Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1019: After the war

[Kill Loki (Wandering Chieftain-Kugakai) x1, get 5000 time and space points. 】

From the center of the eyebrows of the Rocky Green Lizard, the luster of Lu Yuan's consciousness was much dimmer than before.

It was almost the same as the entity before, but now it is about to become a transparent ghost.

It can be seen how serious this trick is to wear the soul arrow.

However, after seeing this huge sum of money, especially this system-certified kill record, Lu Yuan's consciousness began to quickly stabilize.

Finally, I won!

This protracted time seems to have passed through several centuries. Well, it seems that personal experience has indeed experienced more than a century of war. This hunting, which spans tens of millions of years, is finally over.

Loki, who was marked by the system as the "Wandering Chief," was killed, so the lizardman legion outside would probably not fight and give feedback, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan opened the interplane communication device and synchronized the battlefield information with Turner.

However, he inadvertently turned around and saw the green lizard Loki, who fell on his back to the ground. The ugly face wrapped in fine scales, if there was a smile that seemed like nothing, he could not help but feel a bad feeling in his heart. .

This guy, is it possible that before he died, he arranged some back hand, wanting to yin himself again?

Just as Lu Yuan was in doubt, the body of the green lizard changed again.

The originally sturdy and tall body seemed to suddenly become jelly, no, it should be muddy, under the action of gravity, it slowly spread out downwards.

The mortar of the flesh gradually turned into a viscous liquid, and it became clearer and clearer, and it was sucked in by the cabin floor.

As if, as if the biochemical material used to make this green lizard was recycled by this flying saucer.


After watching this weird recovery process that seemed slow but fast, Lu Yuan yelled in his heart.

If this is the established program, it means that even if the green lizard Loki is dead, at least the control program of the Green Mayflower UFO is still running!

If the flying saucer control program can still run normally, then as long as Loki sets up a program such as the flying saucer immediately counts down after his death, the crisis of the road is far from resolved!

no! Go back to the main control room!

It was just that Lu Yuan had just raised his foot and was about to leave when he discovered that the original location of the Loki green lizard's corpse had the same dog tag-like stone pieces that had appeared when Aschalotar was killed.

Although Lu Yuan was anxious to return to the bridge, he still copied the piece of stone.

In fact, this was already the second piece of rock he obtained after entering the flying saucer this time.

The previous piece was provided by the male version of Rocky in the bridge.

Rounding up, that male version of Rocky seems to be a child of the jungle?

It seems that the genuine Aschalotar of this face was killed by Lu Yuan.

And one characteristic they have in common is that they all left such a piece of rock for Lu Yuan.

If the two compartments are combined, is it possible that Lu Yuan has already gathered a set of this stuff?

What is the use of this thing? Lu Yuan has studied it for a long time before, but there is no gain.

It seems that they are all gathered now, and Lu Yuan really wants to play around with it.

However, now is clearly not the right time.

He now needs to return to the bridge immediately.

He had just taken the stone tablets and was about to leave. He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly ran to a cabinet in the corner of the Roman bath-style hall, and found the soul container with the words Jainsasa. Just turned around and left here.

This thing was taken out of nowhere when Loki wanted to threaten Sonaz before.

But Lu Yuan didn't give him the opportunity to threaten at all.

Later, Rocky simply used her as a bargaining chip to lure Lu Yuan into apostasy.

The result naturally did not work.

Although it was invalid both times, it does not mean that it is really unimportant.

Taking her away solemnly, Lu Yuan couldn't help sighing as she was running.

At the beginning, Lu Yuan thought that he was completely integrated with Sonaz's consciousness, but in his experience, he found that it seemed that Sonaz's subjective consciousness had not completely disappeared.

When entering the time cycle, especially after experiencing the cycle of the Asa Experimental Field era, Lu Yuan has already been determined, and Sonaz still has some remaining consciousness, coexisting with his own consciousness.

Putting this kind of thing on a normal person is a total schizophrenia.

Even if it is placed on the traverser, it is not without danger.

But after a series of trials, Lu Yuan finally confirmed that he was really not dangerous.

Although the consciousness of that Sonatz still remains a little, and he can still have a certain degree of autonomy, if a person is dead, even if he is alive, it is no different from death.

The former Sonaz may have other plans, but after seeing the truth of the world from Lu Yuan’s perspective, he seems to have completely let go of his obsessions, and can only finally return to peace, with his lover from the end of time, the world The end of the reunion.

The change in the middle is not particularly clear, but he believes that his cheap master Kasandra must have also played an important role in it.

In short, two consciousnesses of one person continue to coexist without interfering with each other.

Until, I saw this fine gold vein, until I entered the world in the vein.

As Loki said, in this special world, the dying Sonaz can also be manifested in ideological form.

Coupled with the fact that Sonaz and Loki had some **** and chaotic relationships, in the end, Lu Yuan and Sonaz chose to join forces.

In this way, there will be a battle of true and false clones on the bridge before.

However, Sonaz had only a ray of remnant soul left, and most of his memories were shared or merged with Lu Yuan.

Only because the Isu people's consciousness was tough enough, they could not be completely integrated by Lu Yuan and left a little bit of self.

At this point, relying on the special nature of the world of fine gold veins, he acted as Lu Yuan's wisdom clone for a period of time.

But for a short period of time before and after, his consumption was still quite huge.

After Lu Yuan merged with him, staring at the two layers of battle armor forcibly rushing here from Loki's magical bombardment, Sonaz never appeared again.

Otherwise, the two will fight one, and Loki has no other helper here, and Lu Yuan wouldn't be able to stand up and take risks before, using such a dangerous soul-piercing ability.

Sonaz's consciousness was already shaky at that time. When Lu Yuan forced his consciousness into a soul-piercing arrow, Sonaz's last trace of self was finally turned into fragments in this condensation, and they were all fed to Lu. Far away consciousness.

At this point, Sonaz completely ceased to exist, and Lu Yuan finally merged with Sonaz completely.

People are so strange. When Sonaz was there, although Lu Yuan didn't say anything on the surface, in fact he was still a little worried or wary.

When he really disappeared completely, Lu Yuan felt a bit more stunned.

Especially when he got the so-called container that stored the soul of Jainsasa, he felt a sadness that was beyond words.

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