Mermaid Effect

Chapter 147: (has been overhauled)


Some memories about Munster are recovering.

In the next few days, Rand continued to think of things, such as when a medical staff gave him a check on his body, he saw a small gray hanging on the other’s mobile phone chain. Rabbit pendant.

... I love you all the way to the moon and come back from the moon.

Such a sentence suddenly fell into Rand's head like a little rabbit.

Then he remembered a room with a faint aroma of wood, the sofa, he leaned on the cushion, and there were heavy creatures on his knees muttering. In memory, he is holding a book in his hand and whispering...


Rand muttered in the absence of his own awareness.


The doctor looked up at him strangely and looked at Rand.

"What did you say?"

He removed the thermometer from Rand's skin surface and began to look at Rand with that inquiring line of sight.

"Who do you think of?"

Rand blinked, and he kept the docile and quiet gaze of the doctor with the flawed person.

"I... do I have a companion?"

He spoke slowly.

"When I came here to cure, is it only me alone?" After thinking about it, Rand added, "Why didn't Vinson come to see me?"

The doctor quickly glanced at the assistant next to him. It was a clever brown-haired Romanian who quickly opened the indoor recording and began to record the conversation between Rand and the doctor.

"It seems that you really have some memory recovery," the doctor took out Rand's brain scan record, and then changed his posture to say that his voice became softer and more oriented than before. "Rand, yes, when we found you, there are some other people around you... are they your friends?"

The doctor said deliberately.


Rand is going to say this answer subconsciously.

But fortunately, before the voice licked his lips, Rand almost instinctively changed his answer.

"I don't remember... Vincent? Why has Vinson not come to see me for so long?"

He says.

The doctor's expression became awkward, and he appeased to reach out and attempted to pat Rand's shoulder, but was evaded by Rand.

"Mr. Severus is not in good health right now," the smile on the doctor's face is as harmonious as ever. Rand's special ability is so important to the deep whites that they have always tried to use a more intimate relationship. Eliminate Rand's resistance to the deep white laboratory in the subconscious. The doctor is a carefully selected candidate.

He is handsome, gentle, and has a cold heart that is completely different from his appearance...

And now, it’s time to prove him.

"Your situation is not very good, Rand, after you get better, I believe you will see Mr. Sifus. And Mr. Sifus must also want to see a healthy you, isn't it?"

He looked straight into Rand's eyes and said word by word. From the tone and attitude, he and Chad looked like a young version of Santa Claus, but his answer was as cold as ever.

Rand licked his mouth.

He just had some memory problems, not mental retardation - for a moment, Rand simply wanted to yell at the people in front of him. But he soon woke up, something must have happened - Rand could feel that even though his memory still had some missing, but with the gradual recovery of the brain, Rand had already imprisoned himself from this experiment. The room (and not what they call the "ward"), as well as the subtle attitudes of others, see this. Even if it’s like a spoiled child rolling around on the ground, it’s impossible for Rand to get a real answer.

So he rationally chose to pretend to be docile in front of the doctor (as he has always shown in the past). Later, at the time of an attempt to talk, he began to use the "can't remember" to perfuse frequently, until the other party finally showed some impatience.

"...Sorry, Rand, there is no way for Vinson to come to see you in a short time, but you will see him when you are ready."

The doctor said that he had begun to pack his medical equipment and was ready to leave. He did not find that he had an unconscious sensation when he said the last sentence. And this subtle movement was captured by Rand in the unconscious. He immediately felt that the doctor’s second half was just lying. In fact, the doctor did not think that he would see Vinson again, even if he was really After the recovery.

Rand felt that his body had some chills.

What happened? Why are these people so scornful when they talk about Vincent? Rand looked at the doctor and disappeared into the room. He returned to the corner with a blanket and placed the blue Stitch doll in his arms.

He felt an unprecedented panic and fear. He had an ominous premonition, but damn... even if it improved, the memories of recent years are still blurred in Rand's mind.

"Munster -"

Rand said softly.

He let his thoughts go, letting himself faintly imagine that the doll in his hand is the little monster in his memory (the monster did have a petite period when he was young), which made him slightly less isolated. Helpless some.

What he needs to do now is to calm down completely and then figure out what happened during the time when he lost his memory.

Thinking of it, Rand looked sideways to the side of the pool in the room -

The observation film is located on the side of the room and has been set to a specular reflection mode. In theory, Rand should only see his reflection, but this moment is serious in Rand, and the rear of the film is observed. Everything is so clear: the researchers are walking around, and the cold instruments are watching him indifferently. Rand Sifus is not like a human being in their eyes, but like an animal or a test.

The cold feeling from the extremities spread in Rand's body, and inadvertently he looked at the eyes of a researcher...

Rand had shaken the whole person uncontrollably.

The other's eyes finally made him understand where the terrible familiarity came from.

Those poor, heartbreaking experiments... Rand thought that when the sad experimental animals were thrown into him like garbage, the researchers looked at them with the same indifference.

Rand felt that he had to figure out what it was all about, but his memory... Rand hated himself. He hated that he couldn’t remember anything useful. Now his only clear in his mind is only about A fragment of that little monster.

Oh, yes, Munster, and Munster!

Rand's fingers fell deeply into the blue Stitch's fur. He only began to recover his memory in the previous contact with Munster, and now he has a hunch that he needs to see it again.


However, the encounter with Munster was not as simple as Rand imagined.

A few days later he tried to pretend to ask his doctor what he thought, but the other person refused after hesitating for a while. Rand was a little surprised by this, because in the "God Tour" of the previous few days, he knew that the people in the lab had always wanted to figure out his true relationship with Munster. In fact, why Rand Sifus ended up with the experimental body 7371 and the failed work "Prince" has been the focus of the department's research projects. They even put forward the theory of “same kind attracting” – even in the wild environment, the sergeants will find each other under the instinctive drive and form a new small group to carry out activities. Of course, there are many people who raise objections to this. The Prince is essentially a clone, and Rand is not a Serbian in a strict sense... It is a coincidence that they are together.

Yes, the researchers really want to know why, but in the long run, Rand, who can appease the emotions of the experimental body, is more worthy of investment. The situation is a bit contradictory, but it is a fact that the deep laboratory is trying to avoid the real encounter between Rand and Munster (where Rand's exclusive laboratory is the most intense).

"...for your safety, Rand, that's a very..." The doctor thought about the words and then vaguely said, "In short, we can't take you for adventure."

He almost had to tell Rand that the researchers had previously found evidence of the invading nature of the body 7371.

After seeing Rand's skinny body and simple eyes, the doctor reasonably felt that it was not a good time to stimulate Rand.

"We are for you..."

"So, let me see Vinson!"

Rand looked up and said. His voice is not big, but he is exceptionally firm.

The doctor’s face has become extraordinarily difficult to look...

Of course, Vincent Sifus is unlikely to appear at the deep white headquarters. As far as doctors have recently received news, Vincent has been secretly transported to a secret underwater military base near the Arctic Circle.

Vincent's powerful attack power made the Pentagon very happy, but its unruly but also made the deep white at the government dog with a higher eye than the top.

However, next, Rand made the deep white people face the challenge.

He began to refuse to eat, and began to make a big noise...

Rand was very rare to break out of his acting skills at this critical time. He began to scream like a mentally retarded person, throwing a bowl and exhausting himself. Considering his previous brain surgery, some people began to worry about whether surgery caused him an unknown sequela.

The most troublesome thing is that it is impossible to calm the spirit of the scorpion experiment with Rand’s current state of mind.

The entire lab became overwhelmed by the extreme mismatch of Rand, and in the end they had to make concessions.

As previously said, Vinson is currently in the control of the Pentagon, they can not let Rand see Vinson, but the experimental body 7371 can...

Just for safety reasons, they still did not allow Rand to directly contact the experimental body 7371.

They finally agreed to let Rand meet the experimental body 7371 through the glass in the observation room...

"You don't have a memory of it, don't you?"

The doctor said this to Rand.

Rand never thought that the process of seeing that weird monster again would be so difficult.

Playing a mentally handicapped is definitely not a simple matter for people like him, and rejecting those experimental animals who have suffered a mental breakdown is a great pressure for Rand.

He felt that he was simply a stone heart. But no matter how much he wants to give up, Rand will always think of the excitement of Munster's "meeting" with him in the most difficult time, and his commitment to the little monster.

"I will come to you!"

He said it to him, and he felt that he should do it.

He had already remembered some fragments between him and it, but those memories were so strange to him... but pleasant. He didn't quite understand why he wanted to raise such an ugly reptile, and he was even happy when he remembered it. He even took a bath with it and slept with it, even if the other person put the sheets. Made sticky...

When a normal person sees a terrible monster, he may scream and run away, but Rand knows that he even loved the monster.

So is the other person so attached to him? Rand thought.

But how does this explain his own fear and distressed mood for Munster?

In the extreme uneasiness, Rand was led by the staff to the observation room of the laboratory with pulse guns that he had "visited" many times.

In the corridor to the room, there was a special ozone smell that leaked out of the air ventilation system.

When Rand walked through the corridor, he heard the sound of something screaming from behind the two walls. That is the sound of the cable work in the elevator shaft.

"Don't worry, Rand."

Standing next to Rand is a young nurse who has always taken care of him.

"I heard that they had misaligned the experimental body 7371 a few days ago. It is very weak now and it is not likely to pose any threat to you."

The girl was mistaken for the reason why Rand was silent.

She thought that Rand was afraid of the terrible experiment. After all, the latter would be inexplicably mad before, and had injured many operators and breeders. But she didn't know that the so-called disorder treatment caused Rand's heart to hang up and shrink tightly.

Rand didn't know what the imbalance treatment meant, but considering that the nurse even said the word "weakness", it proved that the condition of the experimental body 7371 was very bad. The almost overflowing anger and heartache once again permeated Rand's heart.

After entering the observation room, Rand almost could not wait to rush to the window - then, he saw the real experimental body 7371.

His pupils expanded from an olive shape to a round shape at that moment, and the palms were tightly attached to the glass. His heartache has become more intense and deeper.

Rand can hardly believe his eyes -

In memory, the little fool who always likes to listen to stories is always stupid, but at this moment it is tightly bound to the restraint built of plexiglass and hose. Of course, from a functional point of view, this restraint uses a "blood pump" to describe it more aptly. From the silver ball pump, the buzzing sound of the machine is running, and the sound sounds like it is magnified many times. The heartbeat, but in fact it emits those sounds, which are drawing blood from the body of the experimental body 7371.

The dark blue liquid was pumped into the spherical centrifuge, and the mermaid stock and other blood cells unique to the sputum were separated and injected into the body of the test body 7371 through the other hose.

This process has been going on for a long time, and because of this, the experimental body 7371 has become particularly weak.

"No... God... how can you..."

When Rand saw the head of the monster hanging low, the heart broke open because of the pain. He dared to look at the group of researchers who were on the side of the experimental body 7371, and the eyes were wet because of extreme anger.

"Oh... it is a shackle after all."

The nurse couldn't understand Rand's anger. In her opinion, the creatures like Sergeant were so terrible that extracting some of the effective substances in the blood would really make it weak and painful, but it was necessary in itself.

" is developed by people and used by people."

She shouted.

"And, Rand, please don't be deceived by its current illusion, just a few days ago it was still crazy here - he hurt an operator, and in the next experiment is also very uncooperative... ..."


"Yes, we need it to attack some humanoid animals to determine the function of the weapon... You know, sheep, pigs... The lungs of the sheep are very familiar with humans, and the fat and heart of the pigs are also... ..."

"If you don't cooperate, is it..."

Some pictures appeared in Rand's mind, and he shook slightly.

However, he has been weak for too long. This kind of tremor has not caught the attention of the nurse. She continues to use the tone of sharing the gossip among the girls to say to Rand: "It has been unwilling to attack those animals, even When the operator tried to demonstrate in front of him, it rushed to tear off one of his arms - it was terrible, Rand."

Said the nurse.

Rand felt that he was going to cry. His fingers were on the cold, hard, impact-resistant glass, and the nails on his fingertips began to grow unconsciously and then became sharp.

"You are such a fool."

Rand murmured.

He knows better than anyone why Rand does not attack those animals...

Because, in an apartment, the one that made the current RAND unintelligible, once said to Munster, can not hurt other animals... It complied with the promise to him.


The nurse looked at Rand, who had a strange smell, and opened the pager with some panic.

"Dr. Zach... I think something is wrong here."

Her nervous voice has begun to change.

In reality, her call is is late.

So docile in everyone's impression, the quiet Rand Severus, now filled with an extremely dangerous atmosphere, he simply makes his feet soft. The nurse felt a pain in his palm and tail vertebra, and then discovered that he had actually done it on the ground.

And her legs were wet and scented.

"God, God..."

She cried out, but the tears were not because of shame but a kind of extreme fear that could not be described in words.


The next second, a voice made her turn her head incredulously.

This is not true.

A thought swept past her confused mind.

This can't be true. The special shock-resistant glass, which is enough to break through the armor-piercing projectile, began to crack out under the fingertips of Rand.

Moreover, those cracks are still expanding like a spider web in the shackles.

The author has something to say: repaired it once more to make the plot more smooth first... 2k novel reading network

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