Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 104: Successfully dived

【correct. To be precise, it is a buyer who acts as an intermediary. 】The system said, 【So, these custodians may not care about what is missing in their warehouse, but those who treat everything in the warehouse as things in their own pockets will not give up. 】

[This time I just hit the opponent by surprise. But if you continue to do this, there is likely to be a tiger's lair and dragon pool waiting for the host next time. 】

With that said, the system did not forget to use the war video footage on the Internet to show Lu Yuan a scene of him being shot to death indiscriminately.

{Okay...}Looking at himself beaten into a ball of rotten flesh in his mind, Lu Yuan couldn't help shivering no matter how bold he was.

Turning over the personal belongings in the pocket of his jacket, I learned from the document that the man he had dealt with was just a young man who had just passed his twentieth birthday, but he was already a superior soldier named Fyodorrovvi. strange.

Similar to the meaning of XX in the surnames of some German countries, the surname of XX in the Slavic countries also means the earliest of the family, the son of XX.

With the name and number, the person's life was quickly retrieved by the system, and naturally it was indispensable and consumed the points that Luyuan had run out. But seeing that there was a sum of money, he didn't care about it now.

Seizing the time to recite the basic information of this person, Lu Yuan patiently waited for the veteran sergeant named Victor Pied Perry in the room to arrive.

Soon, not long after Lu Yuan cleaned up, about twenty minutes later, the veteran named Victor, with an expression of anger and sorrow intertwined, slammed the door open and rushed out of the house.

The beautiful female voice just made him be careful again in big Ros, and closed the door from the room.

Victor didn't say a word, as if all his energy was used to suppress his anger. He got in the car and slammed the door hard before he exhaled deeply, and he sank into his seat. inside.

Lu Yuan was quite inexplicable to see him doing this. After thinking about it, he bit the bullet and asked, "Go back?"

"Go back!" The anger in the veteran Victor's words was almost indistinguishable, and even the sorrow was weakened a bit, replaced by a thick depression.

Seeing his aggressiveness diminished, Lu Yuan asked softly, "What's the matter? I quarreled with my sister-in-law?"

The man took a deep breath and sighed heavily before saying, "Oh, how can it be that simple! The world is difficult!"

After finishing speaking, before the inexplicable Lu Yuan asked again, the veteran Victor just opened the conversation box, and said the previous thing in one mind.

"Leena's parents are in Kiev. She stayed in her hometown mainly for me. His brother was in middle school and went to the capital with his parents. But recently, her brother was beaten and seriously injured at school. The reason was actually Speak Big Russ with another fellow countryman!"

When Victor said this, his teeth squeaked.

Lu Yuan felt a little unreasonable at first, but when he recalled what happened to the Ruxin gas station boss and the big event that was about to break out next year, he suddenly felt in his heart.

He didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to choose the most normal words at this time and said, "How about the other person? Is the injury serious?"

"It's not a serious problem, a few broken ribs, some concussions, not serious." Victor said.

This made Lu Yuan's heart stunned for a while, saying that this is not serious? The ribs are broken, and the concussion is not serious? For Da Mao Ermao, does it mean that he has suffered "some" injuries when he has a broken arm or a broken leg.

The complaint in her heart didn't dare to say it, but she listened to Victor continue, "It's just that Lena and her parents have recently felt that the domestic atmosphere is a bit weird, so they suddenly decided to escape the country altogether."

"Going abroad? Moscow?" Lu Yuan subconsciously said.

Unexpectedly, Victor shook his head, his voice even more sad, "Warsaw."

"Warsaw? Perland?" Lu Yuan couldn't help exclaiming when he heard that the family of the Great Rus family did not go to Great Rus in the east, but went to Perland, the country of the West Slavs in the west.

Recently he has listened to some news and also learned some history. If the eastern part of Russin is more deeply influenced by Greater Ross, and the connection is closer, then the western provinces are instead the buddies of Perland.

It is precisely because they belong to the West Slavic and the East Slavic groups, and the West Slavs used the East Slavs as a springboard and integrated into Western Europe. Therefore, it was hard to reunify the Russin. It was in the struggle between the two fronts that they did not give way to each other. The turbulence.

Now it is the period of decline of Great Ross. After the decline of World War II, Poland has stood up again with the support of the international political structure. Instead, there are now a large number of Luxin people who work and live there, and continue to be some areas of Luxin. First choice for going abroad.

For the people in the west, the hatred that once enslaved and ruled and oppressed oneself seemed to have long since disappeared. It is better to remember the hatred of Da Ross in the certain Soviet era.

"Oh!" Victor sighed heavily and concluded, "This is the saddest place! Why is it so difficult if you want to be hungry and not cold, and be able to stand upright?"

Speaking of this level, the atmosphere in the car can be imagined. Fortunately, the solemn silence made Lu Yuan feel a little nervous, and he was relieved that he was afraid that too many words would cause suspicion.

Victor, who had been quietly thinking about his own thoughts on the way, said, "Go and give things to the captain, he has guests in a hurry, and I will send the rest to the kitchen. I have left for a while beforehand."

Victor's arrangement made Lu Yuan a sigh of relief because he could escape the surveillance of an acquaintance for the time being, but also made Lu Yuan a little bit embarrassed because he didn't know where the so-called captain was.

After thinking about it, he still took advantage of the time Victor got out of the car and asked, "Then what, brother, where are they now, Captain?"

"Where else can it be? Of course it is the conference room?" Victor, who was walking forward just as he lowered his head thinking about something, suddenly woke up and stared suspiciously at Lu Yuan. "You kid Why is it so weird today? It's been wrong since I got out of Lena's house?"

These words exploded in Lu Yuan's heart like a bolt from the blue sky, shocking his heart toss. Fortunately, since the disguise props can simulate other people's faces, they can naturally change his face, but if someone approaches at this time, he will definitely hear his trembling heart.

It is far from Lu Yuan's first time to pretend to be someone else. It was the first time that he approached an acquaintance who pretended to be an object while pretending to be someone else. Not to mention finding an acquaintance or his comrade-in-arm superior.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan almost got up and hurriedly killed him, then went to Curry to get the goods, and then ran away directly.

Fortunately, the veteran Victor was no longer in shape today. He just frowned and looked at him a few times, and then remembered the troubles of his family again, and hurriedly left after a few curses.

Seeing him walking away, Lu Yuan was about to jump out of his chest, and he slowly settled down. After wiping the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, Lu Yuan sighed helplessly.

Lu Yuan asked where the captain was, and Victor went back to the meeting room, but Lu Yuan was not really Fyodor, how could he know where the meeting room was?

But this is not difficult for him, after all, after so many things, he has been a private detective for a while, he naturally has his own way, the simplest way is to cheat with the magic of detecting life.

As long as you explore the entire arsenal, there are only a few people in total, and there are only a few places where they get together. He walked from close to far away in crowded places, and if he was lucky, he found the ground. How could it be so? But helpless.

He sighed because he had recently relied too much on the discovery of life magic, so that the limited bottles of change-type strengthening potions were almost exhausted.

If you want to replenish this potion, you must either spend a minimum of 200 high points and buy it from the crossing shop, or you have to go back to the plane of Nin and collect some more.

Are you risking such a big risk to do God's horse? Isn't it just to do a little bit more? Why is so much wasted on daily consumables? Naturally, he could only take the time to go back once at the risk of being chased by the Cthulhu.

This is the real reason for his sigh.

But just when he took out the potion and was about to pour it into his mouth, the system suddenly interrupted him, [The host's purpose is just to find a place where people gather, right? You don’t need to detect all creatures, right? Then why does the host drink so much medicine? 】

Hearing this, Lu Yuan had a faint guess about the words in the system, but he still asked, {What do you mean by Brother Six? }

[If the host wants to detect small creatures such as cockroaches and ants, the distance between the scattered magic elements must be lower than the thickness of the ant's body, otherwise it will leak through, or it may not be able to judge what it is. . 】

[But since the host just wants to find out where people are, then the distance between the two magic elements, as long as it is not greater than the distance between a person's chest and back, isn't it enough? This can save more than 90% of the magic elements, why not? 】

{Sixth brother, you are not an accountant, are you? What a chicken thief? }Although there was some speculation in his mind, Lu Yuan only thought that the system had a good way to save potions, but he couldn't imagine that the system gave such a seemingly nonsensical method.

However, while complaining, Lu Yuan still only changed from drinking to dipping, just took a drop of the potion, and began to cast the spell.

It was only when he started to cast the spell that he knew what a bad idea the system had given him. To control such a small amount of magic elements, and to make them spread as evenly as possible, it almost made Lu Yuan's brain go down.

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