely ate in the food. The foreign matter contained in the reaction reacts, and the colloidal digestive juice secreted by them will protect them. But this time, things are a little different. Munster's intake of alcohol has been made by different people with different agents. They are not drugs, but they can really ignite people's hearts... Unfortunately Yes, the effect of the mixed drug just gave Munster a certain excitement, its response became closer to intuition, and the ability to respond and learn was greatly reduced, leaving only the most instinctive will.

Imagine a dog - a dog with a frisbee.

The dog is not going to think about "why my stupid master throws the frisbee out again", they will only shake their tails joyfully, almost instinctively throwing the frisbee in front of their master, eager to get his reward from the master. Caressing - just as Munster does now, it seems that it inadvertently puts a lot of pressure on the "Flying Disc" and gives its dear masters great pressure and trouble.

"Rand, I... giggling... I will help you..."

Munster shook his head and said to Rand.

Before Rand had been able to stop it, it had already sneaked into the top of Ken's head. Its long hair hanged down and tied the little cockroach that had been scared and softened, and then passed it to Rand.

"No, sorry, my God, Mr. Sifus, I am sorry..."

Rand was on the face of Ken, mixed with blood, tears, and a nose like a palette.

For a moment he could barely look directly at each other.

The muscles on his brow began to beat unconsciously, and the stomach was also cramped.

Rand swallowed a spit and forced to hold up the calm mask to open the door.

"Calm down, uh... Ken, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to get that photo-"


A soft bang caused the voice of Rand to stop.

That is the sound of what was punctured, Rand thought.

His gaze suddenly turned red and his face was splashed with some warm water drops...

He wiped the drops of water with his hands, his fingers were sticky, and he saw Ken.

Ken’s eyes seemed to be from the same, and began to bulge outward, bulging, bright red blood splashing from the edge of his eyelids, his facial muscles were licking, his tongue pulled out and dragged long Outside, his face turned into a rotten-like sauce purple. Finally, with the sound of "噗噗", Rand looked directly at Ken's eyes like a table tennis, playing from his crimson eyelids. Come out.

A silky tissue was hung behind an eyeball, and it hit the front of the rand, then fell to the ground.

Hey, hehe...

It has been rolling down the stairs to the corner.


Rand gasped with a big mouth, because he was shocked by the extreme shaking of his lips, but he couldn’t make a sound at all. He could only look at the two tentacles that were stained with blood by the blood and looked out from Ken’s eyes. Come, wiggle.

Subsequently, the man's body was slammed into the corner like garbage.

A face that made Rand feel familiar, but on the other hand, completely unfamiliar, appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Rand... I finally saw you."

This terrible, beast wrapped in the human body, like the nobles, gracefully leaned toward him and then greeted him.

The two tentacles are like the melting of the left hand of the "prince", and his right hand is made into the claws of the limbs covered with steel wool, and the sword is inserted straight into the ceiling.

Several tentacles fell from Munster's long hair and landed on the ground, wriggling...


Munster's shoulders were wounded with bones, and the blue blood slid down the brethren's forelimbs. At that moment, it keenly escaped the deadly attack from the Prince, but it was still slightly hurt.

There was a split on his face, his lips straightening out to reveal sharp teeth on both sides, and the sharp high-frequency warning sound that the human ear could not accept suddenly rose high... Just now, Munster was seeing "Prince" It launched an attack directly on it. His hairy tentacles directly penetrated into the gap of the carapace of the "King of Princes" in the very short Sun Jian, and the tiny tentacles disintegrated the "Prince" from the inside*...

However, the sound of the firearm's safety bolt was turned off, but it stopped all its actions.

Rand felt that his head was covered by the cold metal nozzle of the gun.

"Leave the body of His Royal Highness, or I will shoot."

The voice of a girl with a Russian accent rang from behind Rand.

The author has something to say: In terms of setting, Nafir in this world is not a good brain. Because of the lack of human essential emotions, there are three young people who have amazing beauty. Because of emotional defects, they have suffered a lot. The male torture does not express the pain very well, and everyone thinks that he does not care about these tortures.) Essy is set to be a socially feared, sensitive and shy otaku billionaire...

Well, probably this is the ==2k novel reading network

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