Mermaid Effect

Chapter 93:


Caroline spent a long night in the secret room.

She flipped through the vast amounts of information on those bookshelves and was shocked to find that all of the storage here was about the medical records of Rand Severus.

The family of Sifus has been mixed with the genes of this heterogeneous creature in the very distant past, perhaps God bless, of course, more likely the genetic mutation of the Sifus family itself, they are almost the same blood with Seymour It was impossible to pass it down.

In the long years, the Sifus family has been studying the creatures of the scorpion (the time is much longer than people have done), and Caroline can even be sure that the deep research was founded in their research. There is a direct relationship.

With this in mind, even the disgusting family habits in the Sifus family have been explained.

They have been keeping the purity of bloodlines intentionally or unintentionally.

Most of the time, the genetic fragments of the scorpion will quietly lurk in the deepest parts of the Severus, but occasionally, in their family history there will be individuals who return to the ancestors.

Like Rand Severus, they have a special physiological mechanism that perfectly balances the balance between sputum and human cells.

In essence, they are still human, but at the same time, they will have a series of physiological characteristics that only have the shackles.

For example, tolerance to the virus, strong healing ability and regenerative ability - if you must say that they have any shortcomings, it is that they have almost no fertility.

Rand Sifus is the only returning ancestor of the entire family in 80 years.

At the time of his birth, he showed a very obvious characteristics of sputum, and even the lower limbs became the tail of the scorpion. As he grew older, he began to adapt to the external environment and changed towards the human direction. .

Caroline pulled out another folder from the shelf, where she saw a photo of Rand when he was one year old - his legs were separated, but there were still traces of scales on the back. When he was about four years old, he seemed to have completely turned into a cute human male boy. The Severus couple did not accidentally conceal the fact that the child had to completely shed his skin as if it were a reptile.

As of the time when Rand Sifus was about six years old, the behavior of the mink was over.

He became a very pure human (at least in appearance), and his multiple bone marrow transplants against his brother, Vinson, before the age of six, succeeded in restoring health.

The whole family escaped from the devil of the disease and they seemed to have complete happiness.

In Caroline's memory, this family will always love Rand, including Vincent. She didn't understand why she was a boy of adolescence. Vincent would have such great patience and favor for Rand (which is simply unreasonable), but now it seems that Vinson himself understands that for his life. What did Germany pay for...

As a returning ancestor with a **** vein, Rand should be a healthier child than a normal person... but in fact, he has been very weak.

That may be the long-term and many times to provide Vincent with the sequelae of bone marrow.

"Poor Rand..."

Caroline gently picked up a group photo of the Sifus family with her hand, and pressed her fingertips on Rand's cheek.

"I think I have to thank you again now," she murmured, her fingers trembled because of her excitement. "Vinson will also thank you... Since you have let him go back to the world once, you will never sacrifice another time and let him come back to me."


Pine Street Apartments, Kansas, USA -


Rogers stood at the door, his fingers pressed at the switch and turned the light off.

Rand's apartment was completely dark in the moment - because just a few minutes ago, Rogers got the shading cloth for the stage, thick like the skin of a dead rhinoceros, and the other side covered with silver powder.

He eagerly obscured the window and door seams of Rand, and even every gap.

"Well, are you ready for Rand? What am I holding now?"

He took the other hand out of his back with a happy expression that seemed like a child saw a new toy.

Of course, he didn't take anything in his hand.

Rand felt a little tired of Rogers' performance. To be honest, the latter's current behavior made Rand feel like a monkey in the circus.

What makes Rand feel more exhausted is that what he can do now can actually be moved to the circus to do a lame performance.

Rogers's expression, his movements, the seat behind him, and even in every corner of the dark room without a trace of light, Rand was able to see clearly.

The icy inorganic furniture is like a cheap luminous toy for Halloween. In the vision of Rand, there is a green light shining, and Rogers’ body surface is covered with a very pale yellow halo, under his armpits. Those halos in the chest and groin will become brighter.

There is actually something that Rand’s attention can’t concentrate on now, because in this world of morbid fluorescence, there is another more eye-catching presence.

That is Munster.

It was in another corner of the room, curling its tail and quietly staying, it was staring deeply at Rand. In the vision of Rand, it is like a big angel adorned with jewels, filled with a soft and bright silver aperture. Rand can even see the silver eyelashes of Mangshi, as well as the luster of the scales like tiny rubies.

It is clearly in the dark, but he can see it so clearly.

Rand and Munster exchanged their sights, and immediately he turned his head to one side. Munster’s gaze made him feel a little bored in his chest.

"Rogers, it's not fun, you have nothing in your hand... Can we end this stupid trick now?"

Rand licked his hair and said with a hint of anxiety.

Before this stupid "dark test", Rogers did some other tests on his eyes, and they were surprised to find that Rand's pupil-deformed eyes did have some unexplained changes.

His dynamic vision became very good. When Rogers cast a tennis ball at him, Rand discovered that the tennis ball looked like a winged elf. The speed of the air movement was incredibly slow ( So he even wondered if he would suddenly pop his tongue and roll the tennis ball into his mouth.) At the same time, he can see things that are extremely small or extremely distant.

At a distance of about one meter from the diamond ring, Rand easily identified the laser code of the diamond waist, and he saw the bouquet placed in the window of an apartment two kilometers away. Of course, he finally refused to ask Rogers to peep at the request for the color of the **** of a fitness instructor.


To sum up, it is Rand Sifus, the ordinary person who has always had the super vision of Superman.

"Wow, this is really cool, you just changed the shape of the pupil, how did you do that..."

Rogers shrugged his shoulders and he came to the window and slammed the heavy shade cloth and said.

The glare of the light suddenly shot into the room.

Rand's pupil collapsed into a thin line at the moment of light.

"For God's sake, Rogers... If I can, I really want to exchange with you."

Rand rubbed his eyes with his hand, and when he opened his eyes again, the pupil returned to the original volume, the shape of the olive.

Rogers rubbed his fingertips where Rand couldn't see it.

A wonderful hunger thirst for his body... There are countless scenes in his mind. He is an artist who loves to collect everything from the human body.

The girl's smooth and soft white skin (or better if it is the back or the thigh part) can be collected to write poems. The golden hair can be specially processed to produce a very beautiful small painting. Rogers also collected a person. The phalanx, the unlucky one is a rancher, because the intake of dairy products is very good, the bones are unusually white and fine, and his phalanx was later made a very cute bracelet by Rogers.

Now, Rogers stares at Rand's green eyes, and can't help but conceive his eyes for his eye.

A pair of earrings may be a good choice.

After being packed with ultra-thin glass balls, it is filled with a colorless preservative and finally glued to the brass base. Of course, the shelf life will be obvious and short, but what about it...


Rand blinked and he reached out and waved in front of Rogers.

I don't know why, just the moment, the other's sight made him feel a little uncomfortable. 2k novel reading network

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