Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 101: Imagination limited by poverty

[Time flow regulator, exchange price: 10000 time and space points]

Looking at this permission prop in the crossing store, Lu Yuan was greedy and distressed.

After struggling for a while, Lu Yuan said to the system, {Brother Six, show my attributes. }

【Retrieving data】

[The host property panel display begins:]

[People: Lu Xiuyuan|Lu Yuan

Age: 18 (years old)

Race: Earthlings of Chinese descent

Residual life value: 58

Health value: 200 (hp)

Stamina: 190

Weight: 150 (kg)

Extraordinary Attributes-Ideas: 2

Magic value: 15

Time and space points: 431


Primary portable space I type [2x1x2m³]

No. 1 Primary Workspace Type I [8x8x3m³]

No. 2 Primary Workspace Type I [15x10x4m³]

Time and Space Anchor-Planar Beacon[2/2]

0, the main plane: WYXK981607

1: Nin Plane PB9108 [1: 100]

2: Rockstar GHD plane PB7355 [1:100]

Plane assets

Rock star plane USD: 472,314 yuan

Personal attributes: (the average average value of the earth standard adult is 5):

Strength: 7

Perception: 8

Physique: 7

Appearance: 5

Intelligence: 9

Sensitivity: 8

Skill tree:

Archery [81, expert]: The explanation is omitted, the same below.

Skill: Hawkeye

Fatal blow

Forging [53, senior]

Alchemy [23, veteran]

Sneak [45, veteran]

One-handed weapon [31, veteran]

Small firearms (pistols, submachine guns, etc.) [55, senior]

Medium firearms (assault rifles, shotguns, etc.) [44, veteran]

Large firearms (sniper rifles, light machine guns, etc.) [21, veteran]

Vehicle driving [34, veteran]

Computer technology [47, veteran]

special power:

Not afraid

Heart of Science Students

Looking at his own attributes, Lu Yuan was full of emotion for a while. First of all, the most intuitive point is that my own space-time points still don't have a four-digit number, and it's too far away from a flow regulator that requires five-digit numbers to buy.

This is also related to his frequent use of the library recently.

The second is the property that soared across the board. Except for the charm that has not changed, the other properties are much above the average level, which makes him feel dark and refreshed.

As for the supernatural attribute idea, it was raised to 2 points after he used a wide range of life magic many times. Only after that, no matter how much he wasted the magic potion bottle, he didn't make an inch, so he had to stop exploring.

It had already reached 500,000 U.S. dollars, because this trip also cost tens of thousands of dollars, which seems not so "regular".

Then there are those skills that are often used in Los Santos, such as firearms, driving, computer use, etc., have also reached the system's recognized standards one by one and become a member of the skill tree.

After browsing in general, Lu Yuan reconfirmed that his top priority is to earn a large amount of time and space points as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

First of all, he had to go back around ten o'clock in the main world. Because there might be a lot of people looking for him at that time, such as Faxiao and classmates who were looking for him to play with, such as the parents who remembered something and needed his help.

But if you just go back like this, the swallow can't meet again before leaving, and if you wait until ten o'clock in the evening to go to bed and then come back, two months will have to pass here. The lieutenant might have lost contact. This is also unacceptable to him.

{So, the goal now is that we have to earn five-figure space-time points within a week! }Lu Yuan said fiercely, {Brother six, do you have any ideas? }

[Sorry, I need to remind the host again that the host is not a puppet of the system. For directional matters like this, please solve it by yourself. ] The system said lightly.

{Oh, I know! }Lu Yuan angrily said, {Other people's systems, if nothing happens, you can find things out, and send traversers to do this and that all day long! How are you, let you give a suggestion without saying! You are really humane! }

[The design concepts are different and cannot be compared with each other. 】

{Yes Yes! Can't give directional opinions, can you provide suggestions for improvement? }

【Can. 】

{Okay, you help me advise the staff. }Lu Yuan shrugged, no longer frustrated with the system, and began to think calmly.

{The problem is how to earn a lot of points in a short period of time. }Lu Yuan rubbed Hu Zhu and thought, {The easiest way for novice travelers to obtain points is hunting, so can I find a sparsely populated virgin forest hunting ground to hunt in hell? A wolf will cost dozens of points, and you will send it when you find a pack of wolves. }

[A wolf with dozens of points can only happen in the magical and primitive world of the plane of Nin. With the technological level of the Rock Star plane similar to that of the Main World, whether it be the wild wolves, various elk, moose, or even brown bears and black bears, the number of time and space points must be much lower than that of the Nin plane. 】

[And, a hunting team in this world, a week of hunting missions, probably only single-digit elk, double-digit pheasant and hare. If you can hunt a bear, you can brag about it for years. 】

[Calculated in this way, even if the efficiency of the host can catch up with ten local hunting teams, the income of a week is at most one or two thousand time and space points. It's not too small, but the demand of the host is still an order of magnitude different. 】

[In addition, if the host wants to apply for a job at the slaughterhouse, or become a fisherman, the system reminds the host in advance to dispel this idea as soon as possible. 】

[The essence of time and space points can be simply understood as soul energy. The amount of soul energy in a living body can be simply considered to be positively related to the development and complexity of its nervous system, that is, the higher the development complexity, the more time and space points can be provided. 】

[The time and space points of intelligent creation are another set of measurement standards, so I won't mention it for the time being. Let me talk about the organism first. 】

[The nervous system is well-developed and complex. It can be a well-developed ganglion, such as intelligent creatures that dominate the cranial nervous system and high-intelligence creatures that are about to turn on their intelligence, such as humans, such as gorillas and chimpanzees;]

[In addition, it can also be a complex neural network, such as a huge body, or other creatures with a developed movement system, such as blue whales, such as cheetahs. 】

{What's the meaning? }

[Meaning, because of the low survival requirements of industrialized mass-produced poultry and livestock, whether it is a ganglion or a neural network, the developed complexity is not enough to provide points above the level. 】

[As well as microbes, tiny insects, arthropods, molluscs, and even fish amphibians, none of them can provide enough points. 】

[Of course, if you hunt great white sharks, giant squids, or Komodo dragons, the income will still be considerable. 】

{You spare me! Saber-toothed tigers are hard enough, but also shark giant squid monitor lizard? Why don't you talk about dinosaurs? }Lu Yuan couldn't help rubbing his temples, obviously having a headache for this.

{What about the inadequacy provided by the organism, what about the creation of wisdom? }, after thinking about it, he said again, {I have nearly half a million dollars on hand. If I exchange it for points, it’s a thousand to one exchange rate, right? Can only be changed to 500 points? }

【correct. 】

{Haha, what did I buy and then sell it to the cross store, probably will only fluctuate above and below this number? }

[Increase one correctly. 】

{I'm not so stupid! }Lu Yuan snorted, {However, I can get a lot of things and sell them directly to the store, right? }

{Think about it, go steal the car, because it's a stolen car, it can only be handled as a part, if it can't be sold at a high price, the store will be saturated...}

{So, can you make some fast-selling products? }

{Clothing, housing, transportation, can I get a bunch of grain to sell? This thing is always hard currency, right? And this thing can't be handled because it's stolen goods, right? A grain of rice, who knows where it comes from? }

Lu Yuan said angrily.

【certainly. However, considering the actual value of the grain, even if the host acquires an entire granary, the actual profit that can be sold is limited. 】

[Reference data, a ton of stored grain, such as rice, is worth between US$50 and US$100. Ten tons can be exchanged for 1 time and space point. To change to 10,000 points, more than 100,000 tons of grain is needed, provided that price changes are not taken into consideration. 】

[According to China's standards, the grain reserves of a prefecture-level city are between 100 million catties and 1 billion catties. Converted to tons, that is, between 50,000 to 500,000 tons. 】

[The host needs the food reserves of a prefecture-level city. Although it is not difficult to obtain, it will have a major impact on the people's livelihood of a city. Does the host really want to do this? Even if the moral aspect is not considered, this is bound to arouse extremely high attention from the authorities...]

{alright! }Lu Yuan hurriedly interrupted the system. What do you want me to do? Food is not good, and clothes are not good. Of course, real estate like a house is even less likely to be sold, and even a car, so what else can there be? }

{10,000 points in time and space are just ten million dollars worth of things. Is it that difficult to get it? Huh? Can diamonds work, blood diamond trade? }Lu Yuan’s thoughts were obviously starting to deviate, but just as he started to let himself go, suddenly there was a flash of inspiration, {Arms? How about the arms! }

The more the teenager thinks about it, the more excited he is. {Yes, traversers, the first thing newbies buy is weapons. There is always a market for cross-plane arms trade, right? Hey, arms, isn't the mistress of Martin Madrasso doing this business? }

{If I follow the channels of the underground arms dealers and get a batch of arms, it will be considered black and black, and the authorities will certainly not embarrass me too much, right? Moreover, the impact of 10 million U.S. dollars in food is serious, and 10 million U.S. dollars in arms? hehe! }

{Stealing a fighter is more than ten million dollars! And those missiles, tanks, artillery! Yes, that local arsenal explodes every day. Just as Pablo II said, the guard who took care of the arsenal stolen himself, it might as well make me cheaper! }

{How about, Brother Six? How is this idea? }After thinking about it, Lu Yuan hurriedly asked the system's opinions.

[Feasibility is the highest among all the host's current programs. 】The system recognized, 【Just pay attention to safety. 】

[We must know that based on the host's current physical fitness, the risk may be low in the densely populated areas of the Medieval world such as the plane of Nin, but in the technological world, it is still possible to die from a stray bullet. 】

{Ann La An La! }Lu Yuan waved his hand, {I can disguise myself, pretend to be a guard soldier, take the opportunity to go around in the warehouse, sell it to the store unobtrusively, and then disguise and leave without conflict. Don't you have it? }

[I hope so. ] Seeing that he has made his decision, the system doesn't say much.

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