Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1015: Eternal piercing

Although Lu Yuan had already fought a close battle with the male version of Rocky on the bridge before, it is said that both sides should have enough experience in dealing with the other's methods, but in fact it is not the case at all.

In the third bridge battle, Lu Yuan used a combat dagger that he was not good at, and he also used some of Sonaz's tricks that seemed unintentional but deliberately used to set Loki.

Therefore, at least three points of energy should be spent on "performance" throughout the fight.

The remaining seven points of energy are dragged down by the dagger that is not good at, and it is not easy to get a five points.

On the other hand, the male version of Loki, although he has a physical body, his ability is at least the most elite biochemical modulator.

Moreover, weapons and magic can also be used together, and it is not difficult to understand that they can fight against Lu Yuan.

The situation is very different at this time.

Although Loki's body has changed from a normal human male to a green lizard, the son of the jungle, his height and physical strength are indeed not a problem, but the weapons he uses are two daggers.

It's amazing that when converted into a human, it can be regarded as two one-handed swords.

This kind of weapon cannot give full play to the strength of the green lizard.

However, considering that Loki only needs to hit Lu Yuan's body with any dagger, even if he wins, the disadvantage of this weapon choice can be largely offset.

Counting this up, it seems that Rocky's advantage should be even greater.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan's advantage is even greater.

If he returned to the original point, let Lu Yuan guess what his best melee cold weapon would be, and if he was not given ten or eight chances, he would definitely not be able to guess it.

Starting from the initial thinking of the archer, he chose the mountaineering axe, which is essentially a tool weapon, which is not difficult to understand.

After all, the job of an archer is a hunter, going up the mountains and forests to hunt, and having a climbing axe can solve most of the problems.

Or, following the indoctrination of Ella, who was still a young girl, choosing a one-handed sword seems to be a good choice in the medieval world.

On this basis, one-handed swords were replaced with long swords, or even hybrid swords, half-handed swords. With this longer and more applicable weapon, it was able to walk sideways in most areas of the medieval world.

After he learned the hand-half-sword swordsmanship of a demon hunter from Yanzi, based on personal hobbies, or hopes, he chose a Han Dynasty ring-head sword whose length and weight were similar to that of a hand-half sword, but the actual usage was quite different.

Although his sword technique is a bit worse, there is a belief bonus, and the effect is not bad.

There are five choices before and after this.

And he used them all decently.

However, it is better than a novice, not to mention not getting started, but it is not too deep.

It wasn't until he met Master Kasandra that his melee skill tree was really lighted up.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that his best melee weapon was actually a spear...

When Cassandra said that he broke his talent, Lu Yuan almost went crazy, just wanting to scream up to the sky, is this the retribution to him for fooling around with Picello in Los Santos?

The sky can see pity, compared with that guy, he is still as innocent as a little white flower.

However, when Cassandra awakened him with a set of metaphors, he not only broke free from the strange discrimination against the "old" and "backward" melee weapons of the short spear, but also made rapid progress in his skills.

What Cassandra said at the time was that when Lu Yuan used a short spear, it was like using his body as a bow and the spear as an arrow. Every time the spear stabs, there is an indomitable momentum that belongs to the arrow from the string.

As a result, Lu Yuan followed the path of this bow, spear and arrow, and went further and further.

The cold weapons in the world are of different shapes, and there are more than tens of thousands of specifications.

But in the final analysis, the damage caused by the hit to the target is just so few.

Cut wounds represented by swords and axes.

A blunt injury represented by a hammer.

And, puncture wounds represented by spears and arrows.

Even in the era of hot weapons, although there are burns represented by incendiary weapons, suffocation injuries such as cloud explosive bombs that can consume a large amount of oxygen in a short time, and radiation injuries represented by nuclear bombs, detonation shock injuries, etc. , It seems that weapons hurt a lot more.

But these weapons belong to special types in conventional warfare.

One of the killing methods that really dominates is the detonation impact of various grenade shrapnel fragments plus fragmentation kinetic energy damage, and the other is the damage caused by bullets fired by various types of firearms.

Detonation shock injury, although collateral effects such as high temperature burns are inevitable, the core is still the overpressure of the shock wave, that is, the pressure difference between the shock wave pressure and the normal air pressure.

For this kind of damage, the shock wave airflow can be regarded as a huge hammer weapon that hits the target.

In essence, this is very similar to bludgeoning damage.

Therefore, bludgeon injuries are often written as impact injuries.

As for the damage caused by fragments, depending on the shape of the fragment itself, there may also be both puncture and cutting injuries.

When it comes to the bullets of light weapons, the damage is exerted to the extreme on the piercing line.

On the whole, even in the era of thermal weapons, the three methods that occupy the absolute mainstream of the era of cold weapons are still those in the era of cold weapons.

If calculated based on the actual number of kills, in the cold weapon era, although impact injuries are the most oppressive and the most difficult to defend, the most people still die from puncture injuries. Cut wounds, because of their own characteristics, are more of a wound but not death.

Therefore, in the era of cold weapons, the main weapon of the regular army has always been long weapons such as spears and spears that cause puncture injuries.

Of course, the spears and spears here are the main weapons of the battle formation with a pole length of at least three meters, and they are different in format and usage from the individual spears in Lu Yuan's hands.

In the era of hot weapons, the grenades thrown by various artillery are still terrifying, but in fact, the combatants of the same era are rarely directly killed by the shock waves of artillery grenades.

Although it cannot be said that most of the casualties are caused by light weapons and firearms, if the main killer is bomb fragments, at least it makes sense.

Combining the two, the fatal injuries in the hot weapon era are still puncture injuries, followed by impact injuries, and cutting injuries.

When he arrived at Lu Yuan, even though his phobia of insufficient firepower on the conventional frontal battlefield was dying and hopeless, he was already a big blaster, but the weapon he was good at was so consistent from the beginning to the end.

It's all about piercing and walking to the black.

Bows and arrows, firearms, and even armor-piercing shells for tank guns, sub-caliber armor-piercing shells for sniper rifles, and even tungsten core armor-piercing shells for electromagnetic guns, until returning to basics and using spears.

Is it really the eternity of men?

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