Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 112: Other people's war

"Um, threaten me?" Smith raised his eyebrows and glared at the spectacle man in dissatisfaction, but he said, "Forget it, just take it as a good deed today and do a good deed every day! What are the conditions? Let me listen first. "

The man in glasses swallowed his saliva. Obviously, his previous hardness was close to his limit, but he still did not let his voice tremble as much as possible, and said, "I want you to send my wife and daughter abroad first!"

"Only do this, otherwise everything is forbidden!" Mentioned his wife and daughter, the coward who might fall to the ground just after the last straw, suddenly had infinite courage and stared at Smith with scorching eyes. .

"What am I supposed to be, that's it?" Smith chuckled, "This is easy to do. Let your wife and daughter go to your country sister to hide for two days, and someone will naturally send them to Amerika safely."

"No! Don't go to Mika!" said the man with glasses ruthlessly.

"Huh?" Smith said with sharp eyes, "Mr. Fedorov, you have to understand that as long as your wife and daughter are rescued by us, no matter which country they go to, they are all hostages in our hands. This One thing, nothing will change!"

"I know this!" The spectacles man shouted with unprecedented courage, "I just don't want them. As soon as they escaped from the wolf's den, they fell into the snake's den!"

"Humph! It doesn't make sense at all!" Smith snorted coldly, "But it doesn't matter, where do you want them to go?"

"Dechez! Or Danmark!" Feodorov said the answer smoothly, apparently planning for this a long time ago.

"Dechez?" Smith thought for a while, "All right. But, Mr. Vadim Fedorov, if you fail to give me the data, you must know what kind of future your wife and daughter will have."

"This is called a threat."

"Well, you are tattered, but TM is just a list, and you want to see the content and you need a key! What about the key?" Smith turned back to fiddle with the computer for a while, then said.

"Didn't you say you don't need these things?" Feodorov asked puzzledly.

"Huh! Even if it's useless, holding these gadgets, I am qualified to apply for the transfer of your wife and daughter. Otherwise, why do you spend so much manpower and material resources in the bureau to let them go to Danmark to enjoy?"

"Okay!" Fyodorov gritted his teeth, reached out and pulled out the USB flash drive, and slammed it to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Smith couldn't help being surprised.

Fyodorov pushed away Smith who was stopping him with one hand, and picked up the broken USB from the ground.

However, several brawny men in black suits and black sunglasses suddenly surrounded him, and in two or three strokes, Feodorov was pressed to the ground.

It was Smith who also found out what was wrong, and hurriedly stopped his bodyguards, and personally helped Feodorov on the ground.

Seeing that he had just been together, he took out the USB flash drive that was in his palm, fiddled with it a few times, and then handed it to Smith. His speech was a little airy and authentic, "You will die again. (Try again.)

After taking the USB flash drive with only the movement, Smith dubiously plugged it back into the computer. After trying it, he nodded and said, "Okay. Go down."

As the surrounding bodyguards disappeared again, Smith turned to look at Fedorov who had just knocked off his teeth, "play these tricks with me again. You self-righteous technicians!"

"Isn't it just that the access line is physically disconnected? This kind of pediatrics, thrown to the technical department, can be cracked in three or five minutes, does it make sense?"

Fyodorov, who had been scolded, just silently supported the wound on his face, and he didn't hear what Smith said.

"Huh!" Seeing him like this, Smith didn't bother to talk nonsense, and shouted at the back of the seat, "Adam! Take him to the doctor." After speaking, he left the table and walked out.

Seeing everyone leaving, Lu Yuan also walked out of the dark. After thinking about it, I still kept up with the leaving team, and asked the system at the same time,

{Sixth brother, what do they mean by the 60th innings? }

[It is the name of the number used by a certain mechanical design bureau in this city during the Cold War period in the pre-Soviet period. But that name has been changed many times, even if it is neither the real name nor the current name, it is probably the code name within the IAA. 】

[The famous T34 medium tank is the masterpiece of this so-called 60th inning in World War II. In addition, some of the T64 and T80 main battle tanks are also from him. 】

{So, the person just now is an employee of the 60th Bureau? Humph, traitor! }Lu Yuan snorted coldly.

[But maybe for him, the host who currently intends to live in Los Santos is the more evil one. ] The system said lightly.

{Is that the same? I am in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han! Although I am not in my own country, I have not harmed the interests of my country! }Lu Yuan is dissatisfied, {And after I don’t "learn", I will return to serve the motherland! }

{He works in such an important state agency and sells state secrets to foreign intelligence agencies. He is even more hateful than a spy! }

[What does the host plan to do now? ] The system asked again.

The road that has been following the convoy can't help but be taken aback. In fact, starting from that Rovwich, he just went along with the flow and followed his feelings. He really didn't have any plans.

{Uh, in fact, here in Luxin, all the previous plans have been completed, so there is nothing wrong with it. }

{However, there are a few problems. I still mind. }

{The first one, the man in black beside Andrevic. That person was mostly from the force behind Luo Shengdu. It shows that the arms dealer is probably also one of the allies of that force. }

{Second, the officer in charge of the arsenal here, the major, seems to have the same surname as the mistress of Martin Madraso in Los Santos. Is this major Madra Sokatel’s partner in Rusin? }

{In this case, will Martin Madraso have never had contact with the forces of Santo Los Angeles? }

{Third, this IAA agent here, Sam Smith. Hearing what he meant, they wanted to make a big deal in Luxin, even hurting civilians. Can't we do something? }

{Sixth brother, how about some suggestions? } Lu Yuan concluded.

【clear. 】

[The first thing, the host thinks it is easier to find out from here, or is it easier to return to Luo Shengdu? 】

{Uh, it doesn't seem to be easy. Checking here is to follow Andrević to see who he is in contact with. If there is someone from Los Santos, he will turn in and check that line until he finds it. }

{Back to Luo Shengdu, just to abandon this line and continue to have a good relationship with the hunters, until they open up information about the men in black organization to me. }

[So what was the original intention of the host to investigate the Black Organization? 】

{what? }When asked by the system, Lu Yuan realized that he didn't know when he had forgotten to track down their reasons.

After thinking about it for a long time, he remembered that it seemed that he was just a matter of chance, or regarded it as an adventure, and there was no reason to continue this investigation.

On the contrary, the hunters had quite good reasons, because the chain saw was their friend, and before that, they obviously had more historical grievances with that force.

After figuring this out, he said to the system, {Then I'll go back to Sandu Luo, follow the hunter's side, and do some strength depending on the situation? There is no need to start anew and pursue the investigation yourself? }

[This is more sensible. 】

{Ok. Then the second problem is naturally solved. What about the third point? Ruxin's possible innocent deaths and injuries? }

[Does the host want to be the savior of this face? 】The system pointed directly at the core, but Lu Yuan asked Lu Yuan directly.

{No, of course not. }Lu Yuan hurriedly said, {It's like I'm an ordinary person, and it's impossible for me to catch all the thieves alone. But if I meet one, do I have to do something? Even if I don't do it myself, I should call the police or something? }

[The host thinks, can the host himself catch this ‘thief’ now? 】

{IAA, International Affairs Agency, International Affairs Bureau, is the notorious CIA on the main plane. I definitely can't catch it by myself! }Lu Yuan scratched his head.

{You mean, call the police? But who is the police? }

[Russing official, Great Ross official, and even, you can tell the Chinese official. After all, the contradiction between Lu Xin and Da Ross is somewhat similar to the contradiction between China and the latter. Because of this, Luxing and China have a long-standing tradition of helping each other out of nowhere. 】

{Okay, when I return to Kiev, let me remind a few things. }Lu Yuan thought for a while, nodded, {but I always feel that things won't change much. }

[Of course, the international situation is always a process of long-term accumulation of a series of complex events. To a certain extent, it is like a house leaking gas. It is easy to stop an open flame, but if the ventilation is not turned off, sooner or later, it will always be exploded by the next spark. 】

After listening to the explanation of the system, Lu Yuan was silent for a long time and sighed, {This is the second time, Brother Six. }

【what? 】The system can't keep up with the long way thinking for a while.

{Counting the racial conflicts between the northerners and foreigners on the plane of Nin, the civil war that is about to break out at any time, this Ruxin's conspiracy is the second time I have come into contact with it, but there is no such thing as plugging in the phone at all! }


【The general trend of history cannot be turned back by one person. The so-called hero is only at the cusp of the tide, at the key point of the general trend, and guides the situation in order to open a new situation. 】

[These two times, the host is a complete outsider to all parties. Even if it intervenes, it is difficult to get to the point, and it is even impossible to take advantage of the general trend. 】

[This is not a host’s war. 】

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