Mermaid Effect

Chapter 88:

Munster’s move undoubtedly made Rand feel pressured.

He felt guilty about his resistance to unconsciously, but for God's sake, the accident in the bathroom made Rand involuntarily began to notice some of Munster's body... he ignored it. s things.

For example, in every movement, it will be like a small bun-like muscle, like a thick, hard-backed spine, an extremely flexible and well-developed tail...

It is more and more with a sly male atmosphere.

If Rand is a young woman, he may be better able to accept Munster's affection for him, but considering his male identity, the sticky relationship between the two makes him feel strong. Not adapted.

However, Munster has such a simple and naive personality...

"It is a disaster."

After laughing and driving Munster out of the door and then falling on the bed, Rand sighed and covered his face with his hand, muttering to himself.

The faint rose scent drifted over his nose, making him more dizzy.

...and so on, rose fragrance?

Rand suddenly made a clever move and returned to God.

He remembers this taste. When the "accident" happened, he was confused because of this strange taste.

He slammed up from the bed and took a nose to find the source of the taste.

It came out of Rand himself.

"What the **** is this fucking..."

Rand couldn't believe his discovery.

However, this is the case. He sniffs his own taste in a very funny way, and is very sure that the faint rose smell is his own.

The fever and the moment with Munster made him sweaty, the part that should have been sweaty, but now it is ridiculously braving the faint rose.

" pick it sweet..."

I don't know why Rand's mind suddenly showed the strange behavior that Munster had shown before, and there was a speech that made him feel very embarrassed.

The ghost made the difference, and he put out his tongue and licked his hand.

He tasted a sweet heart.

More than any known taste, as if you can soak all your nerves in a moment, sweet, sweet, happy...

All the good experiences that humans know seem to be concentrated and ignited on the nerves, and it seems as if a pair of arms firmly hold the body and soul of Rand and drag him to the sweet dream.

The arms were wet, the muscles were wet and cold, and the tail with scales squeezed in from the middle of the two legs of Rand, wrapped around him, cold, silky long hair wrapped around his body...

"Oh, Rand..."

It whispered in the ear of Rand.

Rand did not know that he was directly paralyzed in reality.

His body fell heavily back into the bed, breathing began to rush, the temperature of the body surface rose sharply, the pupil was enlarged and accompanied by a certain degree of paralysis.

After a few minutes, all the symptoms disappeared.

Like the ebb tide of the sea, the illusion of happiness fades away, leaving a sloppy reality.


Randping was lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, panting, his heartbeat was still intense, but he was slowly calming down.

He needs to change a new pair of underwear.

- The next second, he stumbled up and rushed to the bathroom, starting another round of vomiting.

"Rand? Are you okay?"

Perhaps the movement of the bathroom alarmed Munster, whose voice was vaguely coming from outside the door.

At the moment of hearing the voice, Rand’s first reaction was to slam the door of the bathroom and lock it. Extreme shame and panic are almost blasting Rand. He can't imagine what it would be like to let Munster discover what he is doing now—perhaps he would give himself a shot.

Things may not be that serious. Rand's reason screamed desperately in his mind, trying to calm himself down, but the voice was quickly annihilated in the storm of Rand's chaos.

His back rested on the door panel, and after a short while, he opened his mouth.

"I... I am fine, don't worry."

He says.

He didn't know what happened to him.

He rushed his face with cold water and then lifted his head against the sink. His face was reflected in the mirror - his cheeks were still rosy, and there seemed to be flashing water in his eyes, his lips bright and bloody. It’s like writing a line on the forehead, “Yes, I’m just coming out”.

Rand simply wanted to punch the face in the mirror.

"No, man, you have to calm down, you have to figure out what this is all about."

He said to his reflection.


"Hey, man, are you sure you are alright? I think this is a bit strange."

Rogers carefully sat on the chair in the living room of Rand, and looked eccentrically at the friend in front of him.

Time is the second day.

The weather is fine and the sky is blue. Even now, in the morning, the temperature is also Fahrenheit. The sun is golden, leaving a bright light on the floor through the curtains.

This should be a good day, but the atmosphere hovering in the Rand apartment is particularly repressive and... weird.

For example, now Rand Sifus.

His eyes were red, apparently without any sleep, the hair was messy and moist, and the cheeks were somewhat concave inward: it was very embarrassing in every respect. At this time he was holding a hand and plunging under Rogers' nose.

"...I think you said something wrong? Hey, you knocked on my door early in the morning, let me risk my life to come to your house, just let me... smell you?"

Rogers blinked and looked intently at the corner of the room. Munster glared at his tail and stared at Rogers. Today it seems to be more restrained and quiet than ever before, but even if it is not a professional killer, Rogers can clearly feel the amazing murderous from it.

He couldn't help but sit back and take out the powder to make up the powder, so as not to make the face sweaty and make the makeup greasy.

“Yes,” Rand glared at his temple and spoke to Rogers. “You just need to tell me what you smell.”

"Do you know, Rand, I do have some temperamental companions, I don't care about this," Rogers shrugged. "But I don't really hope that the friendship between us will become that relationship. Really, even if I occasionally want a normal friend, and you..."

"Rogers! Shut up, it doesn't matter if you tell those things, you just need to tell me what you think I have."

Rand couldn't help but interrupt him, and then he said palely to him.

The bleak atmosphere of his body made Rogers stunned. After hesitating for a short while, the latter finally closed his chattering mouth and scraped it in a very treacherous way, smelling the voice of Rand.

In the corner of Munster, he stood up for a moment, and Rogers could even feel its burning gaze, but unexpectedly, it did not do anything at all.

In the place where Rand didn't know, Rogers licked his mouth.

"uh, I don't know what answer you want to hear, but honestly, I think you only have the smell of Armani shaving lotion and some cheap open-back bathing lotion... Do you need me to recommend men's cologne? ”

He said. Then he saw that Rand's face in front of him seemed to be more bleak.

In fact, he was like being slap in the air, and the whole person's breath became weak.

It is like being hit hard.

"Rogers, do you know? I smell it, I only have a disgusting rose in my body..." Rand hesitated, but the enormous psychological pressure allowed him to involuntarily discover his own, as well as this paragraph. The encounter with time told Rogers.

Of course, out of shame, Rand did not mention his kiss with Munster in the bathtub, and his demise at night.

"...All in all, I think there must be something wrong with me."

Rand concluded.


Rogers was silent for a long time with a very weird expression, and he looked at Rand.

Maybe he thinks I am crazy... Rand looks back at Rogers and thinks bitterly inside.

Honestly, if the situation is reversed, maybe he will think so.

Even Rand’s own time felt that the place where the real problem might be was his brain.

But what makes Rand grateful is that Rogers did not think he was crazy as he imagined.

"Oh, sometimes people have such problems." Rogers seems to be even serious. "I know that some cases can cause olfactory failures, such as Parkinson's or epilepsy... Of course, I feel things here. It's not that serious yet. It seems to me that you may still be plagued by the sequelae of anesthetics. And most importantly, you are still having a fever, and your physical condition may also cause a sense of smell failure."


But I even had an illusion because of my sweat, but it’s **** coming!

Rand opened his mouth and he almost wanted to growl, but he didn't.

He has no way to tell Rogers about this kind of thing.

And... In the illusion of the night, there is one more thing that makes Rand almost impossible to face - Munster.

The wet arm, the thick fish tail and its whispering whisper.

Rand really didn't understand why he thought of it.

"Hey, Rand?"

Rogers waved in front of the sly Rand.

"Do you know what my advice is? You go back to bed, give yourself some cold medicine and take a good sleep. When you are completely well, let's deal with the rose or mint flavor on your body - if that There are still problems, we can go to the hospital to check again. Or you can call your brother, my God, know that your brother has a biotech company, he always thinks of ways to solve the problem. ”


"Nothing. God, you are a big man, just a small problem, you seem to be scaring yourself! Believe me, this is not a big deal."

Rogers opened his hand to Rand and had to say that his words were very convincing, and that this interpretation was very tempting to believe.

At least Rand thinks so.

Rand showed him a very stubborn smile.

"Thank you, Rogers, I think you are right..."

After that, he sent Rogers out of the gate. (Considering the presence of Munster, Rogers will try to avoid staying in Rand's apartment for a long time, well, this makes Rand feel bad).

However, after closing the door, his strong support smile disappeared instantly.

Rand had not thought about the strangeness of his body, but another thing that made Rand annoyed was mentioned by Rogers in front of Rand.

Rogers mentioned Vinson, which made Rand's otherwise ill-fated mental condition worse.

During the time he was trapped in the apartment by the paparazzi, he made numerous calls to contact Vincent.

But the response is not optimistic.

Rand sat on the ground, and he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone that he could only dial, and then leaned in his ear.

"...Carolyn, it is me."

He said to the person on the other end of the phone.


"Rand, I thought I had explained it to you very clearly - I know that you are worried about Vincent, but for God's sake, you need to figure out your own situation. You are now all the chefs. The focus, if you really come to Washington, the **** media madman should be against Vincent! Do you really want that? The board is looking at Vincent’s position, and the deep stock price is no longer Can't stand the rumors of any gossip. If you really have a little pity for Vincent, please honestly stay in Kansas! Vinson does not need a younger brother stared at by terrorists to draw attention. ""

The icy and anxious female voice whispered to the sound of the phone.

The next second, the woman pressed the phone and dropped it heavily on the ground.

The unlucky phone bounced a few times on the ground and eventually fell to the feet of a man.

"It looks like you are in good spirits."

The man looked down at the phone that had been scrapped, raised his eyebrows and said to the woman.

His words made the owner of the phone, Caroline, cast a sharp eye on him.

Of course, she does not have much deterrent in the eyes of others.

After all, no one would really be afraid of a "mummy" sitting on a hospital bed with a neck and a skull wrapped around a bandage.

Caroline's hair was completely shaved, her face was wrapped in a bandage to reveal only her eyes, the bandages were stretched all the way to her chest, and her left leg was plastered. Of course, no one signed on it. Or graffiti.

A doctor and a few nurses stood by her bed and looked at the two people in a tight atmosphere.

Andre Breeham, the former operational officer of Deep White Technology, now ceo, slowly walked toward Caroline, he did not seem to notice Carolyn's current bad mood.

"I thought you would be happy today, Caroline, after all, today is the day you remove the bandage."

He says.

"To shut up."

"Oh, sorry, maybe I shouldn't be there?"

Andre dragged a chair and smiled and sat down at Caroline's bed.

Caroline's eyes widened and stared at him.

In the early days of cooperation, Andrei still retains a slight docile illusion. He has always been a mediocre and timid generation, which is why Caroline cooperated with him.

However, after gaining control, he immediately became a man who made Caroline feel strange.

It’s like this, arrogant, and full of malice.

There was something that started to lose control, and Caroline felt this deeply. However, at this moment, even if the inner weakness is almost going to make her collapse, on the surface she still holds up the illusion of arrogance.

"If you want to stay, just stay, I don't care about this."

Caroline said indifferently, and then removed his gaze from Andre’s hypocritical smirk.


After a brief silence, she suddenly snarled sharply toward the doctor at the bedside.

"How long do you have to wait for me to remove the bandage!"

Her shrill voice even shrank a timid nurse, and the medical scissors made a clear crash on the tray.

The doctor frowned quickly and he licked his mouth, but eventually he said nothing.

He took Caroline a layer of bandages.

The smell of the drug spreads in the air.

After all the bandages fell off, Caroline raised her hand in a trembling motion and touched her face.

She touched a layer of cockroaches, like a waxy suede.

Although before this, the doctor in charge of her has informed the possible situation in advance, in reality, she found that she was not as prepared as she thought.

She became alarmed.

"Mirror, give me a mirror..."

"Ms. Caroline, I sincerely advise you not to... before skin grafting..."

"Give me the mirror of his fuck!"

Caroline screamed and threw the tray in the nurse's hand and threw it at her. Fortunately the nurse escaped.

The metal pallet collided on the ground and made a very loud crash.

Then everything returned to the same quietness as death.

In the ward, only Caroline's rough air, as if in the hospital bed is not an injured woman, but an angered beast.

The doctor closed his eyes and he turned his head and gestured to the nurse.

He brought the mirror.

Caroline finally saw what she is now.

No hair, no eyebrows, no hair, her right half of her face was piled up like a waxy wax, her skin was a disgusting brown, she had a smooth, rosy cheek now. Going up is like a cross section of yeast bread, showing a dense honeycomb state, blood and pus remaining in the inflammation slightly oozing out in the gap, giving off a stench.

"Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

Caroline grabbed her face and made a scream of tears...

In an accident a week ago, Carolyn attempted to get close to the fleeing creature, once Vinson Sifus.

She walked towards it and wanted to embrace it.

However, it attacked her.

The liquid that drained from its mouth was extremely corrosive, almost completely ruining Caroline's face and upper body.

It can be said that in such a situation, after a few minutes of stalemate, Caroline will completely become a semi-melting body.

Fortunately, "Poseidon" even took measures when it was extremely difficult at the time.

They used the latest type of ion weapon to drive Vinson, now the experimental body a137, back to the incubation room and put down the channel's screen door to block it.

Caroline also received timely treatment.

Her organs were not seriously injured, however, the skin was irreversibly damaged.

In the next life, she will carry out numerous skin grafting and surgery.

But the beauty of being a woman has gone completely away from her.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Rand's body curled up into a ball.

The phone fell to the ground.

He felt very angry, but every word Caroline said, he could not refute.


Munster took a cautious approach.

Rand closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions. Then he turned his head and looked at it.

I should send it away.

Rand heard a voice in his heart and said in a small voice.

But I don't know why, his body is completely contrary to his reason.

When Munster’s generous body came over, Rand didn’t even want to move his fingers.

"You don't look too good, I sent you back to bed."

Munster told Rand that he did not wait for the other party's answer and immediately picked up Rand.

Rand is lighter than it thinks.

And, he exudes a very seductive atmosphere.


Rand's body trembled a little, then he whispered very quietly.

His heat seems to have risen again, so that he is all tired and painful.

The mental blow is even more exhausting. His hot arms and forehead rested on Munster's skin, and the cold feeling made Rand feel very comfortable.

This comfort even surpassed his embarrassment, so that Rand eventually accepted Munster's arms.


"...thank you." 2k novel reading network

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